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2 Demos

In just 1 day I tried 2 demos, which were the F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin demo and the Resident Evil 5 demo. here are my thoughts on them.

First off Resident Evil 5. This game is higly anticipated due to the fact that Resident Evil 4 was one of the best games ever. So the question Resident Evil 5 going to be as good? worse? or better than Resident Evil 4?  well I have to say that when i first saw the game i was so hyped then one thing brought me down, and that was the inventory system. Instead of having to pause to go to your inventory all you have to do is push a button and the inventory pops up in-game. cool right? wrong. This inventory system is disliked by me because...well let's say that your surrounded by enemies and you need health or need to switch weapons, well sure it doesn't take as long or doesnt disturb the gameplay but you can get hurt while your in your inventory, which makes me angry. I 100% think that there should have been 2 options for the inventory system, one for an in game inventory and one for a pause menu inventory. However the rest of the demo was amazing and i will definetly pick this up, and the inventory system will just have to be something to get used to.

Now for F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin. I played the demo and immeditialy i felt lke this game would be a rent, not a buy. this is because of the fact that it actually scared me, just a little at the part when you walk down that hallway with the lockers and stuff. The rest of the demo was just ok, and i could tell there was room for improvement. Nonetheless it was fun (well not that hallway section because i was too scared to have fun) so I think i will rent the game

Thats all for now

P.S. I am very pissed of at Bethesda, anyone know why? I will tell you why in my next blog but until then, my hint as to why is this "Fallout 3", so good luck guessing.