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The 10

A list of my ten favorite games in my collection. Keep in mind that this is my opinion and not necessarily the ten best games ever made. So when you see Twisted Metal III on there don't be too harsh. In no particular order:

List items

  • One of the first games I ever owned and the first game I ever finished 100%.

  • Well it was either this or Mario Kart or Mario 3 and it wins the spot because I just put more time into it. Those others deserve to be on this list as well but it is a top 10 not a top 15

  • My first Zelda game and the game that stayed in my game boy the longest. There may be other great Zelda games out there but you never forget your first.

  • In order to appreciate this game on the list you have to keep in mind it was one of the only game that supported the PlayStation Link Cable. My friend had two TV's and I would bring this over and we would play arena battles all day long. This was my first real competitive multiplayer experience and it was great.

  • I traded something for 3 games and this was one of them. I had never played anything like it before and it just blew my mind back in the 90's. If you weren't a part of that, then you probably wouldn't understand.

  • Yes well I warned you. You have to understand that this is one of the first games I owned for my PlayStation and as kids are known to do I played the heck out of it just because it was all I had. I know people hate it as a low point in the series but so what, I played it start to finish with every driver and sunk hours playing deathmatch with my buddies. Still one of the only games I have ever played 4 player split screen.

  • Few sequels are actually better then their predecessors. I think most people would agree that Sonic 2 is an example of this. It was just a better game and the high point of the franchise.

  • Some people played Final Fight, I played Streets of Rage. The music is still awesome, and it was yet another great 2-player game.

  • GTA:III may have broken the mold when it came out but it was still rough around the edges, this game is the polished version. The setting alone sold me instantly and anytime I hear Bark at the Moon I will remember driving around in this game.

  • They may be fake plastic instruments but you sure felt cool as hell using them. I will always remember this game because it is one of the few I played with my mom and those memories with her will always make me smile