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Totally honestly...

I think that Epic is like the EA of the game engine world.

They have spent the last 5 years hoovering up all the cheaper indy engines in order to eliminate any competition, and then released the UE3 engine prematurely, offering little to no support.

But on the other side of the coin, this was wholly evident for people to see, Dyack really shouldnt have wasted all that timer and money on it and should have just built his own engine (or chosen another) from the beginning.

Too Human seems to be another one of those games that could have been amazing, but due to some bad design choices, engine trouble, and general ignorance/bad business choice has been compromised. I will file it in the same box as games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl and Alone in The Dark. Although I will probably buy it anyway sooner or later, probably when it's £9.99 on