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C4's top 10 of 2014

I had a very busy 2014 and the last 3 months in particular where a shit show and I didn't get through many holiday releases till after Christmas. But 2015 has began so my mad dash to play all the games I missed in 2014 has reached the deadline I set for myself and finished or not (really not) its time for this list.

Honorable mentions

Kingdom rush frontiers- my mobile game of the year, the levels take quite a while to play so its not as pick up and play as you'd want a mobile game to be.

luftrausers- good fun, great music but not very deep.

FTL advance edition- this would be high on my list but I played much more of the original version. wont call this a new game.

Hitman go- great idea faultlessly executed.

Trials fusion- forgot this came out this year, thats probable not a good thing. When I was playing it i really enjoyed it.

Wolfenstein: the new order- 20 mins in and I wanted to turn it off, 40 mins in and I wanted to turn it off, I blinked and it was 4 hours later and I was having a great time. Never was a fan of the series but being able to choose stealth over loud throughout is also fantastic. there are no memorable characters from this game and the protagonist is stupid.

Metal gear Solid V: ground zeros- I consider it a demo, even though it was not free and was awesome. bring on phantom pain.

Game I played but didnt like

Smash bros 3ds- hate it every bit as much a I like the wiiu version.

Games from 2014 im yet to play and may secure a place on this list

Shadow of mordor- mate told me this was great when it was released but at the time i was midway through assassins creed IV and didint want to play another ubisoft towerclimb game, I will get to it.

Tropical freeze- loved diddy kongs quest, should love this.

List items

  • How the fuck did we get here, I'm a grown ass man and a game based of a cartoon is my 2014 game of the year. With countless perfect call backs and solid engineering this game was as perfect as a south par game could be bravo.

  • fantastic game, played the xbox one version of this in February and loved every minute of it, shame they took two dumps on the series this year.

  • best mario kart in years, great fun.

  • the Xbox one version of this is dope, love the first person additions.

  • in at five as a placeholder, played about an hour with my brothers loved what i played

  • Im one of the few people that prefer this to the original horizon, its a great game in the same fantastic engine that was used for the fantastic forza 5.

  • after the shit show that is ghosts I assumed my time with call of duty games was done with. but no they pulled a rabbit out the hat and proved a AAA budget can make a dying series live strong again.

    Easily the best call of duty game since modern warfare 2, that said I still play the zombie mode from black ops often and love it.

  • I bought the 3ds version and hated it, but the wiiu version on a full size tv plays great. being able to play without a tv on the game pad is also a great touch.

  • Resident evil 4 was a masterpiece and this game to me was in part at least a spiritual successor, I enjoyed what I played, I am yet to finish it though. the story is retarded but in all honesty so was re4.

  • probably the best atmosphere of the year, also the second game to be immersive enough that I felt the onset of motion-sickness, I'm only 3 hours in but its already earned its place and can only go up.