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Ramping up to Xboxone release!

With barely 2 months before the new consoles drop I have recently started on the path..or well..done as much until release date hits.

Over the last few weeks work has REAL long. In the last two weeks alone I clocked 100 hours compared to my normal 60 in two weeks. Course we can go into the rewards of that later.

Lets start on recent events.

I got my two new posters hung up.

The BlackFlag one is amazing. Sadly not having a big room has taken a toll and these are the only two I can hang up right now.

Next up I got my car bumper fixed. My college classes is in an area FILLED with potholes and my bumper had to be removed a few months back. However recently a few screws and hard work got it reattached firmly.

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The next big event was that I had finely saved up to get a new T.V my last one being a 24 inch 720p toshiba I was able to nab something nice at wallmart.

42 inch 1080p LG

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*router has also been moved to my room giving me a 60mbps download and 30 upload*

The change is amazing simply amazing. I can now see all the jaggyness in the Xbox menus.

And last! I have fully finished paying off my day one Xboxone along with Watch_Dogs,AC4 and BF4. Along with a pair of Turtle Beach X04 headsets.

Well thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed my short and spaztiscly written Blog.

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