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Best of 2010

TheLeamenator: Best of 2010

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  • With this game, the long-awaited spiritual sequel to Red Dead Revolver from Rockstar, the entirety of the western genre of fiction is summed up in 20 hours of some of the most engaging gameplay and storytelling ever committed not only to video games, but to every kind of entertainment there is. From the varied cast of zany characters, to the epic shootouts, to the wonderful Morricone-esque soundtrack, to the vast & beautifully rendered game world that expands three different western territories, there is so much to be praised in this game. And I believe that, regardless of how you feel about "old stuff", this game is a game that absolutely everyone should play. It's a cliched statement, I know, but it completely applies here. Look passed the aged weaponry if that's a problem and just enjoy the idea of being a tough-as-nails badass in the old west, and you should enjoy the game (you fucking better). Five stars out of five stars.

  • Dark, mysterious, and foreboding, this game is much less about the playing and more about the experiencing; the experiencing of a silhouetted art direction & a minimalist sound design.

  • If you like Star Wars, anime, hot chicks, & boss battles, this Suda 51 directed video game by Grasshopper Manufacture is just the game you need.

  • I hadn't played the first one when I picked up this Bioware game only recently for $17.99. I must say now, after putting a good 50 hours into that game, the price I paid was a complete steal. I paid approximately twenty dollars for something that should be worth one hundred and fifty dollars. I don't need to say anymore. If you haven't played it yet, just go pick it up and you'll see what I mean.

  • A game that is much less a game and more of an "interactive drama" that proves video games can be viewed as art. I know this video game/art topic is a touchy subject, but it's hard to deny that Heavy Rain has a really left an impact on the game industry. It replaces over-bearing gameplay with simply control mechanics and leaves you with a controllable tale of love & hate that pushes the boundaries of how to tell stories in video games, oozing with emotion and real-life violence. A fantastic game that should be played in French with English subtitles (the voice acting is much better).