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Popular games that I hate in genres that I love

These are games that I should love, but I don't.  Games that are seemingly made just for me, but I reject them for whatever reason.  Games that everyone else seems to love, but I refuse to jump on the bandwagon no matter how fast I run after it.

List items

  • I'm a strategy game whore. Shining Force III is one of my all-time favorites (well ep. 1, at least, damn you Sega!), Advance Wars is the bomb (but not the Giant Bomb), but Final Fantasy Tactics is a trainwreck of a game and I honestly can't get past an hour in. And I even like the main FF games. What's my problem?

  • I'm huge into old LucasArts adventure games like Secret of Monkey Island and Space Quest, and Broken Sword is one of the most beloved adventure games of all times. Why do I hate it? I don't know. Maybe it's because the game makes me feel stupid at every turn?

  • Everything about this game says I will love it. I've tried playing it, started and stopped about ten times without making it past 3-4 hours in. I have a hard time even pointing out what I find wrong with it. It just rubs me the wrong way at seemingly every turn.

  • I like everything about this game, except the playing it part. I did manage to make it about 10 hours in on one attempt, but man if it doesn't get bogged down in systems. It's sort of pretending to be just like those action rpg's I love (Diablo, Dungeon Siege, Torchlight), but I just can't get through all the "stuff" in the game. Ugh. I want to like it. No seriously, I do.

  • GTA III was a revelation for me. I played the hell out of that game and loved every second of it. Vice City, the same. I usually dig open world games. But every time I pull up my PS3 trophies list, there it is. My GTA IV 10% trophy completion that shows the first 25% of the game that I finished. I can't bring myself to put it back in. More ugh.

  • Man, I don't know what people see in this game. I was so stoked for it, too, after loving MGS2. But something about being in the forest (yep, I never got past that part) made it such a drag to play. Maybe that's why I didn't understand a damn thing that was going on in MGS4? Oh, no, that's just Kojima's storytelling.

  • I don't care what people say about this game, I still feel betrayed by it and I want a real Resident Evil game. Why did pre-rendered backgrounds go the way of the dodo? Pre-rendered backgrounds in HD would be incredible. Resident Evil 4 isn't a bad game, it just feels so meh in every way compared to the earlier games.

  • Morrowind is one of my all-time favorite games, put in 300 hours on that game, but it seemed like Oblivion ruined so many great things about it. Cities were now separately loaded, which meant you couldn't fly in the game. The UI was atrocious. Your map was pointing in the direction of your quest objective at all times which destroyed the sense of figuring things out. Major cities could be fast-traveled to from the get-go which did away with the exploration of Morrowind. And don't even get me started on the oblivion gates. This game makes me sad. To be fair, I played the whole thing and still found it to be a great game, just such a departure from Morrowind that the overall experience felt like a huge step backwards.

  • Love Baldur's Gate, love Kotor, love Mass Effect, I should love this game. But it really feels different and I didn't enjoy playing it at all. Maybe it's the theme, or the fact the story seems incredibly lame in comparison to the aforementioned games. I own it on Steam, and I plan on trying again at some point.

  • GoldenEye is one of those games that everyone realizes you can't back and play anymore. Partly because of the visuals, but mostly the controls in a pre dual analog stick world. But I was kind of already there when the game came out. All my friends wanted to play it constantly, but I was just overcome with the feeling that the game was shit. Probably because I was playing Unreal Tournament and Half-life on my PC so I didn't see what all the hub-bub was.