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#1  Edited By Tiwi

:-P I'm going to be that, so yeah... physics is kickass.

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#2  Edited By Tiwi
@buft: Who doesn't?  Do you buy games based solely on your first  impressions? pedigree gives a baseline for what you can expect, it's also a good way to determine if they game is going to be as good as they're saying its going to be.
Take bungie; do you think that you would have played Halo 2 if the original Halo wasn't good? what about Halo 3, or ODST? ODST was supposed to be different, and it turned out pretty good. 
The Atlus team has been making games for a long time, I trust them with my dollar. not to say if it comes out and people tell me it's shit, then of course i won't buy it. but there's something in having some sort of trust in them, especially when they're making such a radically different game.
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#3  Edited By Tiwi
@Laketown: you're right, but again nostalgia and having played crisis core, makes it more believable, at least it sets up some of the story elements. THOUGH advent children then goes ahead and punches you in the gut for believing in the continuity.
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#4  Edited By Tiwi
@buft said:

" @OneManX said:

" @buft said:

" @blacklabeldomm said:
" @Lemoncookie01 said:
" @buft said:
" it looks awful "
Not sure if it really applies don't you think? "
im not really hating i just don't like the look of the gameplay, story premise is ok but does the world really need a modern day Q-bert with all the side story stuff? I'm willing to give this game the benefit of the doubt when the developer comes straight out and admits it threw this together to sell more units on the back of its Persona success. Appreciate you seeing where im coming from on this, i did watch the quick look and i didn't like what i saw.  "
You do know that Persona 4 came like 3-4 years ago right?  And we dont know much about the story, unless you are fluent in Japanese (and if you are, more power to you) But I'd rather see the full game, instead of a demo that was never intended to be played by the Western audience. "
When did i mention persona 4? persona 3 was rereleased ;ast year and persona 2 is being remade for a release this year. I'm talking about brand loyalty not just one game and why do i need to be fluent in japenese to see that the gameplay just isnt there to carry a full game, that platforming stuff wouldnt convince me to by a playstation mini. "
Ok  Hold your fucking horses. Point 1: Have you even fucking tried to play persona 2? acknowledging that's a hard question, mainly because it's 2 games, and in one of them the last boss is hitler. But if you don't know how hard it is to actually play through such hardcore dungeoncrawlers as both eternal punishment and even the original SMT: persona is, then you shouldn't complain about them "selling more units on the back of its persona success". if someone buys that game expecting to get persona 3 or 4, then they've made a mistake they'll never do again. 
Point 2: Who buys a playformer, on the basis that the company which made it is good at making JRPGs? I'll tell you who, crazy people. But, who buys a platformer, based on that the company which made it are great at making enthralling and diverse characters and a fantastically engaging narrative? Everyone who loves a good story.
You think people who bought persona 4 only played it because they liked the game mechanics? Hell no they didn't. they bought it because they knew they would have a rewarding experience playing through it to the end, and reaching a fulfilling and captivating conclution. 
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#5  Edited By Tiwi
@Laketown said:
" @tiwi said:
" @EuanDewar said:

Mostly because it was the first 3D Final Fantasy and at the time a tad minblowing. Now though it looks as impressive as lego characters on a C64. 
And also cmon dude, Nostalgia. Its Nostalgia. Most older games are loved because of nostalgia. "

Make sure to differentiate nostalgia, from actual depth and playability. There are games who are still nostalgic, but are fully playable and competent games. I concur though, FFVII isn't as good as FFVI or even FF4. It feels clunky and it's an absolute horror to look at. But, the story is still decent and the game play is still ok compared to most JRPG's today. "
I would disagree about the story. It had a nice atmosphere though, mainly because of the music I feel "
You don't find the story even decent? It's got enough depth to where you can read into characters personalities, and the story is both engaging and interesting, though it lags and struggles to move forward at times (mostly at the start of the game, until about 20 mins after you meet Areis). And even though there's some cases of "deus ex machina" it's as I've said, at least competent or decent. The graphics is one of the only reasons why the game isn't really relevant anymore, but at the time it was amazing.
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#6  Edited By Tiwi
@EuanDewar said:

Mostly because it was the first 3D Final Fantasy and at the time a tad minblowing. Now though it looks as impressive as lego characters on a C64. 
And also cmon dude, Nostalgia. Its Nostalgia. Most older games are loved because of nostalgia. "

Make sure to differentiate nostalgia, from actual depth and playability. There are games who are still nostalgic, but are fully playable and competent games.
I concur though, FFVII isn't as good as FFVI or even FF4. It feels clunky and it's an absolute horror to look at. But, the story is still decent and the game play is still ok compared to most JRPG's today.
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#7  Edited By Tiwi

i bet it's not a GB reference. so something like his top score is JEF.
did i get it? do i win?

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#8  Edited By Tiwi
@valrog: that's not what i recall. they were releasing new chars prior to this once a month if we were lucky. lux for example, after her there was a month break, at least.
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#9  Edited By Tiwi
@CheapPoison: actually, you would only have to play on average 21 matches for a 6300 champion. and at the rate they're releasing these champions, one every 2 months. You should be able to get them all fairly easily.
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#10  Edited By Tiwi

I totally murdered that dudes mother. and then I totally got it on with morrigan. Totally worth it.