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Edited By Tomba_be

@y2ken said:

Always great having Peter on!

One quick request: I'm super into the numbering and naming of podcast episodes, but could we get a date on them somewhere also just for reference? I know Brad says it at the top of the show, but would be a nice thing to have somewhere in the text also.

Seconded. 'I remember them talking about a podcast in the summer of 2016', would be a good way to find a conversation back when there were dates, with just numbers it's way more difficult.

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Edited By Tomba_be

I remember buying this game like 5 years ago. I've still got the news RSS feed in Firefox called Starfarer. It only had the one solar system with no story at all, just random combat trying to catch any fleet smaller than yours, but fleeing any fleet larger. But the combat mechanics were so awesome I must have played it for 50 hours. There was (is?) also al pretty good modding scene that was creating more content back then. If I can still remember where the serial I bought is, I hope this game comes out soon because I'd love to play the complete version. Hopefully the attention from GB generates the one guy making it some extra money. The news feed of the updates is always very interesting if you are interested in the thoughts that go into game development.

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HOWTO: Implement cross-platform multiplayer with XBOX Live:

  1. Pay $100 000 one time setup fee
  2. Pay $10 000 per month for server rentals
  3. All multiplayer traffic for your game must go through MS servers
  4. MS reserves the right to disable servers at any moment in time

I'm not saying that this is true, but MS has been known to add severe restrictions (eg Launch parity) to developers. A scheme like this could also provide MS with a way to make money of the PS4 success.

Hopefully it's just a simple "connect to this interface for XBL player data, do with it what you want after that" solution.

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So Dan, with the help a bunch of advisors and thousands of playtesters, makes three levels. Patrick beats 2 of them by himself, and only because he set himself an extra challenge with a time limit on the third level, does not beat the third one. The only thing that got him to "quit", was the time limit he placed on it himself. Since it was that time limit that beat him and not the level/Dan, Patrick still wins, I guess?

I seem to remember it's a common thing in wrestling to have a whole group of bad guys bum rush one good guy. The good guy manages to take out a bunch of the bad guys, but gets defeated in the end so the main bad guy wins. I guess Dan "wins" by "wrestling standards"? Which means all of it was just a badly acted joke or something?

Besides that, this resulted in some awesome content, so thanks for that!

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As someone who really, really liked FF7, but has not been desperately wishing for a remake, I was expecting some of these changes. When it got announced, my thoughts were "wow, I would really love to play an updated version of that game, but when will I ever find time to finish it?!". But after thinking about it for a few minutes I realised the direction FF games have been going recently was so far away from the systems in FF7, the remake would definitely be going the same route. After all, the developer thinks the current systems in FF games are better, right? But I don't like those systems, and even though I like FF7's story, I have no interest in playing itagain with a combat system that I dislike, even when they don't "update" the plot (which they will) to appeal to a younger audience.

Thank you Square Enix for making about a hundred hourse of game-time available for other games!

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Edited By Tomba_be

Dan in this video claiming that "buying stuff to look cool is dumb".

Dan on UPF: "I love brands, brands are cool!"

Dan's T-shirt 99% of the time: something obviously branded: movies or bands, which he wears to.... look cool! I'm quite sure there are cheaper T-shirts that don't have bands or movies on them...

But when DAN wears things to look cool, it's because of what they represent. When anyone else does it, it's because they are dumb. That must make sense to at least one person in the world, but probably only to that one person.

And yes people, even Dan, are entitled to their opinions. But if an opinion is "other people's opinions are wrong if I dont like them!" you deserve to be mocked for your opinion. No tolerance for intolerance.

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Fun episode. I tried Fultoning the truck before the Skulls noticed me quite a few times, but whenever I did, they destroyed the balloon immediately. I guess I never got them to go so far away from the truck.

But since I had Quiet with an upgraded rifle by then, I just hid somewhere in the hills and told her to fire at will. Took a while but she shot all of the Skulls down. Skulls missions suck imo.

Also, I love her humming!

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Edited By Tomba_be

So will the inevitable write-off also be tax deductible? Because at the current profit levels of King (which have been descending), it will take 10 years to pay for this purchase. I predict Activision closing down almost all development of King IP in 5 years. Probably some of the employees will remain to pump out horrible mobile games to accompany more popular Activision titles.

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@rigas said:
@superjoe said:

Dan must've played this entire game while watching wrestling in the background.

Dan must've [Almost any activity Dan does] while watching wrestling in the background.

Fixed it for you.

Dan must've been watching wrestling while doing [Almost any other activity Dan does] in the background.

Fixed it better.

If he played MGS in the foreground, he would have picked up way more of the basic gameplay mechanics.

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I've never played any MGS games, but I what I got from watching this series was "well these games seem to play like shit, how did they ever get so popular?". I have played MGS V, but after watching episodes like this one, I realize it might have just been Dan + Drew playing all those games that makes them look so bad? If I hadn't played MGS V and just seen this series, I would have thought this was a bad game as well.

Someone at GB must read these comments right? In the first episodes about half of them were about how Dan was giving Drew the worst possible information, while other comments still had trust that Drew was smart enough to figure things out on his own after a while. Now 90% is about Dan forcing a playstyle Drew clearly does not like and actively preventing anything sensible (and only because this episode had some Quiet discussion, because otherwise 95% of the comments would have been about Dan's "advice"). I don't think there is any hope left for this to change based on them reading the comments unfortunately, because something would have improved by now. So the viewers are not enjoying it, Drew clearly isn't enjoying it, I imagine Jason is probably cutting himself in the editing room out of sheer frustration,.... only Dan still seems to like this. I really hope they still try to fix this series by getting someone else in there instead of Dan. I know this was his idea and all, but sometimes you need to let your child grow up without you instead of smothering it. Someone explaining to Drew there are other ways to play this game would help tremendously. If he does not like stealth games, he can Rambo it up as much as he want for all I care. But then he should stop equipping for and playing this half-ass stealth gameplay and just go in there kicking ass from the first second. And like someone else already said, play it like any other third person action game: take cover and be at least somewhat aware of your enemies location...