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Gaming Goals #1: April 2023

I want to set some goals for myself to help me stay on track with gaming. I have a hard time keeping focus due to my large collection and backlog, plus all of the great new games coming out. My first goal was going to be Forma Excalibur in Warframe for my build but I already did that today since it is a double XP weekend in Warframe. April is also the start of my busy time at work so it is possible I will fail all of these lol. I will update my progress through blogs. This weekend is the Diablo Iv beta.

Main Game:

1) High on Life---This is my next main game playthrough up, I wanted something fairly quick (compared to FF VII which I just completed) My goal here is to beat the game and get all the achievements doable in about 20 hours or so of gameplay. 1000/1000 should be easy enough to get just taking a quick glance at the list. My first run I always will just do whatever and then go back for achievements or trophies. Giving myself a deadline to get 100% by the end of April. I can probably do that quicker but MLB the show is coming out this week plus other stuff I want to mix in here and there.

Secondary Games:

2) MLB The Show 23---Coming out this week, will play on gamepass. Looks like easy trophies/cheeves, but I will mostly play Diamond Dynasty First probably and other modes. No real goals here other than enjoying the game. My favorite and probably the best sports title out there every year.

3) Fifa 23--I already have most of the trophies I want in this, but I want to play a little more online before I shelf it. My online ranked record is 7-0 right now, I want to play another 25 games before the end of April and see what my record is. I have not enjoyed Fifa as much over the years. I would play 100's hours every year from like 06-2015 and since then its just gone downhill.

4) Missle Command---Atari/Evercade---I picked up an evercade vs and EXP but haven't played either yet. I want to set them up and try to set a high score in Missile command for the 2600. No real ending to the game so not sure how long this will hold my attention for, but I at least want to try and set a score.

5) Super Mario Bros--NES--I want to play this on the switch online (since I rarely play the switch) and beat the game without warps. I have never beaten the first Mario but of course played it a ton growing up. I enjoy SMB 3 more of course, but I figured I would run through the Mario games and here is where to start. I want to play at least once every other week and maybe get a beat run by the end of April

6) Crypt of the Necrodancer--Switch/PS4---I have both versions, I at least want to play it a couple times and try to put some runs together. A game I always wanted to play but never got around to it. I doubt I will get too many trophies on ps4 (they are tough) so might just play on switch. Want to play this 3-4 times before end of April.

7) Genshin Impact---I started playing Genshin a couple months ago and it really took a backseat to warframe/overwatch and other games. I would like to continue with it, and I am going to make an effort to play it once a week in april for at least a couple hours.

8) NHL 23/NBA 23---Playing through player careers in both games....they are both okay I enjoy the gameplay but some of the career storylines not so much. I just want to continue on, and I think NBA is a way better game so I will likely play some of that. I usually play these types of games while watching sports/videos ect. Or listening to tunes just to chill. No real Goal here other than to make more progress.

9) Overwatch 2/Halo Infinite/MW2----These have been my primary shooters/online games for the past 2 years lol...Im kinda over all of them, but not ruiling out that I will play some more of either one of these. OW2 is the best of these, Halo is pretty good, MW 2 is just meh. Im kinda over wasting my life on multiplayer games but might make an effort in the next month to play a couple times.