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Gaming Update 1

Well I thought I would do a gaming update blog here for giant bomb, and probally paste it over to gs.  As far as gaming goes I have been doing a good amount of it.  First of note is that I beat Metal Gear Solid 1 earlier this week.  The last boss fight against metal gear took me a good 2 hours on the easy difficulty.  Yes, I will be playing through it again on the harder levels.  I also started Metal Gear Solid 2 yesterday and played about 2 and a half hours worth.  So far I like the first one a little better, but the graphics in the second one are leaps and bounds greater than the first.  I was also disappointed to find out that solid snake isn't the main playable character in MGS 2.  Overall I am rating the game as of now 4 stars out of 5 or a 8.5/10. 

As far as the rest of playstation goes I have been doing a lot of the extra stuff in GTA 4 including vigilante missions and so on.  My overall play time in that including online is  over 105 hours.  I also have been playing a little bit of fifa 08, and i want to play more of it as you all should know that if i am a fanboy of anything its fifa or soccer games in general.

As also earlier in a previous blog mentioned I was playing Turok.  I was pretty harsh on the multiplayer aspect of the game but after playing it a lot it has grown on me, partially do to the fact that I am winning nearly every match.  I havent played the single player much but I will be moving into that part of the game after I get the 500 player kills achievement for multiplayer.  I also have been playing a lot of rock band as I want to finish all the drum tours before I head to college again so I dont have to transport the akward drum set.  I am 10 songs into the hard tour.  Me and my sis are also very close to finishing all the gigs in band world tour.

As far as the WII goes I have been playing a little bit of Final Fantasy My Life As A King.  It is def a different game but it is still pretty enjoyable, and relaxing to play.  I still want to play more brawl and mario kart but i havent found the time.  I am also working my way throuhg final fantasy III ds and am almost done the game.

Well thats about it.