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White Wedding: Photo of the Day 11-07-10

Because I don't blog enough here is my new thing. Photo of the Day: 

...And there it was. 
No, seriously, This is something I started on facebook a few days ago and the picture can be of anything, it just needs to be uploaded on the same day it was shot. By anything, I mean anything. Myself. A cat. The street. The ocean. Your Mom. Hardcore Pornography. A fluffy cloud. Combinations of all these things and more. 
Why? Well, as stated above, because I don't blog enough, or at least that's why it's here. I originally started it because a few years ago I bought an expensive Handycam and well...haven't really used it that much. It's not worth breaking out video until I've bought my new laptop and editing software so pictures seemed like a good (albeit the only) choice. 
One photo a day, for as long as I have any willpower left in me. 
Here's what you missed by not loving me on facebook: 

Caption: Considering I have to walk 4 miles home from work more or less every day, it's a real relief whenever the sky becomes as entertaining as it does at dawn. I really love the orangey-red appearance that the clouds take early in the morning in the summer and I specifically adore the way all the plants and objects in the foreground are silhouetted by the camera in this picture. It feels so much more mysterious than the road I walk down actually is.     

Caption: Ok, this may seem like an odd one, but check out the road marking outside the house. What the hell? Not only does it just make the street seem kinda tacky but I have serious doubts as to the legality of it. It's also not as if anybody but the home owners have EVER parked there...
Oh, and no fucking way am I doing these dates in the American format. It's DD/MM/YY 

DD ! / MM ! / YY !
