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I find it funny and amazing that anyone actually wants Brad and Dan to "learn the game."

Why the hell do you want that? Part of the reason why these videos are so much is because they don't know what their doing. That's the point.

Having Brad actually learn the game, would imho ruin this series and make them into standard QL and/or walk-throughs.

Why does anyone want that???

Because in this case "learning the game" means "learning the basic mechanics of how the game functions" rather than speedrunning it with the most efficient strategies. There are some humorous moments that come from them bumbling around like idiots, sure, but it's just so frustrating to see them completely fail to grasp the core mechanics of a video game. I don't think Brad has ever once looked at the minimap while playing.

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Dan's whole "I just want everything 100% fair and square even stevens no advantages for either player, BUT ALSO LET ME WHINE AND BE A HUGE PEDANT ABOUT ASININE REASONS WHY I SHOULD GET A BUNCH OF HALF-CREDIT THAT ADDS UP TO BE MORE THAN THE OTHER GUY EVEN THOUGH HE ACTUALLY BEAT ME" schtick is really annoying