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First Impressions: Turok

Turok Screenshot
I saw this game for $19.99 at a bargain bin at my local Best Buy here in San Antonio and I had wanted to try this game out for a while, but not for full price. After playing for about 2 hours, I have some initial impressions about exactly how this game is gonna turn out:

+The game starts off almost exactly like Halo's first level after the initial cut scene. I don't know how to describe it, but it just felt exactly like that opening level where you as Masta Cheef rush to get to the bridge, it was kind of like that but in reverse because you were trying to get out of the ship.
+ Fighting Dinosours is really awesome at first, but then becomes a huge chore.
+ You run faster with a knife.
+ Unreal Engine makes things purdy.

-Knife beats EVERYTHING! One hit kills for everything that I've seen so far in the game.
-Bow is NOT a stealth weapon.
-AI is useless for friendlies.
-Frustrating checkpoint system makes mistakes a big deal.
-You learn all of the above the hard way