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Like a cigarette in the mouth...

We’ve all had first days before, I mean, every year through grade school we’ve had 12 first days, all equally terrifying in their own right up until high school, where it becomes more of a reunion than a scary first day.

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Today was a new lesson in first-days, it was a new type of day that you can only have as a freshman in college. Yet, somehow, I strode into my first class today at 11 AM with a sense of calm and of confidence. Perhaps it was that no one knew me, so there were no indications of who I was, or that I blogged. Perhaps I’m just a confident person. Whatever it may be, it was a good feeling. Walking into a 500-person auditorium for class is a lot like watching a movie. You observe more than you participate. A departure I find welcome from High School. I’d rather watch.

Well, I’m sitting here in one of three main buildings waiting for my second class of the day (and I only have two) and then at 3 I’ll go to the café for some grub, then back to the house to chill and play some Castle Crashers. I hope it’s good, because I need more games than Braid, GTA IV, and UNO to keep me busy in the evening. God knows no girls will talk to me. I hope you guys visit some of the content I’ve posted below too, there’s some good stuff in there I think.