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Possibly the darkest and most hate-fueled blog I've ever written.

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SpongeBob's Atlantis Squarepantis

( Why the hell do I find myself writing about this?) I think we all know that I don't like SpongeBob, and if you couldn't immediately tell that this was mediocre shovelware, then I hereby rescind your status of gamer. You have abused it for too long. Granted, I'm abusing it right now by even mentioning this, but....wait, where was I going with this? Rather than figure that out, I might as well get on with the show, even though that show sucks ass so hard that doctors can't tell if it's choking or constipated.

For those wondering what the hell a SquarePantis is, this game holds no answers. It's based off a 30 minute special that holds the exact same amount of answers, so I honestly have no idea why this game has such a dumb name. All I know is this: SpongeBob and Patrick begin the game blowing bubbles. Somehow, this lands the duo in a cave with a broken medal. Somehow, this lands that at a museum, with Squidward amazed at their piece of shit medal. I know how they got to these places, but good luck finding it in the game. This thing is so effing abridged that it should be called SpongeBob: The Abridged Series. (Curiously, I looked that up on YouTube, and it turns out that that's a thing, and it sucks just as hard as the actual show.) Although for an Abridged Series, I did notice something very weird: what wasn't abridged was startlingly accurate. Almost all of the dialogue was ripped verbatim from the actual episode, meaning the people behind this game watched the episode and know how it unfolds. This begs the question of why there's so much cut from the game. It just makes the bullet ridden plot make no sense, and for what? Most of the levels are just you bullshitting around, waiting for the next scene ripped from the show, so what's the point?

  Was this game fan translated or something? Why is the font so screwed up?
 Was this game fan translated or something? Why is the font so screwed up?
In fact, now that I think about it, the game's defining feature is bullshit. Every screen feels like the Arise series of terrible Flash games: the exit is right in front of you, but to get to the exit, you have to press switches to open doors to press switches to open doors ad infinitum. Later in the game, it can get really confusing where you are in a level, since there are more doors and switches than there are levels. Add to this a partner system, and...actually, no, I can see how somebody would be able to finish this. More on that later, though. Right now, the partner system. The designers made the wise decision of placing a character next to SpongeBob for the entire game; if it was just the little yellow turd, I'd spend all my time directing him into pits, forcing him to question what kind of cruel god would derive joy from his suffering. I am that type of cruel god. Don't like it? I can always switch you out for another character and ignore your existence. The only time I can't really do that is in the "we'll feed you the instructions line for fucking line" boss battles, since SpongeBob is the only character with a long range attack (they really want us to like him, don't they?). Fortunately, there aren't a lot of boss battles in this game, so most of the time, it feels like a dumbed down version of Sonic Advance 3, or like the level designers for The Lost Vikings genuinely weren't trying. In fact, go play those games instead of this one.

What, you want more reasons to do what I said? How about how I'm the FUCKING KING OF VIDEO GAMES!? That's not enough to convince you? How about this: those other games I listed have some type of challenge. This one does not. At all. Period. I've already mentioned how the boss battles are so easy that the bosses will literally do the work for you, but what about the regular enemies? Turns out that they die in one or two hits. Meanwhile, SpongeBob just won't die. I tried to kill him multiple times, but the bastard just refuses to curl up and die. Part of the problem is that there's a stat progression system in place. Whenever you kill enemies, you can absorb their power to make yourself more powerful. I see no issue with this and the characterization of SpongeBob. However, I do take issue with how the system becomes useless after the first level or two, since everything becomes so weak that it becomes pointless for SpongeBob to harness the power of their deaths. Nothing will be able to kill you, yet death will follow your every step. The only decent challenge I encountered was in the terrible mini-games that occasionally interrupt the actual game and outstayed their welcome on their first frame, but that's probably because I honestly didn't care whether or not Patrick and Mr. Krabs completed a poor man's Arkanoid, or if SpongeBob got his face bashed into walls for five minutes. Actually, that last one was pretty good, since it meant I could expose SpongeBob to even more bodily harm than I normally expose him to.

  And there's no chance you'll ever stop, you terrible monstrosities.
 And there's no chance you'll ever stop, you terrible monstrosities.
Perhaps I haven't made it clear: I HATE SPONGEBOB AND EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM. I know that I've touched on this before, but I want to go in-depth and outline every single reason why I hate this yellow piece of shit. First, let's go into the obvious: horrible Asian stereotypes. What, that wasn't obvious? Anyway, some analysis: he's yellow, he has buck teeth, he's always in a suit & tie, and the bastard can't drive. Why not make him good at math while you're at it? You dirty motherfuckers. You actually made him good at math!? What kind of racist assholes are you? I'm guessing that there's some super obscure stereotype that they applied to SpongeBob just to piss off Asia. *looks for said stereotype* Oh my fucking god, they actually did it. Let me set things up: Squidward hates his job at the Krusty Krab. He knows that it sucks working there, and he's not afraid to tell Mr. Krabs about it. His employer's response? "Shut the fuck up! Look at SpongeBob. He's not complaining about it, so it can't be as bad as you're saying. Now get back to work, you worthless pile of shit." Do you have that in your mind? Replace SpongeBob with "Asian Americans" and Squidward with "African Americans" ( oddly somewhat natural), and suddenly, any episode in the Krusty Krab takes on a much darker tone. These are all real things.

Then again, the show has already taken a darker tone when the writers decided to make SpongeBob an infallible asshole. No matter what he does (to Squidward), we, the audience, must empathize and root for this cock. Hell, he could even burn somebody's house down, and we're supposed to laugh alongside him. In fact, he did burn somebody's house down. I'd link you to the episode where he does it, but I honestly don't feel like navigating Nickelodeon's horrible site, so I'll leave it at this: he lures Squidward into his house, knocks him unconscious, and then burns his fucking house down. I am not making any of this up. How can you top something like that? I know: destroy the one thing that brings joy to somebody's life. In enters a terrible episode (but not the worst; that will come later) named "The Cephalopod Lodge." It begins with Squidward happy. SpongeBob notices this. His first thought? "What unnatural sorcery brought this state of affairs about? Clearly, this is an error that I must personally fix." And he does. He destroys the one thing that gave Squidward's life joy and meaning. These are not my words; these are the words Squidward says to SpongeBob in the episode. But does the little yellow dickhead take this to heart? Hell no! He continues to pester and annoy the one person who has every right to despise and hate this shitstain. And to make things worse, there's an episode where Squidward actually becomes less miserable and enjoyable to be around. SpongeBob's response to this? "I am top dog around here, motherfucker! Stop being so goddamn happy and know your place, you sorry little fuck!"

  The writers hate kids so much that they buy bull castration kits and wait in the world's restrooms.
 The writers hate kids so much that they buy bull castration kits and wait in the world's restrooms.
But don't think that SpongeBob is all about shit like being an unaware asshole or torturing other characters. Hell no. This show also does utterly terrible plots that make zero sense. I could go for the obvious shit, like when a monster arrives and nothing happens, or when a squirrel gets confusingly naked, somehow, but I'll aim for the big guns instead. First, the surfing episode. Yes, there is a surfing episode in a show that's set underwater. The premise is this: the major characters are trapped on an island with a cast of completely forgettable and lame characters, and the only way off the island is to surf back to Bikini Bottom. I'm not sure why they can't just build a fucking boat, but that's not the worst problem that this episode has. Remember that part about it having an underwater ocean that must be crossed? I'd say that they forgot a major aspect of the show (the underwater part), but I'll talk about that later. Right now, I'll just leave it at the fact that they promised one of the characters would die. Immediately, we know that it's going to be the Johnny Depp "is that supposed to be a fish" character, but hold onto that thought for a second. Sure, he does get sacrificed, but a minute or two later...what the fuck is this? He comes back to life for no reason? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, SHOW!?

You think that's the worst the series has to offer, don't you? Don't worry; the worst is yet to come. Two words: "Dear Vikings." This has to be the worst episode in the entire fucking series. It begins with Mr. Krabs starting a Viking-themed promotional special for his restaurant, because somehow, Vikings are related to hamburgers. Squidward then says some bad jokes about the Vikings, sparking a curiosity in SpongeBob. How does he channel this curiosity? Writing a letter to a dead society. What makes less sense than that? An actual Viking picks up the letter. At this point, I feel obligated to point out that none of the Vikings even resemble fish in any way. They look more like the artist behind Doug had a lobotomy. Given that they also have torches in their throne room (apparently, Vikings have kings), and that they burn down the Krusty Krab, I honestly think that the writers forgot that this show was underwater. Oh, but the crap doesn't end there. You think that the writers would use this opportunity to do something interesting with the Vikings, but no, they don't. Instead, they just dick around and tell bad jokes about how they don't like to sing. Hey guys: it worked better when Billy & Mandy told that joke. I'm not joking about that, either; the joke actually works much better on that show than it ever did on this one. And then the episode just ends out of nowhere, probably because the people making this shit wanted to end it as fast as possible. Oh, and did I mention that there's a goddamn hoarding episode of SpongeBob? I shit thee not. There is a fucking HOARDING episode of SpongeBob. South Park couldn't pull it off, and The Simpsons fucked it up when they had a reasonable starting point, so what are the chances that this won't be some fad-chasing, poorly thought out piece of shit episode?

  They stare in shock, but they know the crimes that they have committed. There is no escaping the punishment.
 They stare in shock, but they know the crimes that they have committed. There is no escaping the punishment.
"But my mighty King", you ask me in your meek voice, "how do you intend to rectify this affront to all that is right with the world?" Simple: end the series. I know that this will never happen (probably because Viacom has a terrible business model), but humor me. At this point, the show's like the Spike TV Ren and Stimpy. You don't know how this came to be, nor do you know why such a great show took such a terrible nosedive. All you know is that somebody needs to die for this. Clearly, the show needs to be put out of its misery. I even know how to end the series, and it's with my idea for an episode: "Everybody Dies." You're probably thinking that it's exactly what it sounds like, and while that's true, give me some credit, because I've thought the hell out of this. The episode begins with Squidward standing on a stool. A single tear drops to the ground, and he kicks the stool out from underneath his feet. His feet don't touch the ground. Later that day, SpongeBob, being the asshole that he is, breaks into Squidward's house to force him into some terrible scheme he's cooked up. And then...then he sees the dangling corpse. Immediately, SpongeBob knows why Squidward ended it all. We then see clips of every horrible thing that SpongeBob has ever done to Squidward. Nothing is omitted. SpongeBob then goes back to his pineapple, and after weeks of depressing contemplation, we hear a gunshot and a thud. Bits of yellow blood splatter on the window. I'm not done yet.

Gary, having nobody to feed him, eventually starves to death. You know what? So does Patrick. I'm not convinced that he can breathe without SpongeBob's assistance. Our focus then shifts to the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs is ruined, since both his cashier and cook have killed themselves. The Krusty Krab goes under, and he can't find a job. Afraid of being plunged into poverty, Mr. Krabs slits his fat throat. DEAD. Pearl, now an orphan, can't face the sudden drop in popularity she will inevitably experience. Knowing this, she closes the garage door, turns on the car, and sits down for a nap. Oh, and speaking of death, reality finally catches up to Plankton, and he dies of starvation, his food being too inedible to be of any help. Finally, we come to Mrs. Puff and Sandy. They don't die. Mrs. Puff can now run her school in peace, and Sandy now has a substantial role in the show. AND THAT IS HOW I WOULD PUT THIS SHOW OUT OF ITS MISERY.

Review Synopsis

  • I
  • Hate
  • SpongeBob.

You know what would make SpongeBob better? If it was a completely different show altogether.

Goldeneye 007

( Well, that's enough SpongeBob hate for one blog.) Actually, that's far more than enough, but let's not dwell on the past. Instead, I'm going to shift focus to something I like: Goldeneye. If you don't know what Goldeneye is, or, worse, don't like the game, tell George Wood ( this guy) that he can admit a new member to the Front Loaded Anvils of Terrible Wrongness Club. Wait, we're talking about the N64 version, right? No? What other version is there? Oh, right: the Wii version. That one's pretty cool, too, even if it can't match the N64 greatness.

Actually, that's an extremely unfair characterization of the game, and I hate the gaming media for selling this as a remake of the original Goldeneye 007. OK, so it shares some elements of the original, like toilets in the facility and that one level where you defend Natalya while she's hacking computers with her briefcase shaped/sized hands, but they're also so wildly different that it's just mean-spirited to sell this as a remake. Instead, sell it as a modern reimagining, because that's what it is. The whole affair begins with graying Bond and 006 breaking into a Russian dam. Why are they breaking into said dam? I honestly can't remember. I'm guessing that it's just to piss off Russia, because the first world was really bored during the Cold War. The point is that somehow, this results in Bond discovering the Goldeneye satellite, which does things. Look, I'm not a fan of how Activision tells a story, OK? Even if the story is good, like it is in this game, I can only get bits and pieces of the story, like the following: bankers are the true villains of this game. I am not shitting you when I say that. The main villain of the game (I'm not risking a repeat of my last blog, even if it is physically impossible to spoil a 13 year old game) does what he does because he's pissed at how bankers are all evil and stuff. I can understand wanting to modernize a classic, Activision, but you have to realize that bankers do not make for cool villains.

  Is it Goldeneye 007 or Modern Warfare 2? I'm genuinely asking; I'm not getting any hints from this screenshot.
 Is it Goldeneye 007 or Modern Warfare 2? I'm genuinely asking; I'm not getting any hints from this screenshot.
This is how you modernize a classic: make it like every other game on the market. Remember how the original Goldeneye had things like a watch that could hold all your weapons, or health and body armor? One thing at a time. First, no more watch, which makes the train level infinitely lamer. Instead, you get an iPhone that can hack computers and blow things up. All it needs is a laser and all will be forgiven about leaving out that awesome watch. Seriously, though, a laser could improve this game by a lot, because I don't remember seeing one. All you get are a bunch of pistols, a bunch of sub machine guns, a bunch of shotguns, a bunch of automatic rifles, and a couple of sniper rifles. What's that? You want to strap those to your back and make a jetpack that works by shooting the ground? You can only hold three at a time, though. I bet you'll want some health and body armor, too, won't you? Shit. The modernization criticism falls apart right here, because there is a game mode that allows the traditional health set-up. However, let's pretend that it doesn't exist, because I didn't see the option when I was choosing difficulties. (Speaking of difficulties, they're supposed to give you new objectives to complete, but I got through the levels only completing one objective at a time. The hell?) In that case, you get a cover based regenerative health system. Oh, and there are Quick Time Events. So this game sucks ass and stains the perfect name of a Rare classic, right?

No. Stop thinking like that. If anything, I'm just telling you how incredibly different it is from that one game with the same name. Hell, I actually liked the Quick Time Events simply due to the incredibly rough logic they employed (L for left hand, R for right, and A for doing things (I probably should've used the Wii-mote, since the phone calls would make more sense and I wouldn't feel spoiled by Half Life 2...probably)). That's how you modernize a classic! You know how else you do it? You add some stealth elements. Wait, what? I thought that the game industry stopped adding stealth into games around 2004. Well, like it or not (hell, do both, I don't care), it's here to stay. Actually, ignore my last comment and like it, because it's pretty creative for a stealth section. You know how in games like Metal Gear Solid and...Metal Gear Solid (I've honestly never played a stealth game outside that franchise), the name of the game is slowly sneaking up to people and snapping their necks? There are elements of that in here, but what you really need to focus on is speed. If you shoot one guy in the ass, you better make sure that all those deer slug butt plugs put him down. Oh, and notice how I said "one guy?" If there are other people nearby, they can no longer live. Do all this correctly, and you'll feel as badass as Bond does everyday. Of course, more often than not, you're going to fuck this up big time. Maybe it's because you need to see enemies for them to appear on your radar, making the system pretty useless; maybe it's because in the early levels, the graphics kinda suck and it's hard to see everything you need to see. Whatever the reason, you're going to get caught. This is where the game becomes totally awesome.

You know how most first person shooters before either Half Life or Halo (I think it's obvious that I don't play a lot of FPSes) were all about shooting the hell out of anything that moved? Goldeneye achieves this in spades, which the game then uses for bullets, because that's what it's about. You spend pretty much the entire game just running up to guys and shooting the hell out of them. Sure, you're gonna die a bunch as a result of it, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. Hell, it should make it more awesome, since you've come back from the grave just to kill these guys all over again. What's that? You're out of ammo? Just run up to dudes and punch them in the face for making you waste all your ammo before. I'd say that I killed half the enemies by punching them, but I think that number's inflated by the fact that you use things by punching them. Did the original Goldeneye have an entire level of Captain Prices to shoot down? No? Wow, I can't believe that this game is coming out on top. I can't accept this. Surely, the N64 version must be better. Wait, I know! That tank part was pretty badass, wasn't it? Let's see... shit. That's way more involved and badass than the N64 could ever pull off. Actually, now that I think about it, the Wii version does feel a bit gimped in comparison to...well, anything, really. There are only twelve levels in the game, and I haven't seen anything about an Egyptian temple or an Aztec temple. I also haven't seen anything about using grenades as weapons. Why do I mention this? Because the enemies love to take time out of shootouts to play a game of Exploding Potato. What the hell, Activision? Why would you do something like that? I don't remember Rare pulling this crap off. I remember Rare doing awesome stuff in their games, like...well, like this game, actually.

Review Synopsis

  • Bankers are evil, but they're not very interesting villains.
  • Oddly enough, the stealth is pretty good when it wants to be good.
  • Duke Nukem would be proud.


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Edited By Video_Game_King

Did you see the post immediately above yours?
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Edited By spankingaddict

Spongebob the show is still pretty good. I don't have an opinion on the games though. They sound terrible.

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Edited By Video_Game_King
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Edited By InternetCrab

Spongebob was pretty good a few years ago. I watched the new episode on Nickeledeon a few days ago, and it wasn't really good. I guess we should put it out of it's misery...forever. Going to Goldeneye, it's a masterpiece that i have always loved playing.
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@Video_Game_King: Candle_Jakk has tweeted about TimeSplitters on numerous occasions so I assume he's a fan.

The controls probably inspired the Conduit's myriad of options, so the answer is yes they use dual-analog sticks but you can play it like Goldeneye if you prefer. Either way is still mad, floaty, Goldeneye sway. Your weapon/reticule will move to the side of the screen when turning and snap-back to the middle when you're finished turning.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

I wouldn't know about those other two, since I've never played them. I'd get around to them, but keep in mind that I still have two epic games, and that's for the Wii alone.
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Edited By Claude

Goldeneye 007 on the Wii was a blast to play. Two of the best reimagined games are on the Wii; Goldeneye 007 and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I also think the best ported game ever is Resident Evil 4. These are just my opinions and hopefully no one was harmed in the writing of these words.

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Edited By CornontheCobbe
@Video_Game_King: Wow man.

I loved every bit of that. HIGH FIVE!

Excellent read ^_^
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Edited By Video_Game_King

Yea, that does look pretty damn Goldeneye. Did they ever figure out the two stick control scheme that every other FPS has done?

Why Candle Jakk? Does have some copies he wants to give away?
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@Video_Game_King: Here's a few videos of Timesplitters, tell me that doesn't look like Goldeneye.
Also, the story of Free Radical (Crytek UK currently) is on GiantBomb as well and its founding members were ex-Rare employees who were on the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark team. If you are interested in the Timesplitters games themselves you should PM @Candle_Jakk for more info, as I only played the first two and never finished any of them.
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Edited By Tireyo

Well, there is no need for me to say anything. All my questions were answered. Interesting blog though.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

It happens with a lot of stuff, like lists and (I imagine; I don't get many comments for) images and stuff. I'd say that Zombie Pie should put up a sticky saying, "Don't @reply to a topic creator if it's a blog", but I'm not sure that it's enough of an issue for him to do that.
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Edited By crusader8463
@Metalideth said:
@crusader8463 said:
I like Spongebob. I remember going to the movies with a girl I liked to watch the Spongbob movie back in college.
She was 8, wasn't she?
No. She just had a weird taste in movies, and for some reason she couldn't stand watching any movie that had even the slightest bit of violence in it if it was anything but a cartoon. So we went to see a lot of 3D/cartoons.
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Edited By Karl_Boss

People just don't understand that you already get PMs without @replying.....@replying just makes you get two PMs....I figured this out after I began blogging a little more than I use to.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

Given how often I blog, I've grown used to it. Yes, even for huge blogs like these.
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Edited By Karl_Boss

With everyone @replying you, you are probably getting a shit ton of PMs.....two PMs for every comment.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

Really? That's the turning point? Even though most of the episodes I cited in that diatribe came before that piece of shit 30 minute special that somehow got some video games?


It doesn't? Again, I feel very tempted to go back to it to prove everybody wrong, but I can't. You'll barely understand why in my next blog. But still, I played it somewhat recently (within several months), and it was still awesome.
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Edited By penguindust

I read this specifically for the page long diatribe on Spungebob.  I must say, after reading the bit about Asian stereotypes, I will never look at the show the same way again.  Still, "Atlantis Squarepantis" is the turning point in my mind where the series went from being fun to abysmal. 

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

You know, I used to really like Spongebob back when I was the appropriate age. Of course, that was when the series was actually clever instead of ultimately retarded like it is now for most of the reasons that managed to read from that appropriate section. I thought that Death Note mashup was pretty funny, for what your pain is worth.

Eh, the thing is that original N64 Goldeneye doesn't hold up well at all. Of course they had to make it just like Call of Duty, that's all Activision knows how to do at this point in regards to First Person Shooters.  It apparently turned out alright though, considering that I would almost guarantee that at this point people care more about the game than they do the movie.

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Edited By YoThatLimp
@crusader8463 said:
I like Spongebob. I remember going to the movies with a girl I liked to watch the Spongbob movie back in college.
She was 8, wasn't she?
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Edited By Video_Game_King

You mean it wasn't weird when I had Mr. Krabs slit his throat? Then what the hell is that?
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Edited By Video_Game_King

How the hell does that work? SpongeBob and Patrick didn't have a lot of trouble solving the few adventure game-y problems in the film.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King: This has gotten weeeeird, I think I'm gonna stop posting in this thread now. Keep on truckin' Video_Game_King.
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Edited By jeanluc

Yeah I remember Spongebob being pretty awesome back in the day. I haven't watched it in years but I've heard people saying its not that good anymore. I do remember having this one Spongebob video game based on the movie for the PC. It was actually half good, cause it was like an adventure game with puzzles and item collecting and shit.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

That's exactly what the damn sponge wants you to think, though. After all, if he comes off as cute and naïve, then it's harder to consider him a reckless sociopath. I direct you to my comment from earlier: the top dog one. Squidward finally becomes happy and enjoyable, and SpongeBob just loses his shit FOR NO REASON. He's not concerned with having meaningful friendships or the joy of others; he just wants everybody to worship his square sponge nuts.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King: Well I've stated the reasons for which I liked Spongebob, other qualities about Spongebob obviously keep you from liking him and that's fine. You act like Spongebob acts with hostility though, he's naive, he's innocent, even if he's an annoyance for Squidward and occasionally Mr. Krabs he's not trying to destroy their lives, he's a happy cartoon sponge.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

The point I was trying to make was that "it's just a cartoon" is not a valid excuse. You have to give me reasons to like a character, and destroying the lives of everybody who doesn't like you is not a good way to get me to like a character. Actually, in something more complex, that could be a decent perspective from which to write a character, especially if the person writing it was aware that such a controlling personality is not something to be desired. However, since this is a piece of crap kid's show that died some time ago, that's not the case.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King: Okay, if we are talking about whether it's okay to have Spongebob playing out these kinds of hijinks from a creative standpoint then I don't think this is comparable with the Duke Nukem example. Spongebob is a wacky, nonsensical show, anything crazy or destructive he does is in a light-hearted manner. Fragile Dreams on the other hand is a T-rated game which is far more sombre and solemn than Spongebob and Duke Nukem is a crass, in-your-face, vulgar action game. Duke Nukem-type action in Fragile Dreams would completely break the tone of the game, while wacky destruction in Spongebob doesn't. Again though, I like/liked the cartoon, you don't, and that's not going to change.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

If you're taking that from my "tits and blood" comment, I was just using that as an example of a debasing stereotype used to resign one's self to mediocrity. Although, yea, I'm not really a fan of the fact that a kid's show has you rooting for a protagonist when the Death Note parody makes them far more likable than anything they're actually doing in the show right now.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King: If I'm understanding you correctly this isn't an artistic issue you have with Spongebob's criminal actions, it's a moral one. Again, with all due respect, I don't think Spongebob Squarepants is actually going to encourage any child to commit criminal activity.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

I remember doing this. Unfortunately, the video was removed from YouTube, and there aren't any good substitutes.
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Edited By FesteringNeon

I remember getting baked back in the day and watching the Spongebob movie. It was one of the greatest moments of my life, even though it was simply simpleton.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

It being a cartoon doesn't really excuse it, though. That would be like saying that it's OK for a game like Fragile Dreams to have Duke Nukem levels of tits and blood, because, after all, it's just a video game.

@JJWeatherman said:
Congratz, you've mastered the art of provocative titles.
And it was also pretty damn accurate. Victories for me.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King: Well, we disagree on the quality of Spongebob but I don't think that really discredits me. Anywho, like I say, it's a kid's cartoon, if Spongebob can burn down some guy's house and it not be a big deal it's because it's a cartoon, nothing more, nothing less.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

It's not all that weird for people to like children's cartoon shows. After all, I openly love Adventure Time and Regular Show, and I wish that Robotomy was still on the air. However, I do agree with you that it's hard to understand how people actively enjoy this cartoon.
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Edited By QuistisTrepe
@Video_Game_King said:
@QuistisTrepe: Again, I just used that as an excuse for a six paragraph diatribe ending in the darkest "fan" fic ever.
I'm just fucking with you. You must really have the patience of a saint to sit through all of that. And I thought playing through Saga Frontier was torturous. Nice write up by the way, keep them coming.
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Edited By JJWeatherman

Congratz, you've mastered the art of provocative titles.

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Edited By Brendan

I find it weird that so many people in these comments seem to really like a kids cartoon show.  And I don't mean out of nostalgia because they watched it as kids.  I mean someone people seem to actively enjoy this children's cartoon.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

Again, I just used that as an excuse for a six paragraph diatribe ending in the darkest "fan" fic ever.
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Edited By QuistisTrepe

Portable games based off of kids cartoons are shovelware, thanks for this bombshell. I feel so much more informed now.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

Kind and cheerful? Did you read paragraph 6? He burned a person's house down. That's not kind nor cheerful. At times, it goes beyond simply not understanding the world around him and ventures into criminal territory. He could probably kill a character and come out of it smiling. Also, the...screw it. I'll just end it there, because I listed a bunch of reasons to discredit you. However, on your "weird individuality" thing, I'll just point you in the direction of Regular Show, a cartoon that can pull off shit like this:

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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King: Okay, if you really wish to discuss this then the reason I like Spongebob and the reason I find him charming is because he's a very kind and cheerful, but very naive character shoved into a world which is obviously somewhat more serious than he is. He doesn't always understand what's going on around him and his personality often clashes with that of the cynical Squidward or the greedy Mr. Krabs, but he comes out of situations smiling when many around him seem far less optimistic. As for the uniqueness of the show, I think you're confusing uniqueness with complexity, but I'm not saying it's the most quirky or unique thing around, just that I love the weird individuality of the world within the cartoon. He's a sentient sponge who lives in an underwater pineapple! One of his best friends is an aggressive Texan squirrel who wears a spacesuit and lives in a giant glass dome!

As I said though we're not going to agree on this and when it comes down to it we're not really the target audience for the cartoon anyway.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

I can and will argue you on those points:

  • Amiable. Well, I think I destroyed that.
  • Unique. Half the episodes are "SpongeBob and Squidward are at the Krusty Krab; Squidward hates his job, I hate SpongeBob, and Mr. Krabs hates spending money."
  • Quirky. I feel I've seen quirkier, although I can't point out where. Maybe Cho Aniki?
  • Charm. That's one of the worst things about the show. It tries to shove this cutesy charm down your throat at every turn, thinking that you're just gonna fucking love this cute little sponge. I don't. You need to do things to make me like him. Otherwise, he's annoying and completely unlikable as a character.
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Edited By Hailinel
@Gamer_152 said:
@Video_Game_King said:
@Gamer_152: Then defend it. Defend that episode I posted a page ago. I don't see how it could be done.
With all due respect Mr. Game_King I think that would waste both your time and mine. While I'd argue that some Spongebob episodes are definitely better than others, in general I think the cartoon and its characters have an amiable and unique quirkiness and charm, which is a view we don't seem to share, and I believe holding that view to begin with is almost fundamental for enjoying any Spongebob episode. This is just an area where we disagree.
It's a cartoon for kids about a lunatic talking sponge.  Where is the room for debate?
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Video_Game_King said:
@Gamer_152: Then defend it. Defend that episode I posted a page ago. I don't see how it could be done.
With all due respect Mr. Game_King I think that would waste both your time and mine. While I'd argue that some Spongebob episodes are definitely better than others, in general I think the cartoon and its characters have an amiable and unique quirkiness and charm, which is a view we don't seem to share, and I believe holding that view to begin with is almost fundamental for enjoying any Spongebob episode. This is just an area where we disagree.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

Wait, that's something I would say. Are you in my mind? GET OUT OF MY MIND!!! *bashes head against wall in attempt to dislodge you from my mind*
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Edited By TheDudeOfGaming


Also this was pretty awesome. 


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Edited By Video_Game_King

Then defend it. Defend that episode I posted a page ago. I don't see how it could be done.


I'm not sure how to interpret half that post. Robocop Monkey sounds like the type of quick cash-in bullshit you know you'd some obscure company would ship direct to DVD.
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@Video_Game_King: It's not really about time travel, more time-trial. At least, in the story mode anyway. The (split-screen) multiplayer was where a lot of people got their fix, but since my brothers and sister don't like console FPS games I never dove into the multiplayer.

You could play as a robocop monkey. It was a lot like Perfect Dark (a Rare FPS I have played), I.E. the aiming was pretty touchy.
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Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

I respect your opinion but I will defend my spongy, cartoon friend to the death.