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It was one of my most popular blog posts. 
With over 60 replies "To the management of Lincoln Square Cinemas" was a truly epic feat. At least 1/3rd of my friends/"followers" came from that thread, and just right now: I decided to delete the whole thing. I copied the entire thread onto my computer, if any of you are interested in seeing what all the drama was about, just ask and I'll be glad to send it to you.
I've been contemplating deleting the blog post for a while now, in fact I've been contemplating going back and deleting a few of my early blogs. Out of that controlled anarchy was the catalyst and inspiration to start typing the "Brain Dumps". 
It all started when me and a friend decided to hit the movie theater. Another guy, who I will ironically for the sake of this post name Reggie (PM me if you want to know why that's ironic.) decided to tag along with us. He was new to the area having just moved from Florida, and is currently going to University of Washington. In typical Bellevue fashion we were stooped from seeing the movie, "District 9", because he did not have appropriate ID for this state he was not allowed into the theater. My friend drove Reggie back to his house, grabbed his ID, and drove back to the theater just to watch two attractive women be let into the theater without ID. (We are all clearly in our mid-twenties.)
My friend, a self described "comedian/crazy person", and "Super English major", decided to type what I believe was the most epic complaint letter I had ever seen. Greek mythology reference and all, it was clearly a no-holds barred attempt in satire, which purpose was to clearly get the attention of whoever read it. That was it. I was a realist concerning the context and I was entirely skeptical of it accomplishing anything, my purpose of sharing it was simply to share something funny. I was upset with what had happened, but I was more joking about the letter which was the crux of my entire post. 
There were a couple things I was not prepared for when I typed it.
The first one was that the blog for a while was the second, to the third thing that appeared on Google after a search for "Lincoln Square Cinemas". From my understanding, real people were actually fired initially at the theater. Was not expecting that to happen.
At this point I would like to say I have nothing but good things to now say from the cinema in question. Because of my post they contacted my friend directly. My friend was at first, understandably still frustrated with them, began looking at their responses at a skeptical nature. I reminded him that it was a great thing that the cinema responded, let alone responded with such understanding. From the emails that I read, the people in charge their seem to be pretty damn intelligent and awesome. Satire had won. 
But, satire is difficult to translate over the internet. At least that's what I learned. 
One member in particular found umbrage over the post in general. I had absolutely no mind with people disagreeing, but when I used his comment to expand and give more context to the situation, he pounced with a correct theory that keeping courteous from a customer to worker relation was something to pursue. As someone who works retail, I agree. What I didn't agree with was his tone, a consistent stream of simply negative attitude. I didn't understand why someone with a good argument would continue to voice it in the manner of an internet troll. His reasoning, or excuse, as he continued to reply over and over again ad-nauseum, was that it was the same thing that my friend and I engaged with the cinemas. Of course, one could immediately counter that none of the context matched up at all. That the original post was clearly satirical, there was anger but nothing over-the-top aggressive that he in particular portrayed. That he was not providing me a service at all, and that the letter in question never devolved into making a statement like, and I quote: "Fuck all English Majors".
It got progressively worse when my friend chimed in. He absolutely enjoyed collapsing his arguments on him with great technicality. It got even worse when other members started to take umbrage with what the troll said. I got a lot of PM's at this time. All supportive, all ragging on the troll. 
But for me: Nothing fun, or interesting was being produced now. 
I didn't like it.
Eventually it just became a shouting match, any form of argument dissipated. and the troll frustrated just began cursing. Any glimmer of interesting debate evaporated. I ended the discussion between both.  I wanted to blog, but I didn't want people remembering me for inadvertently creating such an aggravating troll topic. Granted, I also didn't want a bunch of people "following" me because I was that guy who told off the movie theater, and told that one guy off who trolled on a blog for over a week.
At the time I had just finished going to a trip where I played FFVII on my PSP. I thought it would be interesting for me just to type what was directly on my mind on a given subject. I would do one, and see what would come from it. Several Brain Dumps latter, I can say I am glad with what has transpired. I'm thinking of expanding a bit. I'm curious to know if anyone would be interested in my giving my thoughts on certain videogames soundtracks I own. Yes, I collect and own actual physical game soundtracks.
I DO NOT shy away from debate.
Recently I threw in my two cents regarding Infinity Ward's airport shootout. I think it's tasteless, and is there only to attract controversy and compete with other controversial games. That the game has an identity crisis if it's trying to appeal to raw real emotions of a terrible situation that gripes our world, and at the same time be something akin to a Michael Bay movie with America being invaded. I love Modern Warfare, and I appreciate what IW has done for gaming, and I'm probably going to eventually pick up MW2. 
But that doesn't mean I cant personally find fault with things they do.
The debate was for the most part civil and interesting. Disagreements were abound, but aside from one post it never spiraled into name calling. The Giantbomb community is still the best of the best, and my moment of annoyance is not an accurate reflection of the community. 
So, cheers. Here's looking for the future.