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"Made in America"

"Yeah, we're gonna make that mean something again."

Well, I recently watched Robocop 2 for the first time... and after watching Robocop 1 for the first time a few weeks ago, It's a good addition to the series, and my collection... now all I've got to do is get around to watching Robocop 3 sometime...

So, I decided that in each and every one of my blog posts, I will title it with a movie quote... preferably one I have seen recently, and I will also try to loosely relate it to my post...

As far as my gaming life is concerned, I recently bought Braid... actually I just bought it yesterday morning (or afternoon, I woke up at 12pm).  The game is amazing... I played the demo back when it first came out, and the $15 price point turned me off... but I've been spending so much money on movies recently that I just couldn't say "No". Jonathan Blow is a genius, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be the American version of Shigeru Miyamoto.

Another big reason I bought Braid is because I was going to be buying points for something else already, and I figured that I might as well just buy Braid in the process.  What was this "other thing" you ask?  Well, I figured I'd buy points in advance for the amazing Rock Band DLC coming out this tuesday.  For any of you that know me, you know I am a HUGE Rush fan... so, it's no suprised that i'd be excited about them releasing Rush's full "Moving Pictures" album as Rock Band DLC.  It's going to be awesome!  One thing I am curious about though, how are they going to be handling the track "YYZ" seeing as how it is entirely instrumental.

Also, here's an update on my situation with the ladies:
They suck.  End of story.

"Women, can't live with em', can't live without em' "

"Words of wisdom, Lloyd, words... of... wisdom."

For anybody who's interested, I recently saw The Shining for the first time tonight. Such a great movie! I'm a big fan of Stanley Kubrick, he's one of my favorite directors of all time... it's good to have this movie in my collection ^_^

So, in other news, well... the news of my life... i've been playing some Bionic Commando: Rearmed, and it's pretty awesome... I'm having a great time with it so far...
I've also almost completed filling out my collection on Giant Bomb... I may consider changing it, however... I don't like how you can't sort anything in your collection, so I may simply make a custom list for each of the consoles I own games for.

Oh, yeah! For anybody who really care about my personal life... let me start out by saying that i have been going through some rough times with women...
It almost seems as though they all hate me for some reason... like they have some sort of secret cult, and one of their cult rules is to "Hate Rob"...
It's rather depressing... it seems as though no matter what I do, I always seem to fail at it all...
I am looking for some advice, if anybody has any... I do have lots of trouble with being confident... I really just can't grasp the concept...
I wish they had a Walkthrough for LIFE... and NO! Not The Game of Life, and no, i'm not talking about The Sims...
I'm sorry, I'm just going to stop now...
Bionic commando is fun, i'm going to go play that to get my mind off of things, till next time, this is Vigorousjammer.


Hey There, Everybody!

Well, well, well... It's a great day today, now that the Giant Bomb Website has officially launched.

Hi, I'm Troy McClure... um... I mean Robert Battersby! You May Remember me from such Video Blogs as "Nintendo Wii Demo Stations" and "Rock Band Adventure"

I'm here to introduce myself to you all, and let you all know that i'll be posting soem blogs here, and of course, submitting lots and lots of useful pages and games!
i'll definitely be submitting lots of obscure titles, and updating lots of small stuff in older, and also sometimes newer games.
As far as this blog goes, i'll be talking about various stuff dealing with video games, and my personal experiences with them.
So, everybody check back sometimes, but not too much, because I probobly won't be updating all that often.

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