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Small Update

Yes instead of finishing of or at least play more of the games that I have gotten recently, I have instead bought one of the more talked about games from last year, Halo 3.

If you know me well enough then you would know that I am not the biggest fan of the Halo series. I do still both have Halo: CE and 2 but I never really saw the game that everyone else was seeing when I was playing that game. When people call Halo the best game in the world, I really don't really see why and it they both have the same sorts of problems that plague lots of problems. My main complaint was both of those games was that the level design sucked the huge one and Master Chief was often stuck in repeating corridors and both of the games didn't live up to the beginning. I love the first third of Halo 1, after The Silent Cartographer, it just goes downhill and after the second level of Halo 2... no comment. So yeah Halo has always been lauded by many but I never saw the game as being the best game ever ever ever but my friend has been a fan of Halo's multiplayer and he made me think how good Halo 3 could be online. He agrees that the SP is mostly overrated and nothing special, hell he agrees that the whole game is damn overrated, I think most people would think the same. Here is a quote from the front cover on the UK version anyway. "Forget game of the year - this is the game of the decade." - The Sun which is a newspaper. That is simply the biggest load of shit I have ever read, ever. But the MP was fun and he had always gone back to it after a while so I thought, I will get it since I might as well. And you know what? I like it! What surprises me is that I am not that bad, not great but I always get a good level of kills and maybe get 2nd or 3rd place out of the players. I usually play Slayer and basically solo modes because the kill stealing that occurs in team games can be annoying but I also play Team SWAT because I love the more tactical nature and how the players don't have a shield and die in 1 or 2 bursts from the Battle Rifle. At the moment my overall EXP is like 45-50 which isn't too bad I guess, could be better. I also did get the Legendary Map Pack as I thought, it's only 400 Microsoft Points and it seems to be a good investment as those maps seem pretty good. I have played some of the single-player and the level design does actually seem better and I am not getting as frustrated as I used to.

So that is my small update and I will see you guys again later

P.S. Bungie, get rid of random checkpoints - they are the definition of shitty, half-assed game design - thanks Vod.

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