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@TechnoSyndrome:That's really helpful to know that 5 is really the only departure on gameplay. Thank you! The funny thing about the gameplay in 2 is that I would have liked it a lot more if the perspective were more "behind the shoulder" than being so close to top-down. That REALLY bothered me, because I didn't have good perspective of what was in front of me. I had to either switch into first-person constantly or, many times, would run into someone or something completely unexpectedly, because it wouldn't come into my view until it was too late...

That is exactly the reason I quit MGS3. Subsistence added a behind the back camera, but the original MGS3 was as bad as 1 and 2. If not worse.

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MGS3 is the game that made me quit Metal Gear after loving 1 and 2.

Like everyone else is saying, if you think you'll like 5 play 5. The story is idiotic and mostly absent outside of the unbearable opening, you don't need to suffer through the rest of the series to enjoy it.

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There were 1.6 billion Muslims in the world as of 2010. 23% of the world's population. If that many people were murderous lunatics we'd all already be dead. It's not the religion.

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This is exactly what I was afraid of after listening to Brad in the Quick Look. I still remember getting burned by his Brothers recommendation. Guess I won't be buying this game.

Brad going on and on about Brothers is what finally made me realize that the more excited Brad is for a game the less I'm going to like it. I enjoyed Limbo quite a bit, but his gushing over Inside had me worried, and it's sounding like it was justified.

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#5  Edited By WarlordPayne

The walkers seemed to be gathering bodies for their army, not really moving towards the wall yet. Plus they may be waiting for winter to arrive before they start an all out war and show their hand. Also isn't the wall supposed to be enchanted to stop them from passing it? They could be looking for some way around that.

It may seem kinda silly that they keep talking about how threatening they are without them really making a push, but there are plenty of ways to explain that away.

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Hugely disappointed that they iced Margaery like that. They set it up like she was plotting something important then just blew her ass up. For as wily as they've portrayed the High Sparrow up to this point he sure was slow to react when Margaery said they needed to get out of there. Not sure why the guards insisted on holding everyone inside when they weren't the people on trial.

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@zevvion: It has nothing to do with scheming which is I keep ignoring that point. She could have hired some guy to knife him in the spine as he was walking around town, or had him poisoned, or kidnapped or killed his children, or done literally dozens of other things to him. Unless I'm remembering wrong they had already killed all his guards right in the center of town right in front of him and sent an assassin to try and stab his unconscious crippled son. You don't need to be a master schemer to expect retaliation of some sort from people like that. Yes, the way they went about that retaliation was something he wouldn't have necessarily seen coming, but thinking these people wouldn't do something to him or his family to save themselves is pure stupidity no matter how much you want to argue against it.

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@zevvion:So he knows these people are murderers, walks up to one of them and says "I'm gonna rat you out tomorrow" and expects nothing bad to happen. That seems totally rational to you? Okay.

I would even say Catelyn Stark matches Cersei Lannister "bad move" for "bad move" in the books. Both women scheme, it just that Catelyn has the shred of honor to be ashamed of herself...yet she still bungles most choices from book one to book three. If one collects all of Catelyn Stark choices and they collects all the information we know about her from what other says...even discounting slightly what Little Finger and her sister Lysa are still left with a un-pleasant person who says/does the wrong thing at the wrong time more often than not.

I agree with you on Catelyn and I never even read the books. She was a horrible person and I couldn't stand her. I was glad to see her go.

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@zevvion: I'm not playing "Mr. Hindsight," I thought Ned was an idiot as soon as he told her what he was about to do, well before I knew that he was going to die for it. These people kill children, and HIS children are within arm's reach, but he puts their lives above his own family. The man was an idiot.

I 100% agree that Jon's storyline is far and away the best, and it's really the only reason I still watch the show. Both of his mistakes were dumb, but I could see how he would be blind to the betrayal/blind with rage.

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Kinda shocked people are arguing that Ned wasn't stupid. These people tried to kill Bran twice, Joffrey attacked Arya with a sword then had her friend killed, they slaughtered all Ned's guards in the streets, and he believed they poisoned a man he thought of as a father and that they may try to kill the king. So he tells Cersei that he's sentencing her entire family to death, while his own two daughters are still in the city, and expects no repercussions. Ned was an idiot. So was Robb.

Jon also died because he was stupid, but it was more reasonable. He knew he was pushing his men and that they weren't happy, he just never thought they'd go that far. He should have been more careful knowing how much that one guy hated him, but whatever. And now he got thousands of his men killed because he couldn't stick to the plan when Sansa told him exactly what was going to happen beforehand.

Arya is the only intelligent Stark, barring that god awful scene on the bridge a couple episodes back.