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Finished 2015

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  • I don't think this is a great game, but it was a good experience.

    Very short, even with the DLC content you are under 2 hours.

    The level design is awe inspiring, the levels are very cleaver/creative without being difficult. It makes you feel smart in the same way Portal did without being difficult.

    This is probably the best thing I've ever played on my tablet but the length and lack of difficulty really detract from an otherwise fantastic experience.

    The DLC is very much worth picking up, it doubles the game length and the puzzles are more complex.

  • I started playing this after it was mentioned on the bombcast a few weeks ago comparing it to Injustice.

    It is very similar but I think I like Injustice better.

    This game felt more like a rhythm game than a fighter to me, if you are hitting your beat, you can best much more powerful characters, but if you are just jamming without thinking you will do badly once you get past the first act.

    The graphics are great, I like the cartoonish style they went with.

    I had no bugs while playing and it performed very well on my Nexus 9

    This game has a ridiculous grind, probably the worst grind of any free to play game I've ever played and the funny thing is everyone has to do it, you can't really pay to get past it which I guess is a good thing, but you will be at this game 100+ hours to get a team to max level and I can't imagine ever being invested enough in a game like this to do that.

    It's been 4 months since I started injustice and I'm still playing; this game is good, but after a few weeks I'm done.

  • This game was one of the biggest letdowns I've ever experienced.

    I normally like oddball/non sequitur humour and feel like I understand what they where going for here but it was completely underwhelming; it's almost like someone watched your favourite TV show, then made a game out of it but had no understanding of why the TV show was so great.

    I really feel like I missed something huge here, but I don't care enough to figure out what.

  • I think this is probably the best looking game I've ever played, the characters, environment and lighting were all amazing.

    The story was interesting and well acted, though it was absolutely too short, not just the game but the actual story, they could have added more to make it more believable.

    I really don't like console shooters and this one is no different, it worked well enough and there was enough interesting weapons and variety; I just hate aiming with a controller so that is just me; there are a few points in the game where they send armoured opponents at you and these where the only spots I died during combat and each time I ran into these guys it was 10-15 deaths which drove me nuts, other than that I rarely ever died other than a few goofed quicktime events.

    It's short, but I still think it was well worth playing.

  • I really disliked this game, yet for some strange reason it's the only Mario game I've ever played to completion.

    This game was far too long.

    The combat is not fun, long timing based encounters that are unforgivingly difficult on normal and silly easy on easy mode.

    The giant boss battles are also needlessly difficult and had no easy mode.

    I did like the world puzzles/traversal powers.

    There were a couple of good songs in the game also.

  • It's been awhile since I finished the first one but this game felt like more of the same both good and bad.

    It's funny that this ui would be acceptable not so long ago, maybe it would have been better with a controller, but cycling through all the powers was grating on me towards the end.

    I did play on pc with both The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod and M4-78, no bugs, maybe still more difficult to get it to run than it should be but not the same kinds of difficult problems I had with KotOR.

    I liked the story, but the characters were not as good as the first game. going back to some of the areas from KotOR was a highlight, I wish they had more cameos or returning characters from the first.

    Jedi are really overpowered, to the point I couldn't get much done without one in my party. The game was appropriately difficult, there were some spots I died, but I didn't have any screaming fuck moments like some of the bosses from the first game.

    Good villains, good adventure, a great companion to those that enjoyed the first game.

  • I bought Star Wars: The Old Republic back when it came out and it has been sitting on my shelf staring at me all these years, and with the new movies ramping up I have an overwhelming urge to get into Star Wars stuff so figured now is the time.

    First off I played the beta for SWTOR for all of about 2 hours and hated it, it was just a goofy space WoW knockoff that didn't offer anything new or interesting. I still think that was true at the time, but my experience with the current game has been much better for one single reason I can identify. I don't know when Bioware made this change, but in the game right now, they have tuned the leveling progression to 100% match the completion of the main story line. There is no more need to grind out inconsequential busy work missions, just play the story and you will make your levels and get your gear.

    I honestly can say that the way the game stands now, it is pretty much KOTOR 3 with 8 distinct stories you can play which I think is pretty much what everyone wanted in the first place.

    The only catch is that you have to subscribe to get the enhanced leveling experience, the game comes with a one month subscription, I made it to the end of the story in roughly 50 hours so I think with that 1 month you could easily get 1-2 stories done and pay for a few more months if you'd like more.

    Other things I enjoyed:

    The dungeons that contain story content can be run in solo mode, you get some interesting boss battles with an AI tank/healer paving the way for you.

    The companions are actually very helpful and each one you get through the normal story progression brings a lot of new gameplay possibilities to the game.

    Things that I didn't enjoy

    The game seems really empty before you hit the level cap, there are so many different planets and areas that you rarely see other people at all while you are leveling.

    The combat is very much traditional mmo combat, waiting for cooldowns on all your abilities, I don't think the combat in KotOR 1 or 2 was very good either so not really a deal breaker but it doesn't compare to say Mass Effect.

    There is an overwhelming amount of stuff to this game, I figured with the amount of time I played WoW I acclimate to this game fairly easily, but there is a lot of stuff that I just haven't figured out and don't care to.

    I think this game has come a long way and its a good single player experience now for subscribers and anyone can jump in and give it a shot for free now.

  • I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. It's more Batman, more open world collectables, more everything that was in the previous game.

    I thought the story was a bit better here than City.

    Boss fights were annoying, very annoying, but I guess more rewarding when beaten.

    Some great Joker moments in this game.

    Still think Asylum is the best of this series, but I'd give Origins a close second and regard it better than City purely based on story as they are all pretty much the same game mechanically.

  • This game gives off a very good first impression; the presentation is very good and there is some decent value for a few hours of playing this free to play game.

    There is no need to engage in the free to play aspects of this game, it's mostly boosts that may help a bit in the early stage of the game, but at that point you are getting a lot of free gear and citizens from quest rewards that I never felt compelled to spend any money on this game.

    This game really falls apart after the first few hours, there isn't enough variety and there aren't any meaningful goals to work towards, the only real challenge is balance the resource production to facilitate your colony's expansion into more resource production...

    I think this is a good advertisement to get people thinking about Fallout and the upcoming game, but if you are looking for anything with any depth this won't keep you entertained very long.

  • It's more Batman.

    This one probably plays the best, the combat is very good and the Batmobile was a good addition to the series.

    The story was ok; extremely disjointed, the Joker parts were fantastic, the Scarecrow/Arkham Knight stuff was lame. I found the portrayal of Gordon and the entire GCPD was borderline offensive, the game really makes everyone but Batman out to be pathetically weak.

    I think Asylum and Origins had better stories, but this game has the very best Joker that has ever been in this series.

    This is the only game in the series that I've done any of the side missions for, and they were all very good, surprisingly good, I'm thinking about going back to the other games to do them good.

    I played this game on PC pre any sort of patch and had no issues.

  • The short levels really dragged me into this game.

    I really liked the first lego game I played (Marvel) but even after only one game I knew I had my fill of the series.

    I would have never given this game a shot if it hadn't came with the playstation tv; and even then I took a year for me to even try it.

    Once I started, I couldn't stop, the short 5 minute levels just kept on begging me to play one more, and I did, over and over again, finishing the game I one short followed by one long sitting.

    I wouldn't say this is a good game but somehow I enjoyed it and I kind of want to watch the movie now.

  • How strange that I thought the story was great, yet I hated pretty much every character in it; I'm just so disconnected from the teen life and it's shocking how hard that hit me playing this.

    If you've played a recent Telltale game, you know what to expect mechanically from this game. The choices seems a lot more impactful in this game though, some of the choices I made had major impact on the ongoing game going forward, it really felt crazy some of the things that happened and how much they impacted the story, I may play the game again to see how much things change.

    Some major twists and hard decisions really made this game a step above.

    I didn't think the art was up to snuff, I wasn't expecting Remember Me quality but there were some really bad character models/details in the game, wow that dog looked terrible.

    Starts well, meanders through the middle, and finishes very strong, episode 5 was a crazy trip, loved it.

  • I didn't finish too many games this year, and this game is mostly to blame. I think I'm at about 400 matches played and I'm still playing 1-3 matches daily.

    This game is at it's most basic just another MOBA/DOTA clone it plays very similarly to LoL and DOTA 2 with 2 key exceptions:

    -The team levels up not the individual.

    -The game takes place on many varied maps.

    I love the different maps and different objectives it makes the game a lot more strategic compared to it's competition.

    The team leveling I have mixed feelings about; it's a great mechanic to prop up the new players and the not so good players to ensure they can contribute throughout the entire match; if you have a bad start you can recover in some situations; very rarely do you ever get the feeling that you have lost or won the match in the first 5 minutes in this game which seemed to happen all the time in LoL. While it's great to prop up the new players, it also has the effect of holding down the top performers, I remember having matches in LoL where I felt like I had almost single handedly won the game for my team because I was able to outlevel in my lane and turn that into a steamroll of ganks in all lanes; that never happens in this game, there are never any bad games, but there are also very rarely any exciting dominations either. More competitive but less exciting I guess.

    One thing that I think this game got wrong is that the team level means far to much, if the other team gets more than a few levels ahead of you which can very easily happen due to one poor team fight, the rest of the game becomes very difficult.

    I didn't think I'd get sucked into another one of these after 300+ hours of LoL and straight up hating DOTA 2, but here I am and it's great.

  • I liked this game, but it was probably my least favourite of the 3 campaigns; I'm just not that invested in the Protoss characters and saving their campaign to be the big climax to the SC2 story was a bad move as far as I'm concerned.

    It also felt like there was a lot less mission variety in the main campaign, it was almost all base building, I prefer the hero missions that were more prevalent in the other two campaigns.

    I haven't gone too deep into the other modes, but I've had some fun with the coop missions and can see myself spending a bunch of time in that mode going forward.

  • I loved the creativity and the story of this game, but that was about it.

    I had intended to go pacifist and I did only kill one monster in my entire playthrough, unfortunately that was the first encounter, probably the worst monster to kill; before I became familiar with the game mechanics.

    I really hated the playing part of this game, massive difficulty spikes combined with not knowing what you were doing in boss fights was a real drag.

    Keyboard controls were annoying for this game, I used to use the arrow keys for most games up until only a few years ago and I forced myself to learn WASD, it's painful to go back.

    I guess most people hated the puzzle parts at the start of this game, they weren't hard and I thought they were fine.

    I wanted to like this game, and I did get something out of it, but I can't say I'd recommend it as a game to have fun with.