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This Year #26: The best of Loveline (Q1 2001)

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Two weeks ago we covered the debut year of the Giant Bombcast. We generally try to mix up genres so that there isn't too much focus on gaming shows or on comedy shows or on culture shows. As it happens we're turning now to comedy to cover January, February, and March in the life of Loveline from the year 2001. Some of you guys might remember the old Loveline, when it was hosted by Adam Carolla and, of course, Dr. Drew. For those that don't, Loveline was essentially a relationship advice and sexual health talk show aimed at those 25 or younger. It was simultaneously funny and tragic. You'd hear funny calls—for instance in this best-of there's a female caller that believes orgasms should go on for a solid thirty or forty minutes—and then extremely depressing calls from people who have been raped; people who have been abused by their parents; people unable to maintain a real relationship.

It's also interesting to hear Drew and Adam pick out substance addiction or sexual abuse in callers who don't otherwise admit to it. It's strange to figure that people are so predictable and so readable, but apparently we are.

It's super compelling stuff. If you're at all interested in armchair psychology, Loveline is a really great show to listen to. In this highlight show, there's a call from a guy who saw his nephew having sex with a dog; there's a call from a spaced-out woman who swears it's weird for guys to shave their pubic hair; there's a call from a minor that appears in pornographic films; there are numerous calls from people that engage in group sex, leading to Drew explaining why those behaviors destroy relationships and are indicative of people who were sexually abused during childhood. Also, Adam has ants in his house, and he explodes at the LA police state, meter maids, and chickenshit jaywalking/parking/speeding tickets.

This highlights show is five hours long. Download the MP3 directly here or subscribe to our RSS feed. Do like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and check out more highlights on our blog. Coming up in two weeks is our best-of for the 2007 year of GFW Radio.

Did any of you guys ever call in to Loveline? Or do you know anyone that called in?