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As someone who works a monotonous, unfulfilling job four or five days out of the week, I always look forward to watching UPF on Saturday morning. I can understand why some people here may be a little upset by that. On the other hand, I also happen to love when the guys -- primarily Jeff, who has a ton of knowledge on topics old and new -- talk shop about whatever comes to mind. The callers have never been a strong point for these things. However, I think the way Drew chose to do it was great. None of those questions were bad or particularly "cringeworthy" as some people would say.

I'm also a fan of all things radio (morning zoo, specifically, because sometimes it's so bad it's good when it's not so bad it's just bad), so any bad callers by comparison just kinda make the entire thing funnier, imo. Luckily, no one during this stream was bad in any way. In fact, the questions were actually pretty good!

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@midnightgreen20 said:

@zheelz: You ought to listen to at least one of Milo's college speeches. You get a much more in-depth look as to his thoughts on various political and cultural topics. While he still does like to crack jokes during them, he certainly takes a more serious note than what his image may portray when you see the quick interviews he gets on various news shows. Plus, I've also spoken to him in person and he is quite the opposite of what the media makes him out to be.

I need to do that. Again, I think the man has some valid points in the interviews I have heard with him where he says that college-aged kids are running away from other opinions and instead going the opposite direction and seeking out ones that oppose their own. He's certainly articulate when he chooses to be. It's unfortunate that there's such a huge gulf between his on-camera/social media personality and his actual personality. But I suppose that could be said about a lot of pundits, actors, personalities, etc...

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Edited By zheelz

@shtinky said:

@11111110 said:

So if one really important thing could be cleared up, did that group Palmer Luckey Fund produce any white supremacist memes? Or post or share any? Or was it just members of the super-PAC that had a history of white supremacism? Obviously we're not calling Palmer's group racist just for supporting Trump or opposing Clinton, so what were the white supremacist ties?

Sadly people are wrongly accusing Yiannopoulos of being a while supremacist/ racist because of the white privilege grant/ Leslie Jones Twitter joke.

I cannot imagine why anyone would think that about that nice young man!

I will be the first to say that I do not advocate for people being banned because they share an opinion different to mine; however, Milo Yiannapolis seems to be an internet troll come to life trying to actively anger people in any way he can because it's in his best interests financially and popularity wise to do so to strengthen his "brand," during one of the most polarizing election cycles we've seen in a while, whatever that "brand," might be.

It's a shame. Underneath his ostentatious bluster, I believe the man to be highly intelligent. Unfortunately, he chooses to deploy it in an abrasive and unhelpful way. I was actually following him before the election stuff started and liked that he was taking colleges to task over being a bit too scared to discuss anything that deviated from their -- more often than not, liberal -- opinions on a lot of social issues. Now he just seems to be in the business of yelling about things until he's right and then citing statistics that only aid to help his side of the fence.

And no matter what people think about the Palmer Luckey situation, it's going to have a far-reaching affect on the company (and companies) he was a part of. I think during this conversation you heard Jeff and Alex specifically really get upset about the fact they allowed this man on to their platform because that then reflects poorly on them in some way. Now add that sentiment to other companies who talked to Palmer Luckey or did some sort of business with the man. They all probably feel a bit duped in some way by this entire situation. You invited someone into your domain and they left a steaming pile of crap before they saw themselves out that you finally ended up finding underneath your couch cushions 3 months later.

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Edited By zheelz

"The whole 'kit-and-ka-butthole.'"

Drew's low-key jokes and humor remain my favorite part of any podcast.

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Edited By zheelz

The_Donald is a hilarious subreddit that stops being hilarious the moment when you realize a lot of those people actually believe the things they post.

I cannot wait for this election cycle to be over with. It has seeped from just ruining political discourse to ruining ALL discourse on every comment section on the internet -- which, in fairness, was already bad to begin with.

This whole Palmer Luckey situation is an unfortunate one to have your entire company (fairly or unfairly) associated with simply because your founder wanted to throw some money around on silly political memes.

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The orchestra really made that police state feel like a police state.

Orchestra music is one of my favorite things to listen to. Adding Dan's asshole Mario Maker levels in the background just makes it even better! Thanks for sharing, Dan. That put a huge smile on face to watch and listen to.

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Edited By zheelz

Austin's brief stint at Giantbomb was wonderful. I'll be following him and wishing him the best! Maybe he can convince Viceland to film Johnny V, Dan and his girlfriend travelling the U.S. talking about video games for programming on their new channel. THINK ABOUT IT, VICE!

Jeff's sincerity talking about the Gamespot situation was highly poignant during this time where Johnny V. needed to hear it. I never get tired hearing Jeff talk openly about losing his job, the process of letting it sink in and then trying to take other people on a journey with him. He really gives a fuck about people which is something you don't see a lot in a work setting unless it only benefits the person doing it. As far as Johnny V. goes, he will recover! He's a good dude.

These E3 shows are wonderful. Thanks for all of the hard work from everybody on this site! I say, without any hesitation, that the money I spend on Giantbomb premium content is the best money spent anywhere on the internet. I know this isn't premium content, but I don't question ever paying money to this site, and I spend money on a couple of different platforms for music, television and movies. I would consider cutting all of those before I ever give up my Giantbomb subscription.

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I'd pony up the money for this if I had a 3DS. It's just crazy enough for me to be interested in. I respect the hell out of games that try to be different and do a good job at making an entertaining game that I would have otherwise completely skipped out on. It's a nice reprieve from the normal onslaught of first-person shooters, MOBA's and the [rogue]likes.

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