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    Red Dead Redemption II

    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Oct 26, 2018

    The third game in Rockstar's Wild West-themed series is a prequel to the events of Red Dead Redemption, returning to the open-world action of its predecessor.

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    #1  Edited By glots

    Alright. Seeing how there’s like +6 different threads focusing on seperate things, maybe we should finally have a general discussion/impressions one too.


    I got my copy early on thursday already and have played it daily since. I don’t know how many hours I’ve sunk into the game, but my guess would be *at least* 10-15 and I’m some ways into chapter two (or maybe it changed to 3 after one major thing, not sure).

    It really is kinda crazy how detailed the world is. It has been remarkably easy to just get side-tracked and go off to explore the world, ending up into random encounters or just taking in the sights. I can’t remember the last open-world game where I was planning on stopping for the day, but then ended up doing something completely non-story related for an hour or two.

    The story and characters have been great as well, but I’m just as engaged roaming the world, which I didn’t expect before the release...and I haven’t even explored the half of it. Not sure if there is a fast travel system of some kind, don’t really even care at the moment if there is.

    I’m glad that the ”survival game” mechanics didn’t end up being as hardcore as I maybe feared. I still do hunting and stuff, but I also have plenty of money to take care of the camp. My biggest sink for money has been shopping for clothing, as it should be.

    I’m playing on PS4 Pro and the DF comparison got me a bit worried beforehand, but that faded off quickly. Maybe if I had the game running on X on another tv next to my current one, I would care more, but as it is, the game looks gorgeous and any dips in the framerate haven’t bothered me.

    P.S. I’m kinda hoping for some solo Extra Life streams this year, because seeing Vinny play both this and Hitman 2 would be a delight.

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    Yeah man good call on the impression thread.

    This game is great, but in the very short stints I get to play this game I find myself having a blast and then looking back and realising I literally did nothing.

    Definitely a top candidate for the Best World category. :D

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    I find myself having a blast and then looking back and realising I literally did nothing.

    I think that's pretty much the best way to summarize this game. As I said in another thread, the game is the perfect summer holiday game. You've got nothing to do, you got all the time in the world and you can waste hours and hours not worrying about getting anything done. It's a very hard left turn after recently playing more standardized open world games like AC Odyssey, Spiderman etc etc where everything is about making you feel like you accomplished something.

    The one thing that's surprised me though, which seems contrary to the idea of it being a big time-waster, is how small the game actually is. It's not something that's immediately obvious, but once you get a good way into the game and start getting a good picture of your progress etc it's quite surprising. If the game had the same pace as those other games it would be a fairly short game, or more to the point, if it was the size of those other games with the pacing it has it would be a gruelingly long game.

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    It’s the best open world ever made in a game...

    But then I think they don’t find any good way to exploit it. For all the systemic stuff in place, all the missions are painfully linear, which feels jarring and antiquated. I’ve had mission failures because I strayed too far from the waypoint line, I think we were past that as design goes. Obviously the challenges are the open stuff in here, but they’re a sidenote.

    I feel the game should have scripted mission, the writing is even great sometimes, but a lot of it should’ve been edited out for more freeform “main” activities (that said I think they’re too much in love with their story and cinematic style to do that and that annoys me). With the camp motif, I think there was way to make the game more open-ended, there’s a seed of that in the camp fund systems and all the food/medicine/ammo stuff, but it doesn’t amount to much. In the context of the game being so linear, I feel all those systems become busywork whereas if the game wasn’t this scripted, they could’ve been used to create your main goals.

    For a game that has this much work in, it’s super disappointing to me that I’m simply going marker to marker like any other open world game. It’s my favourite open world ever and I love it even as I’m just following waypoints, but I also see it as a massive missed opportunity.

    Small sidenote: I took an hour to hunt for three 3-stars rabbits for a challenge and it baffles me that killing those rabbits was a more involved task than killing people. For all the systemic bullshit they added in that game for realism, the killing of other humans is still so videogamey that it feels hypocritical to me. But then maybe I’m expecting too much of big budget games.

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    I always give myself a few months before I make any lists, but I think this is the best game I've ever played. I'm at 36 hours so far, and only 25% story completion. The world makes everything feel so meaningful, that just exploring and fighting has kept me busy for hours. Bought a nice suit, played poker for a couple hours, got lost waaaay up north, horse died, and the lack of fast travel made that a truly memorable experience. Ive been a really really bad person, but always pet dogs. I've been talking to people i havent spoken to in years about mutual excitement for every little thing about this game.

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    I am liking the slow pace of the game, had to get over the hump of all the overwhelming systems and realise they aren't as intrusive as I expected.

    Thankfully the writing has been pretty good so far, I really disliked GTAV's writing and story that it really soured my experience in that world very quickly. The characters seem more cared for and just wandering around the camp has been great so far. I guess I haven't got to some of the things Alex mentioned in his review so I am ready for some of the more iffy aspects of that, but currently enjoying my jaunt around Valentine and the surrounding area.

    Also, my good horse is called Oatie and we watched the sunset while a bear ran about on a frozen lake. It was wonderful. The nature in this game is good.

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    There seems to be a huge amount of incidental detail all throughout this game. For example: I was doing the morning chores around the camp, carrying hay to the horses and corn to the provisions wagon. Abigail and Hosea were giving Jack a reading lesson. As I walked by I could hear that Jack wasn't having it. "Reading is boring. I want to be a gunslinger!" Abigail replies "Over my dead body!" A little bit later I was carrying water to the wash bin and crossed paths with Abigail. I greeted her and said something like "Even gunslingers need to know how to read." Abigail replied with "Oh, don't you go and encourage him, Arthur!"

    Arthur wasn't a part of the reading lesson, and I was just eavesdropping as I walked by. Had I not greeted Abigail at that time I probably would never have heard that little snippet of dialog. But it's that incidental detail that really makes the game feel alive.

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    It’s the best open world ever made in a game...

    But then I think they don’t find any good way to exploit it. For all the systemic stuff in place, all the missions are painfully linear, which feels jarring and antiquated. I’ve had mission failures because I strayed too far from the waypoint line, I think we were past that as design goes. Obviously the challenges are the open stuff in here, but they’re a sidenote.

    I feel the game should have scripted mission, the writing is even great sometimes, but a lot of it should’ve been edited out for more freeform “main” activities (that said I think they’re too much in love with their story and cinematic style to do that and that annoys me). With the camp motif, I think there was way to make the game more open-ended, there’s a seed of that in the camp fund systems and all the food/medicine/ammo stuff, but it doesn’t amount to much. In the context of the game being so linear, I feel all those systems become busywork whereas if the game wasn’t this scripted, they could’ve been used to create your main goals.

    For a game that has this much work in, it’s super disappointing to me that I’m simply going marker to marker like any other open world game. It’s my favourite open world ever and I love it even as I’m just following waypoints, but I also see it as a massive missed opportunity.

    Small sidenote: I took an hour to hunt for three 3-stars rabbits for a challenge and it baffles me that killing those rabbits was a more involved task than killing people. For all the systemic bullshit they added in that game for realism, the killing of other humans is still so videogamey that it feels hypocritical to me. But then maybe I’m expecting too much of big budget games.

    Yeah this is my problem with the game too. Coming off of Breath of the Wild and The Phantom Pain which were very freeform and fun to something that doesnt feel too far off from a Quantic Dream game at times, once you start a mission.

    You could argue that the world is there to toy around with at your leisure but the problem I have is you get more than enough money from doing these heavily scripted missions to the point where theres no need to rob trains, houses or horses to keep to the camp going. Weapons are fairly cheap, so are cloths and satchels can only be upgraded via hunting which is my least favourite part of the game.

    I'm enjoying the story but everything else (aside from the graphics, sound etc.) feels extremely dated.

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    I'm partway through chapter 3, and my experience with the game so far has been mostly positive. For the most part, I think the writing and characterization are decidedly better than Rockstar's previous games. Some moments of levity work better than others; I wish they had toned down the classic Rockstar humor. There bound to be larger-than-life personalities in a Rockstar game, except this time they stand out all the more opposite more believable characters. I kind of miss the sombre tone and oppressive atmosphere of the first chapter.

    The mechanics and systems you engage with have been more involved and fleshed out than I expected including the gunplay, which took me a while to understand its rhythm. The game's idea of realism hasn't been off-putting to me. That said, I wish the survival elements were a little more pronounced, or at least their effects were communicated more clearly. Arthur for me has been underweight for a while now. I have rarely had to replenish his health "core," so I don't give him food all the time. I wish that aspect of the game has been better balanced.

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    I am having some trouble with the wanted system, Robbed a store just for the "experience" kinda went out off hand got some money from it but ended up with a 300$ bounty witch seems to be the maximum. Then i kinda fucked myself over because all off the stores/town (valentine) was closed. Because of my misdemeanor. Anyway i think the wanted system might be a bit to harsh, the other day my new horse just killed someone by kicking him in the face out of nowhere, real funny but a expensive joke, cause it was branded a murder. I wanna hear from people how they play a more outlawish Arthur and get away with murder or theft cause i am failing tremendous at it, i should really start using that bandana.

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    #11  Edited By doctordonkey

    The bounty system doesn't feel great. From all the experiences people have been sharing on the RDR subreddit, it just seems to be very inconsistent. What I tried was going into a town with a fresh set of gear to eliminate any links to Arthur. I found a horse in the wild and tamed it, I took guns off of random thugs and never used my own, I put on cloths I had never equipped before, and I made sure I was masked up. After doing all this, I equipped an appearance that absolutely NOBODY has seen Arthur in before, and never put my mask down from the second I rode out of camp. Theoretically, I should be a mysterious gunman. A nobody.

    I then rode into Valentine and hit up every store I could, making sure nobody got too close to me, and any one that did I put a bullet in their skull. I managed to slip out the back and had yet to be identified as Arthur, ended up stealing maybe 60 bucks between 3 stores. Everything seems to be dandy, I'm hopping on my horse that literally no one has ever seen before, and a lawman rides into view. He's maybe 30 yards out, pretty decent distance. The second he spots me from that range, he IMMEDIATELY identifies me as Arthur. Without so much as Arthur yelling, so it couldn't even be him recognizing his voice.

    Same thing with train guards. They immediately identify Arthur under the exact same circumstances. My only conclusion from all this, and the other stuff posted on reddit, is that lawmen and guards have X-ray vision, and are basically the super cops from GTAV. The second they come over the horizon and spot you from max distance, they just know it's Arthur. So my fantasy of having a faceless alter-ego that rides out on a pale horse and dark overcoat to wreak havoc, is pretty much dead as soon as any lawmen show up.

    Maybe it'll get patched one day? I dunno. Other than this glaring issue, I'm having a fantastic time with it, taking it real slow. I see myself playing this for at least another 3 weeks, judging by how massive it is.

    This reddit post is full of a lot of spoiler-free tips that the game doesn't tell you.

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    @chebbles said:

    I am liking the slow pace of the game, had to get over the hump of all the overwhelming systems and realise they aren't as intrusive as I expected.

    Thankfully the writing has been pretty good so far, I really disliked GTAV's writing and story that it really soured my experience in that world very quickly. The characters seem more cared for and just wandering around the camp has been great so far. I guess I haven't got to some of the things Alex mentioned in his review so I am ready for some of the more iffy aspects of that, but currently enjoying my jaunt around Valentine and the surrounding area.

    Also, my good horse is called Oatie and we watched the sunset while a bear ran about on a frozen lake. It was wonderful. The nature in this game is good.

    This is pretty much me. My only problem is that I can play for 35-40 mins sessions (because right now that's all I'm getting) and I'm making (or feel like) no progress. I wish Fast-Travel was unlocked sooner (maybe it is an I don't know) because sometimes I don't have 15 mins to travel on horseback to get from Point A to Point B

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    It just doesn't feel as fun as the first Red Dead. I don't think they're going for that aesthetic, but the real world aspect of the game isn't firing the "fun" neurons in my brain.

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    I was challenged to a shooting contest by some random person. I shot the most bottles and won. As he was about to hand me the bet, I accidentally pressed R2 instead of L2 and sucker punched him in the face. He drew his gun and I had to fight him off. Not the way I had intended that friendly wager to end, but it gave me a good laugh nonetheless. Not the first time either, I almost shot a dude I had just saved from some robbers making the same mistake. Or that time I took a bite from a snack (in real life) and accidentally almost ran myself and my horse off a cliff. Saved us by the grace of dumb luck.

    My stupid mistakes aside, I think I have mostly been mainlining a lot of story missions and drinking more hair tonics than is probably healthy. Need that beard at majestic maximum.

    Having a great time though, spent most money on customizing my guns. They are all matching blackend steel/blackish wood and silver trigger and hammers.

    Ironically to my black dressed cowboy I have been mostly a pretty good guy. Accidents aside. Having a great time with the game, I am getting the same urge to keep playing as I did playing The Witcher 3. Don’t think any game this year is going to get close to beating it in my potential end year list. But man, the game sure eats up your time. Wish I had even mor spare time to waste on it.

    Because I can certainly see everyone’s ”play a lot and have done nothing”-feeling on the game.

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    @pezen said:

    I was challenged to a shooting contest by some random person. I shot the most bottles and won. As he was about to hand me the bet, I accidentally pressed R2 instead of L2 and sucker punched him in the face. He drew his gun and I had to fight him off. Not the way I had intended that friendly wager to end, but it gave me a good laugh nonetheless. Not the first time either, I almost shot a dude I had just saved from some robbers making the same mistake. Or that time I took a bite from a snack (in real life) and accidentally almost ran myself and my horse off a cliff. Saved us by the grace of dumb luck.

    My stupid mistakes aside, I think I have mostly been mainlining a lot of story missions and drinking more hair tonics than is probably healthy. Need that beard at majestic maximum.

    Having a great time though, spent most money on customizing my guns. They are all matching blackend steel/blackish wood and silver trigger and hammers.

    Ironically to my black dressed cowboy I have been mostly a pretty good guy. Accidents aside. Having a great time with the game, I am getting the same urge to keep playing as I did playing The Witcher 3. Don’t think any game this year is going to get close to beating it in my potential end year list. But man, the game sure eats up your time. Wish I had even mor spare time to waste on it.

    Because I can certainly see everyone’s ”play a lot and have done nothing”-feeling on the game.

    This is pretty close to my thoughts, even down to a similar issue with that random event. I must have been too close to the guy when reloading because I ended up pistol whipping him and then accidentally hitting R2 in panic which shot him in the head. I feel like the context sensitive controls can be a bit of a bummer sometimes, oops.

    Outside of the control issues, it's been a pretty great time.

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    Been having a lot of fun so far and hours seem to just go by on fast forward when I play it. The slow pace does kinda mean that on weekdays when I have maybe 2-3 hours max to play I don’t goof around as much because I do feel a bit of pressure to get significant quests done.

    I really like how even simple missions will have fun twists and turns so that it’s never JUST a slow ride along or something - you almost always encounter an exciting detour along the way. Similarly I like that riding around you will often encounter various little distractions that help to break up the long stretches of land you cover from mission to mission. If you haven’t uncovered the “secret” around the Gun shop in Rhodes then I advise everyone to snoop around.

    I’m also really smitten with Arthur who seems like a real decent guy all around. I don’t have an issue with past Rockstar games as much as most people but to me GTA4 was probably the low point. Most NPCs I interact with in RDR2 are pretty fun.

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    The biggest bummer with the game so far is that I don't have enough time to play it. Like @humanity said, during weekdays I only have maybe 2 hours to play a game and in that time I feel I'm yanked out of the world before I've really had a time to settle in.

    It looks fantastic on the Xbox One X, the world is immersive as hell, the story is really drawing me in and I just want to play more and more of it. However it's not a totally perfect package. Picking up items in interior environments for example can be a pain and sometimes the systems of the game don't quite work the way I would expect them to.

    And as a big bonus, my girlfriend loves watching me play the game too, as long as I don't end up killing my horse yet again.

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    #18  Edited By Seikenfreak

    Same issue here. I played it from morning til night on Saturday and Sunday, and now back to dumb work days, I felt like I couldn't get invested in the game with so little time. Turning it on again after being away for a day I was like dayuuuumm this shit looks good all over again. I was able to do a couple missions but yea. Not a very enjoyable way to play a game like this. Why'd I have to get a job again a month before this came out! ;_;

    Don't have time to write up a whole thing because leaving for said work soon but so far everything is great for me except for the story (kinda plain and also absurd) and Arthur as a character. All he does is bitch and moan (a lot like me in real life) about everything. And having him complain about all these incompetent idiots in this gang of people yet won't get rid of them.. It's like I'm at all my jobs in real life! They should be cutting these people loose (or killing them) and get some proper individuals.

    There are also a couple things mechanic wise that I am not sure you can do yet. Like, I'd love to be able to own a wagon and take that out hunting so I could carry a bunch more stuff. And I know its probably beyond the scope of the single player-- maybe it'll exist in the online stuff-- but I'd love to be able to slowly build up my own homestead. Pick a spot in the world, choose a design, then gradually gather the materials to build and decorate it. Live like a hermit up in the mountains in a small cabin or down on the plains with some live stock pens and farm land.

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    Arthur is more what I wanted John to be in the first game. The same noble core and smarts, but not so serious, and not the same one-note delivery every line; there is a seasoned acting performance going on under these polygons. It also kinda feels like I'm playing as Robert Redford, which is pretty cool.

    The world design is Witcher 3 good: beautiful, interesting, breathtaking, cohesive, and just feels alive in every sense of the word. I am in this place; Rockstar have achieved perfection for the first time in that regard. Whenever I see a mill, a little station by the tracks, a cabin with a smoking chimney on the horizon, or my horse Hermes grazing against a stark moon, my heart drops.

    The story starts off a bit OTT, painting Dutch as the father figure of this pathetic gang. I haven't liked him at any point, but the humble task of finding a new home is strong and makes me feel that sense of change these guys are feeling. John is cool, as are Hosea, Lenny, the preacher, Miss Grimshaw and Charles. They're my guys; everyone else can drop dead.

    All I've got so far. I've supplied the camp to maximum almost, and am just slowly soaking in side-content, being a nice outlaw, and meeting interesting folk all over the place. Easily in my top five of the year.

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    @isomeri: Yah I’m really kicking myself for not getting the XB1X.. I was in the store with the bundle that included Horizon and RDR2 then backed off thinking that I don’t need a whole new console just to enjoy a game more. Now each time I go into a town and the frame rate drops to sub 20 frames and this beautiful world starts to chug I think I should have gotten that dang X. Now i just wouldn’t have the time to start this massive game from scratch and do all those quests all over again.

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    I took the weekend off and played basically non-stop. Just some bullet point thoughts for right now:

    • I love how considered so many of these characters are, and I don't just mean the main characters. There are so many small moments in this game whether you're just wandering the streets in Annesburg or stumbling across a house in the bayou that reveal just how much Dan Houser, Michael Unsworth and Rupert Humphries cared for this space. The latter two are specifically credited with pedestrian dialogue and they did a great job hiding the puppet strings and making all these places feel like unique spaces.
    • That said, it's all the more jarring when GTA V's most common trope kicks in and Arthur is suddenly having a five minute conversation with Sean and Micah about how much the three of them hate each other. Especially considering the band of brothers vibe of the tutorial and most of the first chapter generally, it's disappointing how the second and third chapters have moved in this direction despite the actual vibe of the story being a bit more light hearted and warm where I am. I don't know why Houser is so enamored with this brand of bickering anti-friendship.
    • I've always enjoyed the hell out of Rockstar's gunplay to be honest, but it's hard to go back to pre-GTA V and not having the snap aiming anymore. I know "hardcore gamers", of which this game appears to be attracting a substantial following (go look at the comments section on the Game Informer article about quality of life issues for a spoiler free example), think Rockstar's shooting in general is trash but I really like the feel of the guns and look of the world so I really don't care how much skill I'm displaying in these games, I just want to feel badass. A little too often am I spending an entire Dead Eye meter trying to lineup two shots, I just can't dial in the dead zone, and free aim is practically a death wish for me.
    • I love hunting but I'm struggling to find variety. I spent my entire day yesterday hunting with just a handful of side missions sprinkled in and probably 80% of the animals I saw in a 7+ hour play session were whitetail deer, coyotes, wild horses, crows and a lot of jackrabbits. I've been all over the map and other than the turtles, herons and gators literally littering the bayou I feel like I'm really, really struggling to find the specific pelts I'm looking for. I'm probably just not using cover scent and bait enough (read: at all).
    • This game is gorgeous.
    • I don't mind the having to get guns off the horse all the time thing, but it's definitely inconsistent that you always keep your sidearms but always put away your long arms. I really think they need to take an L on this one and patch that out.
    • Back to how grounded and considered this game is most of the time, I love that when it decides to get funny it is wildly funny (usually). There was one side quest involving circus performers I didn't like much, but another, with a man named Margaret, that I absolutely loved. And a lot of the incidental humor is the best these games have been since the PS2 era, I really feel like Rockstar has finally recaptured that catch-you-off-guard vibe they had in another era with their random pedestrian call outs and radio ad absurdity that was mostly lost in the HD era.
    • I'm the sort of guy who's rolling into town, hopping off my horse and leading it by the reigns at a snail's pace a lot of the time, but honestly I think they should let you run in the camp. My assumption is if you could move quickly it would break some of the scripting and the majority of players would miss all the incidental dialogue and conversation, but Rockstar should let people miss it if that's their vibe. Sometimes all I want to do is drop off some pelts and duck out.
    • It's surprising just how overblown all the "new" was in pre-release and even post-release coverage. This is an incredibly shined up game that feels like it thought of everything, but it's still clearly riding the basic framework of a GTA-inspired open world. It's impressive how unique and thought out the side content is but I specifically remember some previews pointing out that this game was blurring the line between main and side quest; bullshit, you're still moving the story along by going to the bubble with initials on the map, and side quests are clearly separated by white bubbles (and even smaller side quests by lacking initials entirely). Some of the small side quests have been the best content in the game, but in pure "move this game along" meaning the structure hasn't changed at all.
    • I feel like this post quickly became a lot of complaints and worries, so I guess lemme be clear: I spent this past weekend playing this game like it was my job, an so like my job I spend a lot of time thinking about what I wish were going better for me. This game's incredible and I'm already worrying over when it's going to end, to the point I'm pretty much actively avoiding advancing the story further than mid-chapter 3 even though I'm sure there's a post-game.
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    @soulcake: bandana is KEY, and you have to GTFO of there fast once there are witnesses, going in loud will get you a bounty. but if you escape before the law shows up, 9/10 times I end up without a bounty.

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    #23  Edited By glots

    Seems that there’s potentially a nasty bug, that can occur if you do/don’t do certain things at the start of Chapter 2, like certain characters disappearing from the camp for the whole game.

    I don’t think this has happened to me (can’t check at the moment), but I’m not restarting the game from there at this point anymore. Plus I wouldn’t maybe call it ”game breaking”. Annoying as hell, but game’s still playable.

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    #24  Edited By Ares42

    @nodima: My experience with bait so far is that it does jack shit. As for finding the right animals it's all about finding the right spots. As far as I can tell all the animals spawns are actually static (I already know several spots where I consistently see the same animal over and over and over). If you're just riding a long the roads hoping the stumble upon some interesting then yeah, it's a lot of rabbits and deer, especially if you're exploring the main area of the game. It's sorta unfortunate that like 75% of the game is a singular biome.

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    What do you do with the legendary pelt? I did the quest at the camp and now I'm just dragging around this legendary pelt on my horse cause idk what to do with it

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    @mems1224: You need to sell it to a trapper (paw symbol on the map), after you sold it, it becomes part of the trapper crafting inventory and it’ll let you craft some silly outfits.

    There’s a quest (don’t remember if it’s a main or side one) that leads to a trapper.

    There’s rumbling on reddit about the fact that you can’t lose legendary pelts cause there’s a finite amount of them, that if you let them in the camp to disappear it’ll automatically go to the trapper invention, but I cannot confirm that.

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    @fear_the_booboo: I had a message pop up saying "you've abandoned your legendary pelt, go to a trapper to use it" or something similar to that once after dying while having one on my horse. I reloaded an earlier save though, so can't confirm if it actually works like that. I suspect it does, and all you lose out on by not delivering is the money you'd get from selling it.

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    I am having a hard time seeing things. Like if I hear someone yelling when I am riding around, where are they. Sometimes I can pull up the map and see a white dot, other times not. This guy challenged me to shoot some bottles faster than him. I couldn't even see most of the bottles.

    I was way out in the boonies and across a camp. Seems any time I spend at a camp the guy starts to recognize me (from Blackwater?) and runs off. So I shot him and and then I was dinking around in the camp because I was way out in the wilderness and thought it was safe. So I made a bunch of cross bullets (individually, c'mon!) and was cleaning my gun when it says "someone is coming to investigate". I guess a passer by saw the body. I start looking for him but I don't see anybody. Then suddenly "WITNESS" and a red dot shows on the map so I start chasing it on my horse. I just can't go fast because these are steep narrow mountain paths that if my horse trips it will die. But that guy, he was like lightning on those same paths. Suddenly I have a bounty even though he couldn't possibly have found a lawman out there.

    Then I see a guy that looks like he is trying to pull his horse out of some mud so I stop to help. As I approach he seems agitated that I am coming towards him so I push L2 to pull up the "calm down/greet" and at exactly that instant there is a bang like a gunshot and the guy falls over dead and his horse bolts. Did the horse kick him? It gave me a -rep for it. What did I do wrong? My gun was not out.

    Fist fighting? I just pound O because nothing else seems to do anything. It says [] will block but it never works for me. And you are supposed to be able to throw someone grappling you. That never works.

    This game seems filled with jank but I still want to keep playing it.

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    #29  Edited By Seikenfreak

    Small quick note: After listening to various things, I'm not sure why so many people are having a hard time with the controls. It seems fairly straight forward to me and the relevant prompts are on screen when needed most of the time. I think I've only accidentally shot someone once and aimed my gun at someone once. And that's just my fault.

    Didn't know about the D-pad up to shoot gun in the air thing though so that's a neat tip.

    One of the complaints I do agree with is how the interaction systems are all so well thought out.. to a point. And then it's like they just put a hard stop on deep they wanted to go. Waypoint touched on a specific random little quest thing that happened to me; The one where the lady is stuck under the horse. I saved her and started giving her a ride but I had already ridden a long distance to reach the nearby Fence, who was not far away now, and she wanted to go in the opposite direction. So of course I ride to my Fence thing first and then shes just like "Okay, guess you aren't taking me" /bail

    That is such a dumb video game-y thing. If they want to step up the realism another notch, they need that additional layer. Let me say something to her about making a quick stop before taking her home. Or maybe she'd be okay getting dropped off in this other nearby town. Various moments similar to this where the illusion breaks and it happens more frequently than I'd like. Far too many times I've been seen near a body or something and it's taken out of context. Maybe add a layer in where I can go to the sheriff and explain myself or provide some evidence to prove my innocence.

    Anyway, haven't really been able to play. Will try to put in a couple hours tonight. Ugh frustrating.

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    So I'm just scratching the surface of the open world but can anyone tell me what exactly is the point of donating to your camp?

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    @frostyryan: Purely donating money doesn't really do anything. However after a while you can buy upgrades for your camp that gives different benefits.

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    @frostyryan: the upgrades for the camp come out of the donation box. Also it gives honor points.

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    #33  Edited By Ares42

    In a game where it's very clear that your horse has its own will it's remarkable how many times it runs face first into a tree.

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    Pro tip: if you encounter the marksman challenge stranger from Mexico and you lose to him (for example if the game does not let you draw on bird round if you have a repeater selected), you can shoot him in the face, loot him for the money and do what you like to the body. He will later reappear, greet you in same friendly manner as before and let you try the challenge again.

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    im over 50 hours in, but now I'm on a business trip AND CANT PLAY UNTIL SUNDAAY NIIIGHT AHAHNLDKJF:KSJF:LKSDJF

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    It's great. I like the world a lot; it's very detailed. The story starts off kind of slow, but it definitely gets better and better and I feel for most of the characters. I'm almost 65 percent the way through the story, and some of that later stuff is very exciting and surprising. Also, it's cool how doing some side story stuff comes back later, adding to Arthur's character.

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    @ares42 said:

    In a game where it's very clear that your horse has its own will it's remarkable how many times it runs face first into a tree.

    Yeah it's like they learned nothing from Breath of the Wild ;p

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    I know there are newer videos than this pre-release footage but I remember seing this and thought, "yeah, it is bit dumb when horses go headfirst into shit".

    (them taking out the Wii-U map stuff still botheres me though)

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    I feel like I saw something like this in one of the other threads but damned if I can find it now. Is there a way to get my extremely clingy horse to stop following me? Or, several in some cases? I had 3 following me at one point, all with a severe case of FOMO I guess.

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    #40  Edited By Ares42

    @sethmode: I asked that in another thread. You can hold L2 to "converse" with your horse, just like any other NPC.

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    @ares42: Thanks, but I saw that and it is ALWAYS grayed out so I thought that I was missing something? Like, I have literally never been able to select that, despite the fact that the horse is ALWAYS following me!

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    @sethmode: I'm guessing you've had your gun out. There's some range fiddliness to it as well. It might also not work right away if your horse was recently spooked, although I'm not 100% sure about that.

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    @ares42: Man, that's a lot of stuff to consider! haha

    Thanks though, I'll check it out. I'm sure I was doing some fiddly-ass thing that was just not quite right for this persnickety game.

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    @sethmode: The controls can be a real chore at times but I can guarantee you can get your horse to stop following while you have your gun out. It would just end up being a very permanent solution. RIP first horse ; ;.

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    That show over at Saint Denis was pretty amazing and I didn't even go there as part of the story. Game continues to be staggering and my story's not even at 50%.

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    #46  Edited By joksthan

    Obviously a lot went into making this game and it shows. I enjoy the story and the characters somewhat but I believe this game is way overrated. There are no actual parts of the gameplay that are enjoyable. Shooting is crap, hunting is crap, mini games are crap. Feels like 10+ year old gameplay mechanics that were never enjoyable to begin with were laid as the foundation, then they spent years making the characters and the world look good. I just feel sorry for the people that spent years of their life making this game and then not getting any credit for it. I actually feel shame for even purchasing this game. #BOYCOTTRDR2

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    #47  Edited By Ares42

    Having finished the story I don't really know what to think of this game anymore. They've made some choices in this game... some peculiar choices. Also, about halfway through the game I had a realization that completely makes or breaks the story. Either there's some really clever writing in there that's gonna go way above the head of most people or there's some unintentional bad writing that completely undermines the premise. I'm leaning more towards the latter, but I can't really tell.

    To be honest I'd almost be tempted to recommend people to have fun with the world etc and then about two thirds into the game stop doing story missions.

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    #48  Edited By Seikenfreak

    I spent almost the entirety of my 14 hours yesterday exploring, hunting, and avoiding main missions. RDR2 continues to be incredible and everything that Breath of the Wild could've been, which was my "Biggest Disappointment of 2017" winner. Talk about an over hyped game..

    Now that I've got a better grasp on hunting and how it works (I'll bet theHunter: Call of the Wild was an inspiration or guide to some degree because the experience looks/feels similar), I'm finding it even more enjoyable. There are so many animals around to see and add to the compendium if you care about that sort of thing. Learning the appropriate weapons to use and how to take down the targets. Using the bait and scent covers. When you're trying to get Perfect Pelts and actually want to put some effort in to the system rather than just a drive-by shooting, it feels more rewarding. Still though, I cannot understand why they didn't implement a system that lets you have a covered wagon and use that to haul stuff. I want to be able to make it a mobile campsite and load all my pelts, meats, supplies etc. It's so cool to slowly head up deep into the snowy mountains in a storm and feel like you're way far away from civilization. But it is slightly annoying that my home camp is far in the opposite corner of the map now at this point in the story.

    I also wish there was maybe some better cold weather gear? Maybe its in the legendary sets but yea. And I think a need one of them classic Davy Crockett racoon hats if they have one.

    Maybe side secret spoiler?: And maybe I saw Sasquatch or something while exploring? Was putzing around in the northeast when I swear I saw something that looked like a slightly hairy naked man. As soon as I noticed it though it was already running away, and at the exact same time a wolf had attacked me from behind so my horse got spooked and reared me off.

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    @glots: I just wish the performance in Saint Denis wasn't absolute shit on base PS4's because it's a great city but I generally try to spend as little time there as possible because how badly the game starts to chug.

    Apart from that I am also continuing to lose hours upon hours each day playing the game and having a ton of fun.

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    #50  Edited By glots

    @humanity said:

    @glots: I just wish the performance in Saint Denis wasn't absolute shit on base PS4's because it's a great city but I generally try to spend as little time there as possible because how badly the game starts to chug.

    Apart from that I am also continuing to lose hours upon hours each day playing the game and having a ton of fun.

    I definitely notice some hiccups on Pro at some points when it's really busy over there, but it hasn't bothered me. The fan noise on the other hand...I've grown used to it in most games, but it's kinda starting to become irritating during this, when you either want to listen to the quiet nature or the sounds of town/city life and it's like a jet engine. I'm not the biggest fan of using headphones while playing alone, but I've used them a few times now to get over it. If I start this game again at some point, I just might grab a cheap second copy for X instead.

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