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Giant Bomb Review


Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Review

  • X360
  • PS3

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe successfully merges the two worlds while also delivering a great new fighting system for the current generation of consoles.

The game's story is all about throwing the different characters together in ways you wouldn't expect.
The game's story is all about throwing the different characters together in ways you wouldn't expect.
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe sounded like a dicey proposition at best. With the crossover thing having been done by Capcom and Marvel before, it isn't exactly groundbreaking. Plus, the DC Universe license comes along with the baggage of making the game a bit friendly to a younger audience, forcing the series' gruesome finishing moves to be toned down to a more-acceptable level of violence. On top of all that, it's the first time the MK series has come to the current generation of consoles, and with it comes a completely rebuilt fighting system. To say that the deck was stacked against MKvDC is something of an understatement. But all those potential pitfalls make the success of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe that much sweeter. The characters fit together better than expected. The new fighting system is a terrific mix of old and new that makes this the best Mortal Kombat game since the series went 3D. And the finishing moves... well, they're toned down, but even they still manage to put a good exclamation point on a hard-fought victory.

For the second time in series history, the fighting in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe has been completely revamped. Most of the features and fighting from the previous three console games has been thrown out. Apart from a pair of characters who are armed with blades, there aren't any weapon stances or style changes to worry about. And the combo system ditches ground-based, memorization-heavy combos in favor of timing-focused juggles, which effectively makes it more like the previous 2D games in the series. While you can still sidestep to avoid projectiles at range, the game has a snappy, classic feel to it without feeling like a throwback. One of the few things that carry over from the more-recent 3D entries in the series is the combo breaker, which will crack you out of a jam if you have enough juice in your super meter to use one. You can store up to two breakers if your meter is full. A full meter also lets you enact rage mode, which makes you attack through an opponent's block and not react when you get hit for a few seconds. It's a neat idea that can be effective when playing alone, but most human opponents seem to know to just get away when you pop into rage.

While the core concept of merging the two worlds together is kind of appealing on their own, it's really the gameplay in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe that makes it stand out. There's a steep learning curve to contend with, and the game doesn't really provide many pointers about how to get better. But once you spend time with it and start to pick up on how it all works, it's fantastic. The fighting manages to feel unlike anything else on the market while still retaining enough Mortal Kombat style to make it appealing to players who are familiar with the series' arcade roots. It also seems to work on multiple levels, rewarding players who take the time to learn and master the more difficult combos while never feeling completely alien. Two players with a passing knowledge of fighting games could probably pick it up and have a decent time, but you get the impression that between the different juggles and things like "pro moves," which are enhanced or branched versions of your special moves that often require very precise timing, there's a lot of appropriately rewarding stuff to pick up as you improve. While it may play quite a bit differently than most of the other fighting games coming out today, it still revolves around the classic balance of knowing what moves are available to you while also deciding when to use specific attacks, or how to block incoming flurries from your opponent.

Green Lantern, seen here dropping the hammer on Liu Kang.
Green Lantern, seen here dropping the hammer on Liu Kang.
The roster in MKvDC is solid. The MK side is a classic collection of fighters that don't get any newer than Mortal Kombat II. The DC side mirrors the powers and concepts of the MK fighters a bit, but without feeling like MK moves were cheaply slapped onto the superheroes and villains. That said, Lex Luthor's power armor grants him a wrist flamethrower and missiles that come in both regular and homing varieties, making him a bit like Sektor. Captain Marvel has a Kung Lao-like teleport. The Flash has Kabal's spin dash. The Joker tosses bombs near and far like he was Cyrax. Superman has a Jax-like ground pound, a Nightwolf shoulder charge, and his heat vision matches Kano's eye laser. Batman has a Sheeva-like teleport stomp. Green Lantern uses his ring for a telekinetic lift-and-drop move that comes right out of Ermac's repertoire. Actually, while we're on the subject, it's almost weird that Superman doesn't have Raiden's torpedo move. But if it's any consolation, that move can now be officially referred to as "The Superman" in Raiden's move list. While there are plenty of special moves on the DC fighters that map back to previous MK fighters, they fit the characters that have them really well, so you don't feel like you're just playing MK characters with a DC skin. It all feels pretty legit.

The game has a more elaborate story mode than you'd expect out of a fighting game, and it's largely in place to give you a good reason why the fighters of Mortal Kombat and the tights-wearing set from DC are getting together for a fight. Much like how the Mortal Kombat series is all about the bad guys trying to merge their horrific realm with Earth, a series of events causes Mortal Kombat's Earthrealm to begin merging with DC's universe. This sets everything in both locations topsy-turvy, as everyone's powers fluctuate and characters begin fighting due to an infection known as "kombat rage." Really, this all seems like it's in place to tell you why a ninja like Sub-Zero could harm Superman with his fists, or why Batman and Wonder Woman would face off.

The story is split in half, and you choose if you want the MK side or the DC side at the onset. The two stories run concurrently, so you'll see things referenced in one that take place in the other, and so on. They both culminate in a battle against the creepy merged creature that's causing all of this strife in the first place. Interestingly, you don't choose a character in story mode. Instead, it jumps around, devoting each chapter to a different fighter. This serves the alternate purpose of getting you up to speed on how most of the fighters operate. The story sequences themselves have a laugh here and there, but they're also a little hokey in spots. Then again, I tend to find most superhero stuff a bit hokey, anyway. Of course, there's probably something sort of hokey about a martial arts tournament that determines the fate of the world that is fought by movie stars, demons, ice ninjas, and thundergods, so maybe it all balances out. Either way, it works and the tone of it is just fine.

The game also has a single-player arcade mode, which provides you with the standard MK ladder, culminating in a boss fight and an ending. The endings are in the classic MK style, giving you a couple of static pieces of artwork with some dialogue about what your chosen fighter did after beating the crap out of everyone else. On the practice side of things you can find a standard practice mode and the kombo challenge. This mode gives you ten combos for each fighter that you must complete to succeed. The combos are surprisingly difficult and showcase the tight timing that many of the moves and juggles have. The game doesn't hold your hand at all, which is a bit harsh, especially when you consider that DC fans who don't play many fighters might be coming in only to discover a series of button presses that make absolutely no sense. A proper tutorial and a "show me what this combo you're asking me to do is supposed to look like" button--like the Tekken series has--would have been a good addition.

Between ice breath, heat vision, and extreme strength, Superman can do a little bit of everything.
Between ice breath, heat vision, and extreme strength, Superman can do a little bit of everything.
It's also worth noting that the notorious Xbox 360 directional pad doesn't do the game any favors, especially when it comes to the kombo challenge mode. If you own an arcade stick or some other controller solution, you'll be happy to know that the game lets you freely remap the buttons. You can duplicate all of the game's functionality on six buttons, though the standard three-by-three setup doesn't feel quite right.

All of these single-player modes are made better by the game's AI. Unlike most MK games, which had bad pattern-based AI that refused to be thrown or only became susceptible to certain attack patterns, the opponents in MKvDC seem to fight fair and use a variety of tactics. It's a great improvement over most of the previous games to bear the Mortal Kombat name. That said, there's no substitute for human opposition.

You can, of course, play against another person locally. But the game also has online support on both platforms. The player matching is a bit different between the two versions, though. On the 360, you get ranked game and player match options, and unlike most Xbox Live games, there's no "host game" or "join game" options. You just push the "ranked game" button and it finds you someone to play with. Player match works the same way, but you can also just invite friends to join you in these unranked battles. There are also chat rooms that you can join (at least there are in theory--as of this writing, the 360's chat servers are offline). These chat rooms are the only available matching option on the PlayStation 3. You get a list of rooms that seem to each hold up to 100 people. Once in a room, you see a list of players, a window for text chat, and notices whenever a fight ends. You can select another player's name from the room list to issue a challenge, or wait for an incoming challenge, which pops up and lets you accept, decline, or ignore. If you want to find friends, you'll need to agree on which room you want to be in (or create) before you can fight. It's functional, but feels like it fell out of a PlayStation 2 game or something. Some honest-to-goodness automated player matching would have been nice on the PS3 side.

If you've been playing fighting games online for any length of time, you know how this next part goes. When you have a good connection to the other player, everything works great, and it's not much different from having a player sitting right next to you. But once the latency starts to rise, the game gets pretty glitchy. You trade hits and knock opposing players out of moves more frequently in laggy matches, as the game is trying to figure out who hit whom without causing the action to slow down. Considering the number of disorienting, direction-changing moves that are in the game, as well as the razor-sharp timing required for some of the combos, it becomes a very different game when your connection isn't prime.

At the end of a fight, the game still shouts "finish him!" Well, if you're fighting Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Sonya, or Kitana, I guess it actually shouts "finish her!" But you get the point. The game has finishing moves in it. With its T-for-Teen rating, though, you won't see Jax crushing skulls with his arms. Instead, he just claps his hands on either side of a victim's head, and they go down, head intact. The DC heroes that wouldn't normally kill their enemies instead perform "heroic brutalities." This is really just a matter of semantics, though. It really just means that after doing something horrible to the other fighter, that fighter wriggles around a little bit as if to say "see? No one died here today!" The finishers do still serve their purpose, though, and that's to put something extra on the end of a fight to make a loss a bit more humiliating. It's funny, the actual moves and animations of the finishers aren't that different--it's just that no one explodes into a cloud of blood or a mountain of rib cages at the end.

I'd rather have two combo breakers than rage, but hey, to each his own.
I'd rather have two combo breakers than rage, but hey, to each his own.
Personally, I didn't find the lack of M-rated violence to be that big of a deal. Even when fatalities are present, they're only really meaningful for the first month or so, when they're fresh and new. After that, everyone's seen them all, and they only serve to make the downtime between fights longer. But it all comes back to why you're personally interested in Mortal Kombat. For some people, the action is the juice. For others, it's all about the gory displays at the end of the fight. For what it's worth, the game does have blood during fights, so hits to the face will result in a bit of splatter. Also, clothing gets ripped up as you get beaten, resulting in some great-looking scuffs and scrapes at the end of the fight.

The game has a good number of backgrounds that reflect the game's storyline nicely. Some of them have a huge beam of energy down the middle that reflects the merging worlds, so one side of the line is a Mortal Kombat location and the other is a DC location, like Shang Tsung's island and Wonder Woman's home, Themyscira. You'll also see the Batcave, Superman's Fortress of Solitude, the torn-up streets of Metropolis, and so on.

The audio holds up its end of the bargain with appropriately intense music and the loud thumps and cracks of hand-to-hand combat. Moves like uppercuts and ground slams are accompanied by some great, deep bass that will shake your surroundings if you're appropriately equipped. While there's plenty of great new sound, there's also some old stuff. Raiden's superman move features the same, classic, unintelligible speech that it always has. Scorpion's "get over here" and "come here" also sound like they could have come from previous games. The announcer is also the same voice you've heard in the past several games. I could have gone for a new announcer this time around, but everything else seems just fine. There's also a lot more speech in the game to accompany the story's cutscenes. The character voices don't always perfectly match the look of the characters, but they're right on more often than not.

Given the way the last few MK games have gone in terms of redesigning the core concepts of the fighting and presenting a cast of characters that weren't as memorable as the ones that debuted back in the 2D days, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe feels like the refreshing start of a new era for Midway's fighting series. It probably won't change your mind if you're not into the genre, or even if you're into the genre but have already made up your mind about the MK series. But if you're open to the idea of more Mortal Kombat, you'll find a terrific game here.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Edited By albedos_shadow

Wow, this one kinda blew up, huh? To those claiming reviews should be based on cold, hard facts, I call bullshit. Who is this game made for if not for an audience similar to someone like Jeff, a longtime MK fan? If you haven't enjoyed MK in the past, I wouldn't expect you to like this one. So why shouldn't a die-hard fan of the series review a game for die-hard fans?

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Edited By ImperiousRix

It seems people are making too much of the fact that blood and gore isn't prominent in this game.  Hell, if you're playing a game JUST for the blood and gore, I think you're playing it for the wrong reasons.  I personally think the game looks like a lot of fun, being both an MK and a DC fan.
Having said that... 5 stars Jeff?  You didn't even give Fallout 3 five stars for goodness sake.  Still a good review, If not perhaps a little biased.

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Edited By MutenMiller

I am STOKED etc.

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Edited By Erdie

Haha, looks like you've already caught hell for giving it a perfect review.  No surprises there.

It sounds okay, but I've read a multitude of reviews, and it's still sounding like a rental would be wise.

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Edited By hockeyb

i was expecting a 4 but whatever

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Edited By dtran1212

for people that said to respect Jeff's opinions and just go play the game for themselves, i say thats bullshit.  When you are a video game writer and writes reviews for the general gamers to know whats worth thier money, then you should not write reviews base on your opinions, but straight facts.  Also, you should never think in terms of only yourself, but what others may think about the different aspects of the game.  Journalism 101, never write articles base on first person and never display your personal opinions.

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Edited By Popojiju

Unless they go back to the digitized ways of MK 1, 2 and 3 I won't play these games anymore. Mk 1, 2 and 3 were the best, the characters were real, the fighting was phenomenal and the fatalities were amazingly awesome.  Since Mortal Komat 4 hit, and the series went the way of the polygon, it has been pretty terrible and the fatalities (which are the reason most people play the game alongside of the fighting) were bland and pretty horrible.  Count me out. Hopefully Boon realizes that the older MK's succeeded for a reason and tries to make another one of those again, though he can keep the babalities, friendships and brutalities. I just want 2-3 fatalities per character and some stage fatals too.  If this game had been done in digitized format, real looking people on screen fighting, combos like MK 3 perhaps, or even a fighting style similar to MK 2 then I would have pre-ordered this and been first in line, but alas it's not and it looks nice but graphics won't make me buy a game that stinks.

I want my M Rated MK series back in all of it's gory ...  ok, Glory then... Shaolin Monks was an amazing game, but that was a platformer type action game, this is a fighting game. MK got famous for one reason, fatalities, not Mortal Kombat 1s' fighting system, bring it back!! I'm a huge fan of Marvel Vs. Capcom and this game fits just as nicely as those games did, but when you dummy it down, and remove why people want to play, then screw America and give Europe the unedited fatality for the Joker and do all of that, you're just asking your stock to continue to fall. Good luck to Midway, they're gonna need it after this one releases.

Real gore for the win, not this junk. Sorry Ed Boon and sorry Giant Bomb but this game gets a giant pass from me.  Oh and just for further proof people want digitized back, Xbox 360 owners are yelling for their version of MK2 as downloadable content, and PS3 users want Ultimate MK. Take the hint!

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Edited By metal_mills

MK fucking rules. This game the best fighting game to play side by side with friends. So many "wtf lol" moments and good times. If you like MK, get this, if you don't, don't buy it.

If you hate this review so much go read gamespots when they put it up 5 weeks from now with several blatant mistakes about basic gameplay. "This game sucks because it has no punching and I can't understand the controls and isn't funding our site. 3.5"

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Edited By Jensonb

I'm sorry, what? You people are still expecting Giant Bomb reviews to be entirely subjective excercises? How many times must you be told, Giant Bomb reviews are about opinions. These reviews are not and are not pretending to be eb all, end all reviews. If you don't think you'll share Jeff's passion for the game, then don't buy it or read a review elsewhere, don't complain that he shouldn't have reviewed it. His opinion is as valid as yours.

AndreGaspar: don't speak for the community if you're going to be making thinly veiled threats.

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Edited By dtran1212

5 stars or not, i don't give a fuck, fighting games are dead to me

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Edited By MeierTheRed

Good review Jeff, not really surprised by the score, seeing as how much you love the franchise. I my self used to love the MK series. Got my first MK game back in 92-93 for my Amiga 500, swapping 1.4 meg floppies, pain in the ass but it was worth it. But i think i will pass on this one, pains me, but i just don't like the DC characters, and im not trying to say shit about them. I respect the people who love them. But i never connected with a lot of comic heroes, i have always found theire looks weird as fuck. But i just dont see my self enjoying this game even though i love they when back to the 2D feel of it.

In the perfect little world in my head, MK needs gore, and plenty of it. I want it go go back to the roots of MK1-2-3, not this mash up stuff it just ruins my perfect view and childhood memories of MK.

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Edited By MisterMollusk

omg he likes mk jeff i cannott trust joooooooooooooooooo!!!!
seriously guys. relax. that's right baby, just relax.
let me rub your shoulders a bit.... isn't that better? that's good. relax...

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Edited By brukaoru

Wow, so many haters here. I guess people forgot that others have different opinions than themselves. I also love how everyone is quick to jump on Jeff without having playing the game for their self.

Also, if you can't trust someone else's review because you can't handle someone else's opinion, than I don't think you should be reading reviews at all. You're not always going to agree with someone else. How can you criticize someone for their own feelings about the game?

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Edited By migelite

Yes! I prayed for this game to be good!

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Edited By schizogony

Another Jeff Gertsmann review you're just not quite sure you can trust.

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Edited By Wright

it's just one man's opinion. plus why wouldn't you want the MK fan to review this =_= he knows his stuff, and can explain the good and bad changes.  MK fans are gonna buy it and like it, and if your not a MK fan, why would you care? Get whatever you want.

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Edited By RVonE

Aww... Come on!

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Edited By CleverLoginName

Probably as someone who is a longtime fan of MK this will be a return to form and be stoked, I myself never really cared for fighting games... always got my ass handed to me on the MK machines...

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Edited By eternaLightness

Wow I wasn't really expecting that. Guess I may give this game a chance afterall

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Edited By CPlusPlus

Wow, I totally didn't see chubby cheeks Jeff giving MK vs. DC a 5/5 seeing as he's the biggest MK fanboy of all time!! The reviews on this site are complete garbage and you are all sheep, Baaaahhhhh!!!!

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Edited By Oemenia

I know Jeff likes fighters, but THIS much?

Also, the graphics are absolutely terrible, and he seems to go on mostly about how good the system is, thats fine, but that alone cant be a 5/5 game?

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Edited By brydello

I have to give this a rent. Green Lantern FTW.

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Edited By Kowalski

Not interested at all.

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Edited By octaslash

Jeff was obviously influenced by his friendship with Ed Boon. Remember his generous score on Kane and Lynch?

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Edited By HairyMike87

It is still a crappy fighting system to me. PASS.

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Edited By MisterSpiffy

I played this last night at a party.  It was alright, but watching somebody else play the game wasn't so fun.

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Edited By Dimitris

wow 5 out of 5 well that is a game in my collection for sure

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Edited By Jotun

I love it when people get all up in arms when a game gets a score THEY don't think it deserves. That's great guys, write your own damn review.

Would you want someone who hates FPS' to review an FPS to see if it would be worth your time? No, didn't think so.

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Edited By AnEternalEnigma

I'm going to have to call total bullspit on this 5-star rating. I have loved MK since the beginning, but after a rental, I can tell you this game is not what I want. And if it's not something I can enjoy, I can't imagine any non-MK fan enjoying it.

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Edited By AndrewJD

Looks Good.
Will buy.
Was going to buy it even if it got 3 or 4 stars anyway, but it's nice to know it plays well :)
Nice review Jeff.

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Edited By FallenFatKid

going to buy it

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Edited By Lifestrike

"crack you out of a jam if you have enough juice in your super meter"

i'm terribly immature.

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Edited By jimbo_n

Would have liked to read something about Klose kombat, test your might and freefall but still, I am so glad to hear this side of a review compared to Greg Miller @ IGN´s non fighting game person + DC Side person review. Bring on Friday!

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Edited By Derios

I need to play the game first, then i'll make my judgement on the review.

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Edited By artofwar420

Wow, I didn't expect this. I just might pick it up, I mean I bought SC4, so this isn't a stretch even though I'm not a huge fighting fan.

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Edited By MadBootsy

I think it's safe to say that Jeff was the wrong person for this review.

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Edited By TheHBK

Nope, mortal kombat is still not that great without the fatalities intact.  Yes I do want to see three rib cages come out of someone.  I dont see how this game could be a 5 except if it did capture the greatness that was MK before MK4.  Also, I still dont think fighting games are worth full price, just cant imagine plunking down the 60 dollars for this.  Maybe because i just dont like fighting with people i dont know.

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Edited By PitifullPete

Omg, this internet drama is so pitiful.

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Edited By Psynapse

Still undecided about this, it looks awesome, but i havn't really played a MK since MK2 i think..

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Edited By Doomshine

Woah, Jeff sure loves MK.

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Edited By PJ

God damnit Jeff!!!! Now you made me want to buy this game. I loved Deadly Alliance despite its several flaws and only a decent fighting system so if this passes the critical eye of a Fighting game fan like yourself, it must be totally mindblowing.
*sight* where am i going to get the money, i have atleas 2 other $60 games to buy and then Scean It! BOS thats more then that and now this. And all that this year., Dude, I have just bought a new(like factory new) car too, so looks like I have to get food from my bro or parents for the rest of the year.

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Edited By Kohe321

Awesome review as always Jeff! I might pick this one up - didn't really care much about this game before I read this. :)

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Edited By SilverArrows

Jeff is a little biased when it comes to fighting games, and for sure he's a little bit of a fanboy for MK vs DC, so keep that in mind when you see the 5 Stars

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Edited By hencook

Jeff, you've given the game a 5/5 but SC4 a 3/5? For what points, I will argue against. 

Soul Calibur 4- You docked it down for Ivy having huge tits, and having star wars characters that make no sense in the SC universe. I'd say big tits is to the eye of the beholder. There's plenty of people that enjoy Ivy's tits, if you don't, that's fine, but don't dock down points when Namco's trying to please an audience. Movie reviews are old fashioned in that they're scored to personal taste, but Game reviews are known for reviewing for the average gamer. Star Wars Characters. What about DC characters? What about Nazi Zombies? Where's the point downs for those two? Either DC makes no sense in MK to the point that they had to remove fatalities, or maybe Star Wars characters are in Soul Calibur to please a wider audience. It's a decision Namco made to please their audience, same as Activision breaking their non fictional call of duty game with zombies! For the most part, these Star Wars characters are great additions (yoda being an exception because he changes the game in an unfavorable way that he can't be grabbed, but he's still a horrible character competitively). It's story mode is bland, yes (most fighters are, but that doesn't excuse SC4), but please don't come reviewing a game based on your personal taste, but merits and critical faults.

MK has always been a joke to the fighting game community... Did you forget to mention that Ed Boon stated himself "This is a game for the casual gamers, we don't want to challenge the hardcore fighting game market".... SC4 has a VERY accessible fighting system, but still has a lot of depth that many hardcore will come back to. MKDC? He's already stated that there's no depth. The game only has it's accessible part. For me, that's already 1 star docked down. I've even played the thing myself, the hitboxes at times are totally off (IE green lantern's punch only hitting you at far range, but will go through you at close range). The game's Klose Kombat (which you did not mention at all) makes it so that when a person grabs you, that said person can be punched out of his grab he so hardly worked for. When someone blocks your punches too much, go for a risky run up and grab. Instead of rewarding the player who so smartly grabs the other, the other player gets a chance to punch the guy in the face and do more damage back. Great. Ed Boon states "It creates another layer of depth" to the game, but really, think about the actual strategy behind it, and why anyone would even want to risk using this feature.

Look Jeff, I know you don't play too many fighting games, so that's why I'm teaching you a thing or two here. Reviewing fighting games is actually really hard. You don't know if the game's broken or not, if the game has an insane number of glitches that can be abused to make the game just horrible, or even fantastically fun (mvc2)! But these things take months, years to fully flesh out, and due to the nature of video game reviews you can't wait that long. All I'm saying, take two weeks off the review, see what PEOPLE that PLAY these games have to say, not other journalists that have no idea how to play fighting games/have never taken them seriously enough to go to a tournament. IF NOT....then don't review the game based on it's mechanics. Cause you don't know, so please don't pretend to. Just review it on it's graphics, network capabilites, and how big the character roster is. Oh yeah, I think you forgot to dock down half a star for not having brutal fatalities, those casual MK players will miss that (just begin reading those comments)

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Edited By Foxillusion

I get what you mean slippery. But I think all four giant bomb-ers have sufficiant understanding of the fighting genre of games to be able to give an informed review of this game.

You're also right about all reviews having some bias to them but really, Jeff is way into the MK. He's made that pretty clear. I just think it'd be better to avoid that kind of bias if they can, and they definitely could have.

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Edited By cinders

I wasn't sure what to expect from this game, but I have to say that this is the first collector's edition that had me at the word go...well, actually they had me at the words "Alex Ross." Limited edition case and a separate piece of art in the box...yes please! The comic illustrated by the wonderful John Tobias sealed the deal for me. I can honestly say that I've loved every second of this game. Most had written this game off but when I saw Jeff's interview with Ed Boon I was delighted so learn they wanted to return to "2d" style MK. On Sunday, my first match online turned into a discussion how well the team had pulled off the fighting then evolved into a message fest all day as we plugged away at the different modes, updating each other from time to time. We finally got into another few rounds of online play that night and split the matches almost evenly. I am so impressed at the way each DC fighter feels like he/she should. The sound effects are also spot on. When Shazam and Raiden start tossing lighting around it sounds like gods are fighting. While I agree I would have liked to see some more costumes...the fact that the fighters get damaged over time and you can do things like knock Scorpions mask off in sections to reveal his skull, reminds me of the first time I knocked Vega's mask off in Street Fighter. I litterally got my ass handed to me becuase I couldn't stop staring at what had just happened. The story of the game I can only describe as delightfully cheesy. Very true to what a cross over should be. Thank you Midway, you've returned one of my childhood favourites to its former glory.