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Here's CD Projekt RED's New Thing, Cyberpunk 2077

You mean only 64 years from now we'll have unstoppable killing robots and flying cars, but we're still using bullet-ass bullets? Weeeeaaaak. Good trailer, though.

Jan. 10 2013

Posted by: Alex

In This Episode:

Cyberpunk 2077


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Edited By mtk1701

I've seen "It'll be out when it's done/ready" by too many studios trying to front off how badass they are to get too excited. Maybe we could all calm down and let the studio prove to us it's a good game instead of soiling ourselves while their marketing department taunts us.

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Edited By mnzy

@Dark_Lord_Spam: So what, though? That's what they do and that's what happens in so many well regarded fiction of old and new (the being a good lover part, not exactly The Dick). They also deal with racism, alcoholism, gambling and death. My point was, that it's not sexist because there is a lot of sex. They chose for their character to be a fucking stud and the difference to other games is, that they do that explicitely and with great powerful female characters unlike many other games that give women huge tits just to have these stupid attractive females for no reason at all. Maybe I just like the honesty.

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette

@mnzy: On the scale of dark, probing (hey-o) fiction, racism is a somewhat more challenging device than telling the player character (and by extension, the customer) they're a great lay. What I'm saying is that there's room for a great deal more subtlety. Populating the world with various attractive and not attractive female characters that don't want to jump in the sack with you by default is a good launching point. The maturity stems from attitude toward the subject rather than quantity of it.

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Edited By GrandMarshal


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Edited By Xeirus

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@mnzy said:

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

I actually think the witcher handles it way better than other games, because sex is actually a topic of discussion in the games. It's more mature about it. Women want it, they talk about the Witcher like he's a boy toy and a good lover and they are often very powerful during all of that. People on the street joke about hiding their wives, when they see you. You can dislike how they do it of course, but just because there's sex, doesn't mean it's sexist.

I agree that CD Projekt Red is more well-equipped than most developers to handle sex in a mature way, but the examples you're giving don't show sexual maturity so much as they inflate the player's sense of self-worth by telling him he has a big dick.

I feel like you're missing the point. Being lusted after doesn't make you a sexist... Has anyone in real life found you attractive? If so, then by your logic you are a sexist.

Make sense? Of course not.

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Edited By HubrisRanger

@leebmx said:

'but the choice of clothing hardly seems to be sexualising her' - watch the video again - there is a shot which lasts for about 3 secs (1:04 on) which just shows crotch and boobs without her head. If that isn't sexualising someone I I don't know what is.

With giant blades shooting out of her arms and a pool of blood she's kneeling in. Things I don't necessarily associate with "sexy". The juxtaposition I think is intentional, showing this beautiful, otherwise seemingly defenseless woman in a scene of absolutely violence erupted. I agree that the general state of dress is oddly done, and the body is made such to be as attractive as possible. But I also think that to focus on the fact her head is cut off for three seconds and to miss that fact that what is revealed in that pan is a bit of missing the trees for other trees.

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Edited By Carousel

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

Shut up.

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette

@Xeirus said:

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@mnzy said:

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

I actually think the witcher handles it way better than other games, because sex is actually a topic of discussion in the games. It's more mature about it. Women want it, they talk about the Witcher like he's a boy toy and a good lover and they are often very powerful during all of that. People on the street joke about hiding their wives, when they see you. You can dislike how they do it of course, but just because there's sex, doesn't mean it's sexist.

I agree that CD Projekt Red is more well-equipped than most developers to handle sex in a mature way, but the examples you're giving don't show sexual maturity so much as they inflate the player's sense of self-worth by telling him he has a big dick.

I feel like you're missing the point. Being lusted after doesn't make you a sexist... Has anyone in real life found you attractive? If so, then by your logic you are a sexist.

Make sense? Of course not.

I have no issue with NPCs being attracted to the player character, but when every NPC is attracted to the player character - and always with a "use 'em and lose 'em" connotation - we're talking more romantic/pornographic fantasy than realistic depiction of sexuality.

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Edited By huser

@hermes said:

@AlexanderSheen said:

@Chris2KLee said:

@weslash said:

@SniperXan said:

As much as I love this trailer (and I really do) I'm really wish more video games would grow the fuck up and but some clothing on the women >_> oh well I guess.

She's not a woman she's a robot/cyborg.

She's a robot/cyborg on a murderous rampage also, so getting properly dressed probably took a back seat to "Kill all meatbags".

In a future where you can modify your body the way you want, why would anyone choose to look normal? And why would you hide that body under clothes instead of showing off with it?

I'm not a doctor and I don't know what the true intentions were, but I don't think that was just a way to catch the nerds attention, but a way of portaying some people of the gameworld.

Maybe because the world is run and designed by humans, so having a human form would be the optimal way to transport... Having giant angel wings sounds like fun, until you realize you can't enter any door, walk through narrow corridors or have a seat because there is a big protuberance in your back.

I don't want to presume her intentions either (unlike many people here crying foul based only on her looks), but considering the cyberpunk references, I would guess she is was a companion or infiltration android that went berserk and killed a lot of people... Similar to the replicants in Blade Runner.

It is 2077 so certainly possible she's a full on android or AI in a robot as those were starting to become a thing in the universe, but cyborgs with a brain in a jar is more Cyberpunk 20XX's style. And for most of THEM relatively inhuman mechanical frames is the norm. Though again 50+ years have passed. The cyborg option does provide the cool possibility of radically altering appearance and abilities by just having your brain put into another body.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

Yes women don't dress like this to go out to clubs. Not at all. You're so right on here.


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Edited By chrispti


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Edited By Xeirus

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@Xeirus said:

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@mnzy said:

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

I actually think the witcher handles it way better than other games, because sex is actually a topic of discussion in the games. It's more mature about it. Women want it, they talk about the Witcher like he's a boy toy and a good lover and they are often very powerful during all of that. People on the street joke about hiding their wives, when they see you. You can dislike how they do it of course, but just because there's sex, doesn't mean it's sexist.

I agree that CD Projekt Red is more well-equipped than most developers to handle sex in a mature way, but the examples you're giving don't show sexual maturity so much as they inflate the player's sense of self-worth by telling him he has a big dick.

I feel like you're missing the point. Being lusted after doesn't make you a sexist... Has anyone in real life found you attractive? If so, then by your logic you are a sexist.

Make sense? Of course not.

I have no issue with NPCs being attracted to the player character, but when every NPC is attracted to the player character - and always with a "use 'em and lose 'em" connotation - we're talking more romantic/pornographic fantasy than realistic depiction of sexuality.

But it makes sense in their game, they make it make sense. I guess it's not for you, but I never questioned it because that's just the way of things in that time/world/setting/etc.

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Edited By HarkinNecro

Nice pic of Alt in the window from the rpg. I hope they put in more characters from the tabletop rpg though hopefully not the storyline of Richie Bartmoss in a fridge. Though it's interesting that the cyberpunk liance is being used considering the card game Netrunner (created by Richard Garfield, Magic the Gathering), has just been reprinted under a different liance (reproduced by Fantasy Flight Games).

I have a lot of the cyber punk 2020 books and I wonder what story line their going to use ie version 2 or version 3. Version 3 the 'NET' was out of control and effecting the world around people whereas in 2 it was based more on books like Neuromancer.

By the look of this trailer it looks like you will play a cybercop who is chasing cyborgs who have gone into cyberpthosis, which is totally ripped off the film Blade Runner. In fact the rpg reconmends Blade Runner as reconmended watching before playing and running.

I suggest before people make comments on the content they do some research on what it is based off, an early 90's rpg. So yes in the rpg there are programs to 'enjoy' and cyborgs to 'enjoy'. Though I hope they do something orgional with hacking considering how well Netrunner the card game creates a bluffing game.

Cyberpunk 2020 was all about the guns and running around working for different groups of people so you can get more gear. The classes were Cops, Netrunners (hackers), solos (combat mercs), Corporates (company men/women), Fixers, Rockerboys (pop stars), Techies, Media and Nomads. The game had a way of creating a complex back story to your character which could then be used by the GM in the game.

Comparasion to games it could use elements of Syndicate for corporate esponage or explore other areas in the game. From the look of the teaser it's probaby going to be set in the game city of Night City which has its own complex politics of gangs, security, corps, wars and drugs. The Night City RPG book is one of the best setting books i've ever read due to the way it creates variety of character of each area of the city.

And yes the flyer in this trailer is called an AV. I'll have 2 please :)

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Edited By huser

@HarkinNecro said:

The Night City RPG book is one of the best setting books i've ever read due to the way it creates variety of character of each area of the city.

And yes the flyer in this trailer is called an AV. I'll have 2 please :)

Actually liked the Pac Rim and Eurosource books more, but yeah Night City was pretty awesome.

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@Abendlaender said:

I love this. Also, secret message: Probably Witcher 3 on February 5th

No Caption Provided

If you can't read it:

All that's not all we are about to reveal our other project which is much closer to being completed and yes it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story you can probably guess the game we're talking about on the 5th of february it will be all clear

Man, I love CD Project and the GOG guys.

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette

@Xeirus said:

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@Xeirus said:

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@mnzy said:

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

I actually think the witcher handles it way better than other games, because sex is actually a topic of discussion in the games. It's more mature about it. Women want it, they talk about the Witcher like he's a boy toy and a good lover and they are often very powerful during all of that. People on the street joke about hiding their wives, when they see you. You can dislike how they do it of course, but just because there's sex, doesn't mean it's sexist.

I agree that CD Projekt Red is more well-equipped than most developers to handle sex in a mature way, but the examples you're giving don't show sexual maturity so much as they inflate the player's sense of self-worth by telling him he has a big dick.

I feel like you're missing the point. Being lusted after doesn't make you a sexist... Has anyone in real life found you attractive? If so, then by your logic you are a sexist.

Make sense? Of course not.

I have no issue with NPCs being attracted to the player character, but when every NPC is attracted to the player character - and always with a "use 'em and lose 'em" connotation - we're talking more romantic/pornographic fantasy than realistic depiction of sexuality.

But it makes sense in their game, they make it make sense. I guess it's not for you, but I never questioned it because that's just the way of things in that time/world/setting/etc.

Don't get me wrong, I love The Witcher 2, but it's a thin line between in-universe and externally-targeted sexuality, and I think that game lands firmly in the latter camp (it's not even worth debating its predecessor). Maybe that stuff is inherent to the book license (I don't know) but I have faith that CDPR is talented enough to make changes by degrees for a more cohesive and believable end product.

And believe me, I can turn my head off and enjoy trashy entertainment. It's only because these devs in particular have the potential to surpass their peers in this respect - due to the leeway they have with mature subject matter - that I care enough to point out the outstanding misses.

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The lady in all white and the blood stain on her side remind of KAEDE Smith from Killer7

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Edited By CptBedlam

Honestly, I am a little bit disappointed. I expected something more daring from CD Project I guess. This looks a little too safe, too tame, too generic (within the cyberpunk genre).

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Edited By pyrodactyl

@fisk0 said:

@Abendlaender said:

I love this. Also, secret message: Probably Witcher 3 on February 5th

No Caption Provided

If you can't read it:

All that's not all we are about to reveal our other project which is much closer to being completed and yes it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story you can probably guess the game we're talking about on the 5th of february it will be all clear

Man, I love CD Project and the GOG guys.

man... much closer as in maybe this year? The witcher 3 this year? FUCK YEAH!

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Edited By D_W

That's some Late 80's/Early 90's looking Cyber Punk. I mean just look at that girl on the poster's hair style. (Or the guns and armor of the police, whatever).

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Edited By MudMan

@huser said:

@NoelVeiga said:

@huser: Yes we did. Lots of hype on the thing, lots of joking about the name of the thing. iMac and iPod were clearly brands, but with iPhone, it was just "stick the letter i before the word for something". People kept joking about iShoes and iKettles and iDildos all over the Internet. Things only reached a fever pitch like that again when the iPad got announced and launched a million iTampon jokes.

Didn't hurt the products much, because the products were pretty cool, but yeah, the years of iPhone, iPad and Wii were rough for product name jokes.

So...we are in agreement the name doesn't matter?

Yeah! With the qualifier that I still think the name is a bad name. Do I think that the game will be significantly impacted by it? Nope. Do I think this is not the best name this thing could have had? Yep.

Again, not a big deal, and I'm really hoping the actual game turn out great. I'm not the biggest fan of the Witcher games, but I definitely don't dislike them either, and I acknowledge how great the production values in The Withcher 2 are, so high hopes so far.

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Edited By MysteriousFawx

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

@mnzy said:

@Zetetic_Elench said:

Make sure you don't point out of video games are completely fucking awful in regards to objectifying women or else shitty pedantic nerds who fucking love the shit out of women being objectified will feign righteous anger about it. Especially when it's coming from the same company that brought you nude trading cards when you slept with people in the Witcher. Never change Giant Bomb community, never change.

I actually think the witcher handles it way better than other games, because sex is actually a topic of discussion in the games. It's more mature about it. Women want it, they talk about the Witcher like he's a boy toy and a good lover and they are often very powerful during all of that. People on the street joke about hiding their wives, when they see you. You can dislike how they do it of course, but just because there's sex, doesn't mean it's sexist.

I agree that CD Projekt Red is more well-equipped than most developers to handle sex in a mature way, but the examples you're giving don't show sexual maturity so much as they inflate the player's sense of self-worth by telling him he has a big dick.

Don't want to get involved in the heated debate, just wanted to say something because I find it a cool reasoning behind the Witchers ladykiller reputation.

He can't have children, so sex with him is purely for pleasure. Also in the first game someone mentions that a Witcher touching you gives a tingling sensation from the magic they he is basically a big walking vibrator covered in tingle lube, I'm guessing his penis is average.

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Edited By Enigma777

Looks pretty snazzy. Sign me up.

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Edited By Anund

Ah, that trailer was so good.

And the sexism patrol is out in force again as well, I see. How about focusing on equal pay for equal work or something that actually matters instead of digital women in skimpy clothes? I think that's where our problem as a society lies. The sex thing is just a diversion from the real issue.

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Edited By Kierkegaard

@mbr2 said:

Good trailer? It's just as bad as the Hitman trailer. The first piece of art CD Projekt released made me really excited that someone might finally make an actual Cyberpunk game instead of just calling cyberpunk and then just make a Starwars prequel but now this? fml.

Yeah, I like the design of the robot`s hidden arm blades, and the horror of the bullet looking like it will tear through her face is effective, but the contrast of gore and violence with big boobed lady is lazy and gross. At least there's a cyber cop woman at the end, who wears lipstick on the job for some reason?

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Edited By shamanultra

How was this sexist? Women in real life dress like that sometimes.

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Edited By Spiritof

I must be getting old, when I see that people have been debating sexism in gaming, and my first (unfiltered) reaction to this trailer was, "LOOK AT THOSE RAD ASS BLADE ARMS!!!!"

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Edited By Mofaz

Horrible music, use of boobs, and slo-mo garbage.

That's teasers for you though, doesn't do shit but irritate you ever, luckily CD Projekt RED is a great developer and I'm sure once they give us some gameplay or any idea of what the actually is, I'll have full license to get excited. This shit is just embarrassing though.

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Edited By Nzash

Can't wait for Patrick to call this sexist

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Edited By blackichigo

300+ comments had me thinking, "Man this trailer must be awesome." But, nope. Its just the Giantbomb community overreacting to nothing. I will ask this. If the women in the trailer is a robot, is she not an object? Also, if I were to build an Assassin-bot 5000, she sure as hell wouldn't be homely. Although, A homely Assassin-bot 5000 might be more effective at not getting noticed.

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Edited By smiddy

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I watched the trailer again, but I think I must keep missing the scene where a pair of huge bazzongas come straight at me filling the screen with heaving cleavage and erect nipples. Either people are really desperate to make something out of nothing, or they're just more sensitive to having skin on show than I am.

There's a ton of violence on show here. Guns, slow-mo bullets, bullet impacts, MASSIVE ARM BLADES coming out of a woman stained with blood and surrounded by sliced and diced bodies. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Because people keep getting drawn to the womans body. Am I the only one here who thinks that says something? Of all the things to have a problem with here, the womans body seems to be getting completely blown out of proportion.

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Edited By kerse

The guys who made the witcher are making a cyberpunk game? This is the best news ever.

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Edited By swoxx

Coming: When it's ready.

God damn I love CD Projekt

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Edited By elko84


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Edited By fox01313

Between CD Projekt Red doing this & expecting the same amount of style in it as in the Witcher series as well as what I remember from the Cyberpunk tabletop RPG, this teaser looks awesome. Still wondering about the gameplay but if they get this all in a good mix of cinematics & gameplay, I'll do whatever I have to get my pc to run this game when it launches to play it on day1. Wicked insanely cool.

Hopefully after this game though they take most of the assets out & CDPR does a Shadowrun version as both of these RPG franchises have needed a damn good video game version of these franchises.

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Edited By Cactusapple

Why is every video on this site streaming too slowly to watch?

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Edited By Ghostiet
@smiddy said:

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I watched the trailer again, but I think I must keep missing the scene where a pair of huge bazzongas come straight at me filling the screen with heaving cleavage and erect nipples. Either people are really desperate to make something out of nothing, or they're just more sensitive to having skin on show than I am.

There's a ton of violence on show here. Guns, slow-mo bullets, bullet impacts, MASSIVE ARM BLADES coming out of a woman stained with blood and surrounded by sliced and diced bodies. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Because people keep getting drawn to the womans body. Am I the only one here who thinks that says something? Of all the things to have a problem with here, the womans body seems to be getting completely blown out of proportion.

I like you and I agree with you.
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Edited By AlexanderSheen

@Ghostiet said:

@smiddy said:

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I watched the trailer again, but I think I must keep missing the scene where a pair of huge bazzongas come straight at me filling the screen with heaving cleavage and erect nipples. Either people are really desperate to make something out of nothing, or they're just more sensitive to having skin on show than I am.

There's a ton of violence on show here. Guns, slow-mo bullets, bullet impacts, MASSIVE ARM BLADES coming out of a woman stained with blood and surrounded by sliced and diced bodies. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Because people keep getting drawn to the womans body. Am I the only one here who thinks that says something? Of all the things to have a problem with here, the womans body seems to be getting completely blown out of proportion.

I like you and I agree with you.

Same here.

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Edited By Krystal_Sackful


Its the same woman (assuming that really is a woman's brain inside that body). That's the point. They take people that have gone berserk, reform them, and use them as cops.

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Edited By Exilarius

Can't wait!2015?? WHAT.

That Cop reminded me of Dredd lol

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Edited By mak_wikus
@AlexanderSheen said:

@Ghostiet said:

@smiddy said:

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I watched the trailer again, but I think I must keep missing the scene where a pair of huge bazzongas come straight at me filling the screen with heaving cleavage and erect nipples. Either people are really desperate to make something out of nothing, or they're just more sensitive to having skin on show than I am.

There's a ton of violence on show here. Guns, slow-mo bullets, bullet impacts, MASSIVE ARM BLADES coming out of a woman stained with blood and surrounded by sliced and diced bodies. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Because people keep getting drawn to the womans body. Am I the only one here who thinks that says something? Of all the things to have a problem with here, the womans body seems to be getting completely blown out of proportion.

I like you and I agree with you.

Same here.

And here.
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Edited By dr_mantas

@mak_wikus said:

@AlexanderSheen said:

@Ghostiet said:

@smiddy said:

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I watched the trailer again, but I think I must keep missing the scene where a pair of huge bazzongas come straight at me filling the screen with heaving cleavage and erect nipples. Either people are really desperate to make something out of nothing, or they're just more sensitive to having skin on show than I am.

There's a ton of violence on show here. Guns, slow-mo bullets, bullet impacts, MASSIVE ARM BLADES coming out of a woman stained with blood and surrounded by sliced and diced bodies. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Because people keep getting drawn to the womans body. Am I the only one here who thinks that says something? Of all the things to have a problem with here, the womans body seems to be getting completely blown out of proportion.

I like you and I agree with you.

Same here.

And here.

I agree and actually think there is NO problem with this trailer. The violence, slow motion, music, the beautiful psycho-killer woman, the gruff bad-ass cybercop - it's all stylish as hell, no one can argue with that. Kinda reminds me of Sin City. And I dig that style.

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@blackichigo: It's not an assassinbot, it's a person who has gone crazy from augmentation. Probably.

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Edited By teekomeeko

For realz? That's what the hell people have been going crazy over? It's a perfectly fine trailer, and I personally really like the music, too.

Speaking of, what is that music? Sounds like Hybrid or Unkle, but I've never heard it I don't think.

Pre-edit: Nevermind, it's "Bullets" by Archive. Couple tabs of Google answer any question nowadays :)

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Edited By leebmx

@HubrisRanger said:

@leebmx said:

'but the choice of clothing hardly seems to be sexualising her' - watch the video again - there is a shot which lasts for about 3 secs (1:04 on) which just shows crotch and boobs without her head. If that isn't sexualising someone I I don't know what is.

With giant blades shooting out of her arms and a pool of blood she's kneeling in. Things I don't necessarily associate with "sexy". The juxtaposition I think is intentional, showing this beautiful, otherwise seemingly defenseless woman in a scene of absolutely violence erupted. I agree that the general state of dress is oddly done, and the body is made such to be as attractive as possible. But I also think that to focus on the fact her head is cut off for three seconds and to miss that fact that what is revealed in that pan is a bit of missing the trees for other trees.

God I always get myself into these arguments. Look at the trailer and look at the difference between the way the women and the men are clothed and shot and presented. The men are all fully clothed in fact you can see no skin on the soldiers/cops shooting. They are always presented full shot with no pan or close up to any part of their anatomy, whereas the woman is wearing a super skimpy dress and is kneeling in a legs splayed position so you can see up her skirt.

Sure she is a cyborg whatever and has murdered all these people and the trailer is showing us that as well - but why didn't it show us her whirling through the crowd in action, instead it chooses a passive shot which also gives a nice bit of titilation.

This is all done on purpose - no shot is an accident - and because CD Projeckt believe they are making this trailer for gamers, which equal men. This is a foolish assumption.

Just imagine this trailer with the gender roles reversed for a second - Do you think it would look the same? No. If the cops were women they would all at least have silly crop tops with their midriff showing and probably at the least unsuitable high-heel boots to work in, while the now male cyborg's underwear would never be seen by the camera. Just think of the Hitman trailer which is basically this in reverse.

This way of presenting things is as boring and stale as this debate is to many people but as long as it keeps happening people will keep bringing it up.

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Edited By maginnovision

@leebmx: Just two quick things. If I have a lady cyborg I don't want her to look average. I'm sure they aren't cheap and meant to last a while, so you want it to look good. The other thing is the men are all cops. In games you generally don't have alot of standout features for cops/military so you might as well cover them all up, so you don't waste your time. Especially if you end up killing them. Killzone did the same thing.

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Edited By huser

@Maginnovision said:

@leebmx: Just two quick things. If I have a lady cyborg I don't want her to look average. I'm sure they aren't cheap and meant to last a while, so you want it to look good. The other thing is the men are all cops. In games you generally don't have alot of standout features for cops/military so you might as well cover them all up, so you don't waste your time. Especially if you end up killing them. Killzone did the same thing.

Actually, in universe, everything is disposable. Not that cyberwear is cheap, but it's all about corporate engendered consumerism run amok.

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Edited By huser

@blackichigo said:

300+ comments had me thinking, "Man this trailer must be awesome." But, nope. Its just the Giantbomb community overreacting to nothing. I will ask this. If the women in the trailer is a robot, is she not an object? Also, if I were to build an Assassin-bot 5000, she sure as hell wouldn't be homely. Although, A homely Assassin-bot 5000 might be more effective at not getting noticed.

She might be a robot. Though then it's a question of whether an AI can be considered a person. Most likely based on the universe though, it's a human's brain put into a cyborg body which is a different question.

And they do have assassin bots. Some for example act like spiders with a trailing line coming out their rears. IE modern aesthetics in terms of human beauty factoring into cyborg frame design need not apply.

Not that I agree with the uproar, just that in universe having overt chrome, oversized actuators, and extensive body mods (think prehensile tails) are more credible than model looks.

EDIT - Also in universe, having two monomolecular blades stashed in your forearms is not quite enough to be an assassin-bot. That might be considered prudent mid level self defense just above a stun gun.

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Edited By WasabiCurry

@smiddy said:

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I have a strange feeling that if people went to the beaches in Cali, they would literally have a field day about "sexism" in America. Can you even imagine if those women, dare I say, wore bikinis? I believe the world would melt.

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Edited By JackG100

@leebmx said:

@HubrisRanger said:

@leebmx said:

'but the choice of clothing hardly seems to be sexualising her' - watch the video again - there is a shot which lasts for about 3 secs (1:04 on) which just shows crotch and boobs without her head. If that isn't sexualising someone I I don't know what is.

With giant blades shooting out of her arms and a pool of blood she's kneeling in. Things I don't necessarily associate with "sexy". The juxtaposition I think is intentional, showing this beautiful, otherwise seemingly defenseless woman in a scene of absolutely violence erupted. I agree that the general state of dress is oddly done, and the body is made such to be as attractive as possible. But I also think that to focus on the fact her head is cut off for three seconds and to miss that fact that what is revealed in that pan is a bit of missing the trees for other trees.

God I always get myself into these arguments. Look at the trailer and look at the difference between the way the women and the men are clothed and shot and presented. The men are all fully clothed in fact you can see no skin on the soldiers/cops shooting. They are always presented full shot with no pan or close up to any part of their anatomy, whereas the woman is wearing a super skimpy dress and is kneeling in a legs splayed position so you can see up her skirt.

Sure she is a cyborg whatever and has murdered all these people and the trailer is showing us that as well - but why didn't it show us her whirling through the crowd in action, instead it chooses a passive shot which also gives a nice bit of titilation.

This is all done on purpose - no shot is an accident - and because CD Projeckt believe they are making this trailer for gamers, which equal men. This is a foolish assumption.

Just imagine this trailer with the gender roles reversed for a second - Do you think it would look the same? No. If the cops were women they would all at least have silly crop tops with their midriff showing and probably at the least unsuitable high-heel boots to work in, while the now male cyborg's underwear would never be seen by the camera. Just think of the Hitman trailer which is basically this in reverse.

This way of presenting things is as boring and stale as this debate is to many people but as long as it keeps happening people will keep bringing it up.

Wouldn't she then, by your logic, be wearing a skimpy copuniform at the end?