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    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    Game » consists of 20 releases. Released Mar 21, 2017

    Set in a galaxy far from the Milky Way, Mass Effect: Andromeda puts players in the role of a Pathfinder tasked with exploring new habitable worlds and investigating mysterious technology.

    How buggy is it?

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    well i just ran into a game breaking crash, some quest triggered a crash that always happens when you enter the nexus. So I basically can't progress the game anymore unless i go back to a save where i lose about 20 hours of progress.

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    I personally haven't encountered any gameplay-impacting bugs to speak of, but the lack of polish at times can be astounding. The most recent thing I noticed after talking to Peebee at the round table thing on the Tempest, instead of turning around to rset her elbows on the table, she just hunched over with her back to the table and rested her elbows in mid air. Stuff like that feels like it happens once every hour.

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    I'm playing on a PS4 Pro and have had to reload my last save multiple times because the quest triggers just wouldn't happen. One time I got the place the quest marker showed me and nothing happened, reloaded and suddenly there was a bunch of NPCs that just hadn't loaded at all. Thankfully the reload has always worked so far and I've never lost more than a few minutes.

    Checkpoints when you're doing random things can be very frustrating by modern game standards however, and I've lost over 20 minutes because I hit the X button on those sudoku puzzels instead of R2/L2 and I was not in a condition to fight.

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    HOW BUGGY IS IT? Let's just say, when they turn on the lights, you run under the fridge! Good night folk, try the scallops.

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    @alistercat: I've only had one bug so far where I got stuck indefintely at a loading screen and had to force a shutdown on the program loosing 4 minutes of progress or so. My only complaint is the framerate seems to be all over the place with little rhyme or reason to it. ie. Lots of chaos happening on screen -totally fine- five seconds later 20fps for a few seconds.

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    #56  Edited By ArtisanBreads

    Been playing it on PC and I have had one time it got locked up on a load screen and about 2 crashes in multiplayer. Otherwise no issues. Not bad for most games IMO. And I have quite liked the game.

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    #57  Edited By nightriff

    Just beat the main story, took me ~22 hours or so. I was doing every little thing I could until I hit....2/3 part of the story (Aya Vault). I'm on PC and I had little to no issues with the game for the majority of the time playing it. A few weird stuff occasionally but that was pretty rare. Things that bugged out:

    • Weirdly long loads sometime, I built a kickass PC last year and it was taking several minutes to load into the game. Usually it was only the initial load starting up a game again, but occasionally other loads would also take a long time, not near as long as the first one though.
    • Last night, the galaxy map icons just disappeared, no matter how many times I hit the UI button it did nothing, had to reload. Only happened the one time but I was literally stuck staring at the planet I was on and couldn't back out or advance.
    • Some weird questing stuff breaking, but was only with Tasks so I just moved on.

    Other than those few things, my playing experience was totally fine. The facial animations never bothered me too much, really felt like a ME game and I think people are forgetting how janky those games were and have always been. I have only seen the PC version, so maybe those famous issues everyone is talking about occurred only on consoles? All I can say is Brad calling it the buggiest AAA game ever seems hyperbolic considering some of the FUCKING MESSES we have seen released the past few years. Now if you wanted me to talk about other issues I have with the game, fine, but this is neither the time or place. Think I'm going to wait for updates and new content added (whether free or to buy) and play it again and go for a 100% run. Its what I eventually did with 3 and did almost a full 180 on the game, outside of the ending. Overall I would say a 4/5 kinda game in my book.

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    #58  Edited By poke__egg

    I had the weird shaky-cam bug happen twice, once on Habitat 7, and another on Eos. (PS4 Slim)

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    #59  Edited By TheManWithNoPlan

    A few of the problems I've run into include (Playing on Pc)

    • Falling back onto the ship and taking damage after exiting the star map
    • Characters sliding across the floor
    • The game continuing despite me being in the menu (It always happened after I exited the skills portion of the menu)
    • I encountered 1 t pose so far. It caused one of my teammates (corra) to not fight alongside me
    • Hit my first infinite load earlier today. Can't be that upset about it since it's been fine other than that one instance. I remember getting those several times back in the OT.
    • Also, just loaded back into my game and apparently ryder has gone through some... changes in the harsh environment of space.

    Don't panic!


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    #60  Edited By MezZa

    I've ran into some pretty fun bugs so far actually. I missed a jump inside of a vault, fell, and when I reappeared it spawned the Nomad inside of the vault and put me in it. So I could just drive it around the vault freely.

    I've also had some voice bugs here and there. My Ryder suddenly decided he wanted to start talking in his "helmet" voice like he was speaking over comms when talking to people on the tempest. Also had a certain characters lips sync with my voice instead. They started moving their mouth to my lines. Nothing disastrous so far, but mainly just amusing quirks that really shouldn't be there.

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    I am damn near constantly crashing now during multiplayer, last 10 matches i've ctd about 4 times and froze once and had to close the game.

    "We decided we don't need to run a beta to test the game as it's running fine" yeah sure in a closed environment with low server load...

    Shits getting pretty bad, i was starting to enjoy the multiplayer as the single player is pretty lame so far, but this may just stop me from playing if it keeps up.

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    So I've played for many, many hours now and have yet to have anything major befall me on PC.

    Starting to make me worry that it's just saving up for something real good later on.

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    I'm enjoying the glitchyness on PS4 tbh. Everything I've encountered so far hasn't been game breaking at all, just immersion breaking.

    I've quite often seen groups enemies frozen in the air, all contained in the same spot. They just drop when their health hits 0 and the next guy is still there in the air. I guess the same hasn't figured out where to spawn them.

    I've also observed a few enemies awkwardly zip and crash around small areas like something out of Goat Simulator as well. I'm assuming this happens due to some physics bug.

    I am optimistic that I won't come across any game-breaking quest related bugs....

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    Found a repeatable way to go Regan from Exorcist in the SAM room of the Tempest. Sadly I couldn't get a better light/angle on it as it always focuses me on the far left of screen during this convo.

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    Now that the game is out I've put in 40~ hours according to origin (though it must be a lot less in reality). No major bugs yet but the most annoying are quests that don't complete properly, and dialogue that repeats in areas for quests or from earlier in the game that act as if you haven't done it yet.

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    I'm maybe 5 to 10 hours in and I haven't seen a single bug so far. Plenty of sub-par faces and animations, but no bugs.

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    I haven't personally experienced too many bugs thus far but I have to say playing on my PS4 pro I'm really disappointed with the textures of clothing and armor, it's insane how bad it looks to me. Especially after playing horizon, which wasn't perfect, but looked damn good.

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    #70  Edited By Bane

    Origin says I've played 41 hours. I've encountered three bugs so far:

    1. I got the "Tampering Detected" message, and was kicked to the desktop. This has only happened once.
    2. The UI says there's something new in my Inventory when there isn't.
    3. I had a task to scan several items. I was able to scan the same item twice, and both scans advanced the task to the next step. This has only happened once.

    Other than those three items I haven't had any problems. It runs fine on Ultra on my i7-3770 / GTX 980.

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    Came across my first annoying bug. I cannot switch between my Favorites Profiles. Every profile always defaults to whatever I have in profile 1 despite each profile having different skills. Somewhat annoying as I am playing on Insanity difficulty but not enough to deter my enjoyment. I would like to be able to switch at a minimum between my infiltrator build and my sentinel build

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    I've had a few small bugs, but just encountered the worst one yet: in the personal mission for Cora, at one point on Voeld you have to find a transponder. It happens to be surrounded by a few kett, but there's a hillside nearby that makes for a nice sniping position. DON'T SNIPE THE KETT! Evidently, killing them all from a distance causes the transponder to glitch; it won't scan, it won't activate, I can't interact with it at all. So Cora's loyalty is on hold until this gets patched.

    It seems well documented on the EA support boards, so hopefully it'll be fixed sometime soon. I wish I'd realized what was happening immediately, because I would have reverted to a previous save. Unfortunately I moved on and played a bunch more, so for now I have to wait on that one questline.

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    #73  Edited By Ares42

    I had this happen to me today when I loaded up yesterdays save.

    Loading Video...

    Thank god for multiple auto-saves. Other than that I've had a few T-poses here and there, and there's a quest that's bugged, but I wouldn't call the game overly buggy. The most "buggy" thing about the game I've experienced is that there are some areas in the game that will just mess up game performance until you restart the game (on PS4). Seems like some sort of memory leak issue.

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    #74  Edited By Bezerker85
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    I've seen T Poses before in games but I dont think ive ever seen a 4 pose. This guy was hovering around the battle not even firing his gun.

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    I just got eaten by a monster and I "died" in one, but the world disappeared and I could hear my team fighting still. Had to Alt F4.

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    I've been playing on a regular old PS4 and I've run into a few.

    • Every. Single. Time. I leave the "Development" menu, my game starts running at like 3/4 speed. Its not a frame rate drop, the game just runs slow, like I was trying to use a crappy PC and my PC didn't have enough power to run the game. However, this effect completely disappears when I run into the loadout door near the Bridge. 10 out of 10 times when I do that, it goes back to normal.
    • I've had 2 separate instances of NPCs completely not showing up during dialog. First time was during one of Alec Ryder's memories. In the memory, its supposed to be you, your sister and your mom. In this case, Sara just didn't show up. No dialog played, no character model, nothing. The Mom pantomimed resting her arm on her shoulder even and because its from the Dad's point of view, he would sometimes pan toward her as if she was saying something. At first I thought it was a weird choice, because at this point she was still in her coma but then it also happened to PeeBee for me. She was about to tell me about her the next step in her loyalty mission but she failed to show up too. So I had an entire dialog with a non-existent character and I even got to make choices. One of which was, "Wow, you're really enthusiastic about this!" to a completely empty room.
    • I've had Cora and Drack go into T-Pose during battles.
    • After romancing Cora my Scott ran around with his eyes half closed so every dialog it looked like he was just stoned.
    • I've seen characters float across the room to their predetermined positions immediately following a dialog. You get done talking and they just slide into position.
    • I had a conversation with Gil and during the exchange his body wouldn't move, just his arms. So he's reading his little future tablet while looking 90 degrees to the left. Afterwards, he was stuck convulsing, endlessly shifting attempting to find "center" it looked like. Also the entire time Ryder sounded like he was talking while inside his helmet so that was cool.
    • Sometimes, even in completely unrelated menus, after picking an option like a new skill or even looking at inventory the in-game HUD will pop up and all the background noise happens like I wasn't even in a menu.
    • When I land on Eos, if I run away from the Tempest too fast or something, the game will pause to load. If I move the camera during this, once the game loads the camera "default" is all fucked and its all crazy angles like I'm really into dutch angles or something.

    There's been a handful more I'm sure but those are the more egregious ones.

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    It's been a long time since i just decided to remove the disc and put it back on the shelf due to bugs in the game.. Can't even proceed in quests due to them.. it's 2017! Don't know what to do with my copy of the game, disappointed though :(

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    Has anyone moved to keyboard from controller on PC? I'm finding it easy doing menu stuff on the keyboard. Especially map with just M, instead of start + select map on controller.

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    I'm playing on a regular PS4, and while I've not had any game-breaking issues…

    • The framerate dips and input lag are noticeable. Disabling the post-processing effects (film grain and chromatic aberration) seemed to improve this somewhat, but may be placebo effect.
    • Occasionally when approaching an NPC for interaction, I will lose the ability to interact with them. Like if they start an ambient conversation with another NPC, the button prompt will disappear and not reappear until reloading the game.

    I'm enjoying the game way more than I expected to, but after playing through ME 2 and 3 very recently it feels like a big step backwards in terms of polish (and I played the PC port of ME 3!)

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    Don't know about bugs, but i started playing the single player again and noticed performance issues i didn't have before. It seems the Cpu sometimes spikes to almost 100% usage randomly, whether in the menus or during gameplay and often the fps drops. Also the gpu load seems to be at a constant 100% even in the menus and on the ship, but while on planet it seems to start dropping back down and only going 100% sometimes(the fps stabalizes closer to 60fps too).

    I play a lot of multiplayer and have had crashes, but i wasn't checking my gpu/cpu so i wonder if those spikes were causing it. Temps seem normal regardless though.

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    I had an NPC kinda snap back into place once, and rarely the found mineral notification will get stuck onscreen if it happens in the Tempest. That's about it though. Runs pretty well on my i5 4460/ 970.

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    @mistah_t: I use both keyboard/mouse and controller. Keyboard/mouse for the menus, controller for everything else.

    I came across my first major bug: a boss decided to blink out of existence during the fight which forced me to reload one of their awful checkpoints. I had to replay 20 minutes of combat (just like Jeff mentioned on the Bombcast) - TWICE! It took me an hour to get through 20 minutes of gameplay.

    There are at least three reasons the checkpoint system is pants: 1) the checkpoints are not nearly frequent enough, 2) if the game has bugs like the one I mentioned a checkpoint system isn't a viable option, and 3) I'm playing on PC damn it, and expect quicksaves, quickloads, and hard saves whenever the hell I feel like it.

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    So I've avoided a lot of the coverage for this game, but I just watched the video embedded in Brad's review and .... good god. How the hell do companies like EA get away with releasing broken ass shit like this? Is it really that much to ask that Sony and Microsoft cert actually involve some basic level of QC?

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    I've played for over 30 hours on X1. The game has frozen for me 2, maybe 3 times and I've killed a couple of enemies and their dead bodies stayed standing.... that's about it (not count some weird human and Asari faces). Overall, I'd say I saw more bugs in Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Oblivion, and other open world RPGs or games. It's not Batman Arkham City on PC like the internet is trying to make it out to be, going by what I've seen and talking to my friends.

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    @nevergameover: I don't know what about this game is causing such drastic play differences, but I haven't encountered anything other than just a general lack of polish on the Xbox One. FAR from "broken ass shit" I would say, even if it's just anecdotal (hell, it's all anecdotal anyway).

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    I'm playing on PS4 and it's still been less buggy than any open world Bethesda game I've ever played. The game is pretty rough overall, but nothing even approaching what a lot of people are saying. Experiences seem to be varying wildly.

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