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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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IT’S A BOY!! (Update #2)

Yep, I am a boy but I am at the legal drinking age, 21, as of today, which probably makes me more of a mouse… uh man I meant. = - P Even though I can legally drink now, I’m not really all that interested in drinking, and I probably won’t touch a drop. We all have only one day that is really a BIRTHDAY, but we celebrate birthdays anyway because it adds a year/number to what we like to call age.

So today is my birthday, but it’s not what you would say is a big celebration in my family. I don’t really get any parties, but I do at least get a cake and a few presents. I already got most presents really early, like the video games that I’ve wanted; so I’m not all that worried about even getting anything today because I got all I ever wanted anyway. My grandfather gave the family quite a scare last night because he was critically ill and almost went to the hospital. He still is ill, and for some reason I know that he is a lot closer than ever to death now. He didn't want any of the family to come last night or even today according to my grandma that called this morning to tell us what he wants us to do; I really don't know why he didn't want us to come, but I'm sure that he has a good reason. My special gift this year was for him to be able to see me turn 21. Later, if he is able to talk he is going to wish me a Happy Birthday. So, that is indeed going to be very special. Anyways, that’s what going on with me at the moment. I got nothing else much to say here. Hope the holidays have gone well for all of you. For those who are actually reading this, I didn’t really have too much of a great holiday but I did appreciate being with family/friends at least. See you all later!


Also, I’m getting something in the mail soon from Nintendo. I ordered/earned an award, the Mario folders and bookmarks, by doing surveys for coins to use towards rewards. So I’m pretty glad that I’ll be getting the reward really soon, and hopefully today. = - D
Update: My grandpa is going to the hospital today. Pray or let my family be in your thoughts. Wish us a safe trip too because it's snowing outside. =-( I'll see you all later. 
Update #2: Well, it's great to say that my grandad is doing better. He is not out of the woods yet, but I am so glad that I was there to see him. I just got to admire him for being extremely tough and strong willed. Thanks for all of your thoughts/prayers/whatever you want to call it, and thanks to you all that wished me a Happy Birthday.


Stupidity in Action

 Well, this is a blog were everyone and anyone can post the most ridiculous and stupid stuff that can be thought of for a nice gut busting laugh. Pictures, sayings, poems, and anything else that is stupid can be posted here!! Here are some sayings that have been something that my family tells people to make them have a good laugh.

Since Christmas is coming up, here is something to make ya’ll laugh that doesn’t exactly refer toward anything that is Christmas, but more of a re-wording from the Christmas jingle, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. : - P Enjoy.

Randolf, the bald headed Cow-poke, had a very shiny Gun.....and if you ever saw it, you would turn around and Run!!!
All of the other Cow-pokes used to laugh and call him names.... They would not let poor Randolf play in any poker games!!!!
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, the Sheriff came to say, Randolf with your Gun so Bright, won't you shoot my wife tonight!!!
Then how the other cow-pokes loved him as they shouted out with glee.... Randolf the bald headed cow-poke now lives in the State Penitentiary!!!!

Here are some other sayings for a good gut busting laugh.

There was once a farting Sea Monster that sniffed the butt of a farting lobster!   Oh what a smell that was let out, it made the sea monster cry and pout! Up come the bubbles from the sea, as this is no place you want to be.   Oh what a smell, oh what a sight, of the stench from the sea at night!!   

Here’s another saying.

Now it is time to play Johnny Carson, There is no need to ask the Parson.   All you need is a trench coat and a smile, stand in the middle of the road for a while.   Now here comes a car driven by Bonnie, Open the coat and exclaim "Here's Johnny"!!!!

And another...

Great Pills means better thrills. Don't rely on bugs, take the finest drugs! Drinking liquor is all fine and well, take green pills for your feet to swell!  Snorting white powder is a drag, Snort insect repellent out of a bag, If you think this is not for you, let's visit the monkey at the Zoo!

Am I finished? Nope!!

Danger! Danger! Danger!, Yogi Bear killed The Ranger,  Boo Boo ran off with the Ranger's Wife, Smokey stabbed Dudley Do-Right with a Knife.  The sheriff is in the woods in a big fix, as little Miss Muffet has her pants down in the sticks.

Not finished yet!

Mary had a little lamb, fed it castor oil, every time it jumped the fence, it fertilized the soil!!

Well, I had my share of posting some stupidity. Please feel free to share anything that you think that may be stupid. Hope that you Giantbombers enjoyed these sayings, and see you all later!!! : - D

-Tireyo643 (Ty)


The Elite Status Platinum Reward has arrived, and more.

 Well for those who don’t know, I got the Elite Platinum Status Reward from Nintendo by filling out surveys on what I think about games. I got the Mario Hat instead of the Doc Louis’s Punch Out game that is downloadable through WiiWare. Here are some pictures of the Mario Hat.

The Mario Hat is extremely fluffy, and it is quite a nice replica of Mario’s Hat. I wouldn’t recommend on wearing it regularly, (you'll burn up!) but ya’ll have no idea what comments and smiles I’ve gotten yesterday when I was wearing that hat in public for fun. : - P I was out yesterday because I had to get some new glasses. 
Since Halloween is soon, that hat would top off the Mario look if one had a red shirt and overalls. I don’t dress up for Halloween anymore as I just grown out of the phase I guess. I just get my own candy now, because we got too many trick-or-treaters two years ago. Over 300 people came for candy, and a lot of them were grown-ups instead of children. Plus, I can’t really afford to do Halloween anymore.

Anyways, I think you guys and gals are wondering what comments I got when wearing that hat in public yesterday. I was in Hardees getting breakfast. This old guy on oxygen asked me, “How much do they pay you to wear that hat, $100?” I said, “Nah, I’m just wearing for fun, and I got it in the mail.” You know that old guys don’t pay much attention to video games, so I told them whose hat I was wearing. : - P

At JCPenny, there was a group of people that just stared at me with this hysterical laughter being seen in their eyes. They didn’t want to laugh right at me, but they certainly did when they left the store. I waved, so they knew that I was ok with it.

I had a lot of people stare at me, laugh at me, and smile at me. It was really fun to do yesterday, but when it was all over and done with, I became extremely tired and stressed. I stressed because it took longer than expected to get the glasses and do everything in between. I had an accounting assignment that was due yesterday, and I didn’t finish it. I felt so bad that I couldn’t really work on it yesterday because I was exhausted and irritable. Ever since I took that Swine flu shot Thursday, I’ve had an unusual drowsiness and restlessness Thursday and Yesterday, so the Swine Flu shot didn’t really help at all.

College has taken its toll on me lately, and it’s been rough on doing the assignments they throw at me. I found out yesterday that my mom had cancer again; quite a big day for me yesterday wasn’t it? I know that she’s going to be alright, because she is quite a fighter. Also, the cancer is shrinking too and it’s caught early, which is treatable and wonderful. I'm not worried, and my mom isn't either.

I haven’t been able to play any games lately, so that sucks. Whenever I do have the time, I play The Sims 3 of course. I’m excited for the release of New Super Mario Bros. Wii coming out November 15.

Well, this blog is long enough. That’s what I’ve been up to lately, and I’m happy that I received my Mario Hat. Got any questions or comments for me, I’ll get to you eventually. Sorry that my thoughts are scattered in this blog, but I'm still tired. Hopefully everything makes sense and is clear to understand.

Peace out home dogs, and have a Happy Halloween,



I'm cheap, so what? Is it a bad thing?


I’m interested in both LostWinds games, but here’s why I won’t be getting them.

 Klonoa Wii Screen
 Klonoa Wii Screen

I’ve seen great feedback and not so great feedback on both games. Many complain that both games are short, but are great in ideas and the control scheme is something fresh and new. Here’s the thing, why buy these games for $10 each when I know that both games are short in length? The first LostWinds estimate of time completing the game is around 3 hours, and LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias estimate of time of completing the game is around 4-6 hours.

I’ve rented and played Klonoa Wii, as some still may call it Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, and it was a wonderful game. The problem was that I heard that it was too short and they were right because I pretty much beat the game within about 7-8 hours the first time around, and for me it was hard to come back to because it seemed too simple when I played it a second time around, which was being able to play each level backwards. That is why it can mean no more than an excellent rental $6 to me, because $30 is too high for this game. I don’t recommend on anyone buying Klonoa Wii, but if anyone has purchased the game, then it’s ok because we all like different things. I guess that I a little thrifty and focused on the hours I can be focused to play a game. I want good value and gameplay for my money.



Now back to what I was talking about on LostWinds. I like everything about the game down to the graphics, the control scheme, music, and such like what I have had with Klonoa Wii; however, it’s going to turn out to be a similar experience to me when I played Klonoa Wii. I don’t want to get LostWinds or LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias because it seems to me that even for $10 the price is absurd. I have a prediction on what might happen with LostWinds. I feel like one is really like paying $10 for one level in the LostWinds franchise. If they so happen to combine these games, LostWinds acting as the first chapter or level and LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias acting as the second chapter or level in the franchise, then it would be something to consider.

Let’s say like they came out with 8 different games concerning the LostWinds franchise, and the 8game would be the final game to end the LostWinds story, then lower the price of what one normally play for 8 games to the price on what one would pay for 5 games, then it would definitely be worth buying to me. In other words, those eight games (in my opinion 8 chapters) that would cost a regular $80 if one would buy the games separately, but if all 8 games bought together to form one game that would cost around $50 instead of $80 would be reasonable.

 LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias
 LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias

I think that LostWinds for WiiWare has a lot of potential, but to really impress me into buying the games, Frontier is going to have to lower the price if they ever want to get my interest in buying their game.

These things that I have mentioned may indeed may never happen, but just know that I will not be getting LostWinds anytime soon. I probably won’t get the two LostWinds at all if they remain at $10. Whatever the case, I’m saying that LostWinds looks like a great game and probably is a great game, but it’s not a game for me to consider because it’s flaw of being short for the money, at least right now. (You can tell I want the price to change.)

Well I’m done with my nerdy ways for now, so see you all later. : - P
- Ty
Also, why and how on earth did I write this? I'M NUTS!! lol. I don't even know if this whole thing makes any sense! It's on my mind I guess to get it all out!!! X - D


How I view things on what has been going on lately on Giantbomb.*


Well, as most of you know, there are some people that have been leaving Giantbomb. It is not my place to name names, but I would like to say share my thoughts on the matter. It’s nothing bad.

You know, I’ve realized lately that there has perhaps been various amounts discrimination, people not acting quite themselves because of something, and these things caused people to be upset. Some were so upset that they left.

I just want to say that no two people are alike. We are all different, and we all believe in different values and such.  These things are what make us all unique. Sometimes we assume that others are like us.

You know, this might sound corny, but I like to watch the Olympics here and there, when it’s on that is. All these people from all over the place from different countries all come together to compete in a healthy competition. They all respected each other to play on the same field whether it’s running, swimming, and whatnot.

In an online community, it can be a scary thought that it’s diverse. The thing is this, if we want to maintain a peace within the community, we all need to get along and respect each others views and not take jokes seriously. I say this because as I said earlier, no two people are alike. We all have grown up differently in different worlds, and sometimes there are boundaries within our minds. In a community, those boundaries can be broken and opened up to other different views. We might not agree with the different views, but at least respect each other and act mature enough to handle and take in others point of view. If one can’t get along with someone, then simply stay away from them.

Giantbomb is a great community where gamers can talk about games, share off topic things, make edits about games, and more. If we want for Giantbomb to be a nice site to go to, then it’s going to start with the people in the community to have the knowledge and understanding to know what it takes to make things better.

Well, this is all I have to say. Dr. Phil has left the house! : - P I think I may have flipped my wig, but know that I have the best interests at heart for Giantbomb. See you all later. :)

*Oi, I guess I got to mention what people I'm talking about. XXXXXXXXXX and ValkyrieGoddess leaving, and the Ms. Chivos situation. If any moderator finds it reasonable to lock or delete this post, I don't mind.

The Bad Day (update)

This all happened yesterday.
I woke up in a very cranky mood. Everything at college was at a fast pace and frustrating. It was hard to keep up with the accounting notes because the professor was going over it rather quick. Human Resource class was nerve racking because I had to do a presentation on discrimination. Not the best speaker. Now that's not too bad, but when it comes down to Oral Communications class, I had to take a very hard test. I pretty much know that I failed that test because some of the things on the test weren't in the text book, and we have never gone over some of the material. I got so afraid and angry that the test would make me go to the resort of withdrawing from the class. When I got done with the test, I went to business law. I threw my books on the desk, dropped my back-pack abruptly on the floor. My friend said, "I can't believe you did that!" I said, "I can't believe it either" and I left the room. One of the students chased after me to see if I was ok, which was weird. I told him what was going on, and he made me laugh a little. I went back into the room and apologized for my behavior. I wasn't ok though because I was still upset with knowing that I failed my test. My blood pressure was up, and from my head to my eyes I could felt this big ball of heat. 
When I left college, I told mom what happened. She got mad at me because I didn't control my anger, then she told me that I was due for a flu shot. So I went to the doctor to get the flu shot, and almost passed out twice. I did end up on the floor, and there came a time where I couldn't see a thing with my eyes open.  
When we left the doctor, dad called my mom and told her something that made her berserk, and she made me scared because of the massive yelling and the look in her eyes. When mom isn't happy, no one is in this family. Oh boy, she lost it too. She did forgive me though, but was mad at my dad..
Anyways, as the day went on, I suffered from a bad headache because I still didn't get over the test and class. I felt like a big loser because I didn't control my anger, and so I have felt bad all evening. I just hate the thought of withdrawing from a class. My eyes felt like they were burning for the rest of the day, and I didn't get to my college work when I needed to.
Well, that's all. May not sound like a bad day to you, but it really was a bad day.
It's still having a little affect on me today because I'm really tired, and I just found out that my Accounting assignment is due tomorrow, and she (the professor) didn't get the assignment posted on the college website until sometime yesterday. I didn't see the assignment until today, and it's in four parts. So, am I stressed out? You bet that I am.
Anyways, that is enough about what I'm going through. I would like you all to answer this question, Have you ever had a bad day? If so, please share what happened. If you have any questions or comments for me, it might take me a little while to answer. I'll see you all later, and until next time.
**Update: I got done with Accounting within only 2 hours!! Wow, I'm good. Now I have to do 4 chapter quizzes containing 25 questions each in Human Resources. Isn't THAT nice!?! : - /


A critical accident that happened by mistake. (update)

 Ok, Sunday I was updating my dad's 8 year old laptop computer because it's quite a dinosaur. I was installing the Windows XP Service Pack 2 update on his laptop. It didn't install, and it was uninstalling itself. My foot accidentally got caught to the power cord and the power cord came loose from the computer during the installation, so the computer went off because the computer must be plugged into the wall for it to work. When I tried starting it again, it would start like it was supposed to, but then I would get a blue screen with an error message, then the computer would restart itself. Contacted the security people yesterday and told us to look for the operating system disc that came with the computer. So we was expecting a call today to see if the computer can be saved because we did find the disc yesterday, but they never called back. Perhaps tomorrow we''ll give them a call. I highly doubt that the computer will be saved, and something tells me that no one will be able to use it anymore. So, I'm pretty much upset because of that accident happening because we'll be losing a computer.
**Update** The computer was able to be saved, without thanks of the security people. All of the programs that was on the laptop was erased, but I did my best to get back some of the most necessary things back on my dads laptop. All there is to do now is to install the security, and it's ready to roll. Hopefully it won't happen again. I thank you all for trying to help me.**
So, have you made a mistake that made you lose or damage something that cannot be fixed? Perhaps you made a bad mistake, but was lucky enough to solve it or get it fixed? Please share your opinions, comments, stories, or questions that you may have for anyone or me. See you all later, and until next time.


Special 100th topic post. (What I went through in middle school.)

 Wow! It is quite an accomplishment to post 100 topics on Giantbomb, and earn 5013 wiki points for contributions. Here is a link to all the forum posts I have ever posted. I know that it says that I’ve posted 101 topics, but it’s technically 100 because of 1 mistake of duplicating a topic, “What is your favorite season?” Locked Not locked.

It has been fun and great here on Giantbomb, and I will continue to post topics, contribute information for wiki points, do reviews on games, and best of all keep track of all my friends that I have made here on Giantbomb. Thank you all so much for whatever you have done, whether it’s helping out, commenting in a topic I’ve made, making jokes, or even being nice to me in your own different ways. As a present to you all to make this 100 topic post special, I’m going to share with you something that I never usually tell people in person. It’s about how I was treated in middle school.

I was never really popular, didn’t really have many friends, regretted going to school every day, and my self esteem was just flushed down the toilet. Here is a story from the many stories that I have had in middle school.

I remember those horrible days when the lights went out in the boy’s locker room. Never really knew what was going to happen, because all you could hear is screaming and yelling. The ones that were scared of the ones that turned the lights out while we were all changing into our clothes were too scared to do anything. Absolutely no one was nearby to help or supervise the locker room activity because the teachers would remain out on the gym floor, and the locker room was downstairs where it was practically soundproof. One day, the lights went out and boys were screaming again. My head was shoved into a locker, almost knocking me out. I got a brief glance at the one who did shove me into the locker, but I couldn’t make out on who it was. At that moment, I knew that I needed tell someone that would listen to what was going on.

I told my parents, and I felt like that it was the hardest thing to do. They contacted the school, and the school agreed to talk to me about the coincidence that had happened inside the locker room. It was around gym time again the next day, the usual round began with the lights, and when we was right in the middle of a basketball game the counselor took me to a different corner of the gym to talk about it. That was the worst mistake that the counselor could do. When I got done talking to her I resumed P.E. and of course people asked why I was over there, and I lied and said that it was regarding family. Then I got hit in the face by a basketball and gave me a nose bleed. The counselor wanted to be sure that I was ok so she followed me to the bathroom, she didn’t go in of course thank god because I would think that she is messed up, and when I got done cleaning myself up P.E. was over and they announced that there will be no more fights in the locker room, and it will be monitored for now on. So pretty much the rules were applied immediately.

Well, suspicions leaned toward me immediately saying that I spilled the beans, but I had to protect myself and lie. When I got home, I thought everything was going to be fine. A neighbor of mine that goes to school with me came over to play some videogames. Then he asked me if I was the one that told what was going on in the locker rooms, and if I was he wasn’t going to tell anyone. I was stupid enough to believe him, and told him that I did say what was going on. He wasn’t even in my P.E. class either, and I thought it was safe to tell him. The next day, I figured out that he told on me and every kid in the school already knew. From then on out I was treated badly. I was stabbed with led pencils, laughed and picked on constantly; there were a couple attempts to where kids would set me up for a fight that I didn’t really want, and much more. I managed to work around them to where I wouldn’t get into any fights. I would go up to the person that I was supposed to fight and told them what was going on, and they understood where I was coming from. Of course, there would be a time to where my luck would run out. Once they figured out that I was somehow working my way out of fights that I didn’t ask for, they decided to take me on themselves. The truth is, I couldn’t fight them all because there were too many, and a true friend I knew couldn’t fight them either even though he was a black belt. One thing I can say, my true friend stood by me though that tough time, and told me what was going on behind my back. The harsh treatment that I’ve been given at school continued for a couple of weeks, and I went to talk about it to the vice principal once about what was going on, but clearly didn’t understand.

My parents knew that problems at school were escalating, and that something had to be done and it was done. One day at school, everything was its typical self. Then I went to lunch, and my good friend told me that there was going to be a big fight that day, and it was going to involve me and 15 boys. We continued talking and all of a sudden he told me to not look behind me because the ones that wanted to beat me up were trying to get my attention. (They couldn't hear our conversation because lunch time was always loud. with 300 people in the lunch room, I would definitely say that they couldn't and didn't know.) I hunkered down a little because I didn’t know what they were doing behind me. Thank god for my friend for telling me what they were doing, I didn’t look even though it was definitely tempting. I went to the next class and during a boring seminar on how to pay bills (home ec.) I was called to the office. My mom was there, and she told me to wait out in the hall. The next thing I know, mom, the principal and vice principal, secretary, and counselor were all in a huge unpleasant argument. One of my teachers were there and heard the whole thing and understood what was going on where the others tried to cover it up, didn’t understand, and made excuses for what was happening. “Boys will be boys.” – Quite famous reasoning made by the vice principal. Mom was still in the office and said that she was going to take me out of the school and take me somewhere else. The teacher that I had came out and talked to me. She told me that she had no idea that I was going though so much, and asked me who were the ones that were picking on me. I told her every person that gave me a hard time, so I pretty much had the last laugh. She told me that I was one of her favorite students in the classroom because I never fussed, I did what she said, and I was honest. She was sorry that she couldn’t do anything to stop it, but I told her that I don’t even know if it could be stopped. She understood, and gave me a hug, and gave me the best of wishes and luck in finding a better place to further continue my education.

So I left the school without ever saying goodbye to anyone, except the one teacher that talked to me when I left, and the teacher I knew for a long time that helped my reading level improve because I knew beforehand that I was going to leave the school. She didn't say anything to the faculty and staff, so I'm thankful that I did have at least one trustworthy teacher.

A week later, I got a huge card from all the staff and faculty that I have learned from and had in the school through the years giving their pardons and saying that they were going to miss seeing me.

What was interesting is that as soon as my best friend learned that I left the school, he had a massive fit and was extremely upset. I didn’t have the chance to tell him, so I went over to his house as quick as I can to tell him that everything was going to be ok.

Friend: “We could have taken them all, and we could have worked together.”

Me: “Even though we could have worked together to fight those boys, we can’t win.”

Friend: “But why?”

Me: “The fight and struggle would never stop for me. It would have gotten worse if I stayed, and it would occur every day. I don’t want you to get into the mix of my problems.”

Friend: “But we won’t see each other in school anymore, and we are like brothers.”

Me: “I will still see you, and maybe not quite as often. I will still come to visit.”

Friend: “Ok, but you know that I’m still upset about this.”

Me: “It’ll be ok, I assure you.”

Well, I went to a new school and things turned out fine for 2 years, and then I moved away to a different state because my dad got a job transfer. Then I suffered for 4 more years in high school because they was almost doing the same thing in middle, but no fights or anything bad locker room related were tolerated, so it was all just mental. The mental level was so much worse in high school than in middle school even though middle school seemed more violent. 
So, that is a story out of the many stories that I have had in middle school. Thanks for reading the special 100 topic post. If ya’ll got anything to say or share, then I’ll be around. See you all later, and until next time.



My summer vacation is about to come to an end.

Well, school/college will start on Monday, Aug. 24th for me, and I’m not really too excited about going. I got my books today, and frankly I’m terrified of accounting now because I hate anything regarding math. I haven’t had anything regarding math for 2 whole years. I didn’t take calculus in my senior year of high school, and in my first year of college I didn’t do anything in math because I was catching up in English and learning business concepts. All my other subjects should be fine and doable, but accounting is intimidating at this point. Anyways, here is a picture of my books so you all can see them. I’m taking 12 credits this semester = 4 classes, and the semester will end Dec. 11th.

College Books for this semester.
College Books for this semester.

The two books on the bottom are both the dreaded accounting books that I’ll be learning from. One is a text book, and one is a work book for accounting. I’ll be taking business law this semester, and the book for it is above the two accounting books. Looking out/looking in is an oral communications book, and it’ll help me a little with speaking in front of people and more. The very top book is the human recourses book, and I’m quite excited to get into it because I think that it might be fun.

I’m looking forward to see some familiar faces again. I already know two of my instructors because I had them before for something else, and I like them. I’m hoping that I’ll see some friends again, because every semester the classes change, and you never know who you will see.
As far as gaming goes, I've been going casual. I've been enjoying Wii Sports Resort and Bust-A-Move Plus! I don't want to get into anything hardcore because I'll want to finish the game. Cough -- Majora's Mask, Secret of Mana, Pikmin -- Cough. Also, I'll probably get The Sims 3, the game I've been pining over, around Christmas time.

Well, thanks for reading my boring blog about me going back to college. As time as winding up for me to go to college, I won't be on Giantbomb as much as I want to, but such as life. College does have to come first and before anything else. If you all got anything to say, add or ask, I’m  around. See you all later, and until next time my fellow Giantbombers!



Do I dare to dream and make it a reality?

I love to come up with gaming concepts and ideas, and I dream of that perhaps that it will become a reality. Because of my limited knowledge on mathematics, computers, and only so much imagination to offer, I believe that I’m unable to fulfill my dreams of creating a game. Even though I might not ever be able to create or help to create a game, I can always dream what it would be like if I was ever given the chance to create one. Here are two of my best ideas that I don’t mind sharing with everyone. I’m probably selling this information for free to people all over, but it would be something else to see my idea come to life even though I won’t be able to accept the credit.

One of my ideas is a concept I’ve thought of on old RPGs. This is probably an idea of what some fans would love to see and think of, but I just want to mention it. :P Wouldn’t it be neat to revive the classic RPGs in a totally new way? Instead of reviving classic RPGs in a 2D environment, what about a 3D environment? How about making some of the RPGs turn into a real-time action adventure game? Just imagine classic RPG games like Secret of Mana, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Final Fantasy, and Earthbound all come to life revamped into a 3D environment action adventure game. I think that it would feel like a completely different game if this was done, but it would keep every enemy, concept, design, and secrets within the game but on a much larger scale. Now that would be awesome I think. This concept comes from the thought of the Klonoa series, which inspired me with the idea of 3D RPGs. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, originally for the Playstation, was remade for the Wii with better graphics but kept the mechanics. My idea for the RPGs is that some could possibly keep the RPG elements, while others would have a change in how the game works.

Another idea of mine regards a Mario Kart concept for Rainbow Road, or perhaps a racing game concept that I’ve come up with. I call it the Mario Kart Idea.

The Mario Kart Idea.

It's a Rainbow Road course that takes place in a river like setting.  Nothing but water is around you.  The water reflects everything, including the track, the stars above, and whatever else there is that reflects.  Rainbow Road is actually going to look like colored glass, but it would be a little more faded out than the usual Rainbow Road.  Shooting stars and cheep cheep (fish) can attack you and slow you down.

In one part of the track, just imagine falling down a steep part of track that twists a little (like a small piece of DNA) where there is nothing but water that surrounds you every which way.  Here is something similar that I'm talking about.

You see the water setting video?  Well, instead of hole "waterfall" not having a pit, my idea is that it will lead you into a pit with cave/wishing well like setting.  Everything is still reflected because the water is below you.  The reflection of the water will show on the ceiling.

When you leave the cave, you will blast off onto a planet like in Super Mario Galaxy.  You'll race on something like this. It would include walking bomb-ombs, Bullet Bills, Piranhas, and such. What I’m getting to is that it would be all the designs from the adventure game packed into a racing game.
***Remember when I mentioned the cave? Well, on the last lap there will be quite a surprise when you reach the the cave. Can you guess what it might be?***

With all the other tricky traps and turns in the level, you think you could make it?  Would this course be epic and change the way we see racing?  We may never know.

Well, these are some ideas that I’ve come up with, and it is a dream of mine that perhaps won’t ever come true. Even though I probably won’t ever be able to create a game, but I hope to sell or market them instead. I think I can dare to dream, but I know that my ideas and dreams probably won’t ever come true. So what do you all think about my ideas? Do you have any ideas, concepts, or stories of your own that you would like to see in a video game that you would like to share? Got any questions, comments, advice, or suggestions for me? I’ll be around. Thanks for reading, and dare to dream. ;)
