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    Army of Two

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Mar 04, 2008

    Army of Two sets players as two metal clad "mercs" in the modern day Iraq war. Co-op tactics, swift maneuvers and upgraded weapons are necessary to fulfill your contracts and get paid.

    spiredcrescent7's Army of Two (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for spiredcrescent7

    Excellent co-op

    Army of Two sets you in a modern time period and gives you missions that are sort of based on world events. The main characters are Rios and Salem. The storyline between these two is given in great context. They are former rangers turned mercenaries and are comical throughout a lot of the game. The boss fights are not very epic considering that we don't actually get a story on each boss. All we are told is that they are terrorists and what they have that justifies us killing them. Apart from that the only way to tell them apart is that they actually look really different in their own respect. They are unique compared to everyone in the game and actually reflect the look of a boss so its not to much to complain about, considering that a lot of shooters don't spread focus out on to many characters. The other character you will get to no is Clyde. Clyde is a phychopath and is very simliar to the Joker (yes the one from Batman) in the way that he handles himself which adds to the nonchalant story line.
    The graphics are not the best we have seen. Character models are great. The guns look freakin awesome. The environment is bland most of the time. The few parts of the envrionment that shine are the ones that you use as cover and most of those are that pretty either. Animations are awful. When you plant a bomb, the bomb magically appears out of thin air. Reloading animation seems to go through the motions, but nothing really happens. Solund design on this game is perfect for the game. The movement is easily picked up. All of the attacks sound different. Melee, the variety of guns all sound great and give themselves a distinct feel. The music is there, but it really doesn't leave a lasting impression. It comes in when its suppose to as it matches with the action, but it is easily forgettable. Gameplay is somewhat lacking as well. Melee attacks are not very predictable, and the cover mechanic takes some getting used to. There is no button that makes you cover, you just kinda duck behind something and hope that its tall enough to cover you, which it usually is. You can blind fire or come out behind cover and fire. Blind fire is preferred because I often found myself shooting my own cover when i came out behind it. In blind fire my character reached over the cover to fire. This is quite bothersome. With all the negatives there is a shining light in co-op. Once you get ready for a harder difficulty, you really can't do an extensive amount of soloing, and you really have to work together. The co-op actions such as step jumping are fun, but sometimes tedius, considering that almost every actions that advances the game is co-op. The customizable guns are something that brings in some replay value considering you have to buy all the guns and use money to upgrade them. Online mode is pretty much an extension of the single player, except instead of being alone with the bad guys you have to race another two man squad to the objectives. This is fun for a little while until you figure out that melee attack then shotting your enemy while there on the ground is pretty much unbeatable. All in all this game is good, but I would appreciate another release with a lot more polish, depth, and duration.


    Other reviews for Army of Two (Xbox 360)

      A game that tries a little too hard to focus on co-op 0

      Army of Two is one reminds me of one of those B-rated action movies. You have Rios, a battle-hardened soldier who looks like he's seen enough death in his lifetime, and Salem, a young spunky kid who's every other word is "bro" They start off in the army and figure out that mercenaries make a shit-load more money and apparently get to choose their own missions. This of course leads to them joining a PMC (Private Military Corporation) where they get to wear masks and pimp out their guns.  This of ...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      Solo sucks. Get a buddy. 0

      Unlike most people I never played this game solo. Form the offset I had a good friend rock it out with me. My friend and me share a friendship much like the one set up in the game. That said... this game is made for two players. The co-op is awesome but a tad lacking. You fell like they need to keep at it and they will have an amazing gem on there hands. That said the gun play is "ok" to say the least. Its just not as hard hitting as you would like and the guns sound a little weak. At the same p...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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