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Jenn Frank's Top 10 Games of 2014

Frankly, it's about time we heard what Jenn's favorite games of 2014 were.

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In 2005 Jenn started writing 90- and 120-word game reviews for Electronic Gaming Monthly; from 2006 to 2008 she was dreadful as's CM. Fortunately, she is better remembered for her irregular appearances on Retronauts, a podcast about being an old person. Since 2008 she has written for Kill Screen Magazine (twice), The Guardian (twice), The New York Times (once), and other outlets. She is also the voice of Super Hexagon and, therefore, technically a BAFTA nominee.

Giant Bomb actually asked me to do an end-of-year top-ten list once before, and I flaked on it, and I have been sad about that for literal years now. So it is an honor and a privilege to finally right that old wrong with this, a cameo listicle.

My top-ten games "experiences" of 2014 in no way reflect the actual ten best games of the year; rather, they reflect the top ten times I pooped my pants. This is an important distinction to stress: there are "good" games, just as there are "good" movies, but as much as I might love The English Patient, it is the 2010 film The A-Team that I own on DVD.

Also, I've never seen The English Patient. My point is, pants-shitting is a highly subjective experience, and I can only speak to my own unique skidmarks. They're like fingerprints! Here are ten of them, in no order whatsoever:

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10. Shovel Knight

I'm not gonna say anything audacious like "Shovel Knight is the best game of the year"—it's good to be stingy with designations like "best"—but it's true that this independently-developed cross-platform game really is the best 2014 release on the Nintendo 3DS.

No knock intended on the 3DS, of course. Nintendo's handheld offered its own share of platformers this year (Kirby), some RPGs (Bravely Default), plus "visual novels" out the wazoo. But Shovel Knight is as courageously pure and perfect as a video game can get. It's no-frills in the best possible way, stark and utterly free of gimmickry. The controls themselves are crisp and taut: no slipping, no mushiness. Shovel Knight is mechanically gratifying, a complete pleasure to play.

Now, I'm sure Shovel Knight is every bit as aesthetically charming on larger screens—it'll be available on the PlayStation 4 soon enough, and in the meantime you can play it on any size screen you like—but its intricate little sprites only benefit from being further squished by the 3DS' display. The foreground and background move at different speeds, too (that's called parallax scrolling!), and its effect is all the more appealing in three-dee. Also, fuck this game. It's really hard.

Recommended for fans of: the NES, but I didn't actually have an NES as a kid. I wasn't even allowed to so much as touch one (which is pretty impossible to enforce on a school-aged kid, nice try, Mom [RIP]). So, speaking as a person who played the Game Boy much more frequently than she did the NES, Shovel Knight actually reminds me of every early Wario game. Recommended for fans of: Wario games

9. The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo

The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo, a browser-based text adventure by the author of my father's long, long legs, is a strange and effective little game (although, of the handful of people I've urged to play, exactly half have been impressed).

Uncle Nintendo filches liberally from other "creepypasta" conventions—most notably, the ol' "haunted Pokémon cartridge" trope—while also transcending, or even breaking, the form. By asking the player to repeat the game (six times in all!), Uncle Nintendo establishes an artificial "familiarity," which it then proceeds to undermine, adding to a pervasive sense of uncanniness and unease. Baudrillard would love it. You might, too!

Recommended for fans of: The Thief of Always; Coraline; Zork, I guess

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I first played FOTONICA at Fantastic Arcade and, at the time—standing in a crowded, noisy bar, playing in split-screen multiplayer mode—I had almost zero idea what was going on. But I must've had a slightly better handle on the game than my husband-to-be Ted did, because I kept slightly beating him.

Having now played both the Steam and iOS versions, I feel only slightly better equipped at attempting to describe it. FOTONICA is a single-button endless runner, where holding down any button—any key on the keyboard, anywhere on an iPad screen—"grips" your runner to the track. Kinda like pressing a gravity button.

If you release the button, you leap up and sail through the air like a hang-glider. Pressing and holding the button again will rapidly plummet you back to street-level and, if you stick the landing, you'll glom onto the track once more. As each stage progresses, your jumps become longer, floatier, and blinder: they eventually become leaps of sheer faith. (And because your hands are off the keyboard for these jumps, the feeling is especially harrowing—there's no sense of control. It's a type of surrender.)

Many reviewers have explained FOTONICA as a cross between Rez and Mirror's Edge, which I think is accurate but maybe inadequate. It is a first-person runner, hence all the Mirror's Edge comparisons, and it does have a Rez vibe—not only because of the wireframe vector art and the electronica soundtrack, but also because FOTONICA is "on rails." And because Rez qualifies as a "rail shooter," I think FOTONICA should, in turn, be called the first-ever "rail jumper."

FOTONICA is best played on a tablet device (the input is snappier), but all versions are good. The iOS version costs less, I think.

Recommended for fans of: Rez; Canabalt; Bit.Trip Runner; Dyad

7. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

The weirdest thing about Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is that this free-to-play money-vacuum is actually semi-biographical, actually based on the real-life career trajectory of Kim Kardashian. In fact, I'd go so far as to call it a reasonably accurate Fame Simulation.

Much of the game's fictional Los Angeles revolves around the villainess Willow Pape*, a cardboard Paris Hilton stand-in who nastily drags you, the player, into a public beef—just as the real-life Hilton did to Kimmy. (Contrary to popular misconception, it was Hilton's very ire that inadvertently launched the Kardashian brand, so if you don't like the game's concept, blame Paris.)

"But Jenn," says you, "what could be so pants-shitting about playing Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?" Spending $60 on your first day without even noticing, that's what. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is a Zynga wet dream, a paragon of the free-to-play model at its most wicked: a perfectly-constructed Skinner box.

The writing is unexpectedly okay—even devilishly passable!—and the soundtrack is pumpin'.

*Note: If you play as a dude, your same-sex rival is swapped for Willow Pape's boyfriend, "Dirk Diamonds." And if you really wanna make an enemy for life, you can romance Willow, effectively stealing her right out from under Dirk's slim, pretty-boy nose.

Recommended for fans of: FarmVille; slot machines; Ryan Seacrest

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6. Pixel Rift

Pixel Rift doesn't really belong on this list, because it hasn't been released yet—for now it's just a preview, a demo of a single stage—but holy Moses, is it good. Never have I been more thrilled about a work-in-progress. Pixel Rift's demo seats you at the desk of an elementary-school student. And if that's all the demo were—turning when the troublemaker behind you whispers, facing forward again when your dragon-lady of a teacher yells for the class's attention—it would be interesting enough.

But in your hands, hidden just beneath the desk's edge, is a first-generation gray brick Game Boy. And anytime you look down at it (the demo makes full use of the Oculus Rift's positional tracking), you are now playing the sidescrolling platformer Pixel Rift. I'm going to spoil the demo, just a little bit, and I really do apologize: the boss battle. During the boss battle, both the hero's sprite and the Big Bad Boss escape the confines of the Game Boy's screen, and now they are warring right there on the cluttered landscape of your desk. It's magical and daydreamlike, a really powerful expression of what the Oculus can do.

Eventually, the game's designer promises, each stage of Pixel Rift will represent another phase of the main character's life, where these important adolescent phases are demarcated by "console generations." I think video game essayists are notorious for fiddling with that idea—that our autobiographies can be written out as a series of chronological games experiences, that shared memories of Doom or Final Fantasy VII unite our otherwise-disparate childhoods—but I've never seen this idea used as a totally literal and concrete game mechanic before.

In terms of tone and attitude, Pixel Rift's nearest cousin is probably Level-5's Attack of the Friday Monsters (which in turn was designed by the creator of Boku no Natsuyasumi, or "My Summer Vacation," if that helps any). Friday Monsters, like Pixel Rift, pairs pop-culture references—all of which are lost on me, sadly—with a palpable sense of "time" and "place," which, together, fabricates a childhood memory so effective and corporeal, it almost feels like your own.

Pixel Rift is like that, too—except, y'know, you sit in it.

Recommended for fans of: video games; wistfulness; loving life

5. Nidhogg

Nidhogg was released in 2014! In January! I know! I, too, was surprised to learn this, because it feels like the game has been around foreeeeever. (And it has been, apparently! It's been in development for years, evidently!)

I am miserable at Nidhogg—just, really really bad at playing it—but I have won so much more than my share of games because I can be cheap as hell. Nidhogg is anyone's game, always, and the "advantage" can turn on a dime.

Nidhogg isn't only a multiplayer fighting game: it's very much a tug-of-war, too, where fencers are swordfighting back and forth, always gaining or ceding ground. And if you can just make it past the other player and sprint to the finish line (you cheater), you've won.

When you win—when the other player falls for the last time and the audience cheers—the great wyrm, Nidhogg itself, swoops up from the depths and swallows you. That's your reward for winning: getting Nidhogg'd. The audience isn't cheering because you won. They're cheering because they're fickle. They cheer because they're gonna see someone, anyone, get eaten. The game is, uh, very nihilistic in that way.

I could try to say something more significant about this "art game"—about how each stage of Nidhogg "tells a story" and, as you work from either left-to-right or right-to-left through each of the screens in succession, it's very much a sequential narrative. Sure, I could say that; I could Scott-McCloud you all day.

But whatever, right? That's boring, and Nidhogg is not boring. It's fun.

Recommended for fans of: fun

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4. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)

Readers: Is this you? Picture it. You are having a small post-Thanksgiving get-together at home and everyone's hands are tired and no one feels very competitive anymore, but everyone is still drinking.

Do you know what is a thing you can do with Smash Bros? A thing you can do is, you set all eight computer-players as Little Mac, tweak the players' settings each to a "handicap" of "300%," crank the match's "launch rate" to the max, and then lay bets. The exact effect is akin to a horse race combined with fireworks. High-stakes Little Mac horse-racing enlivens any dying holiday party, guaranteed—especially if you bet with real money!

Recommended for fans of: Super Smash Bros.

3. Super Smash Bros. (3DS)

We leave our 3DSes charging on our respective bedside nightstands. Sometimes we play Smash instead of having sex.

Recommended for fans of: abstinence

2. P.T.

The PlayStation 4 launched a little over a year ago, and the poor thing hasn't quite yet hit its stride: none of the current console generation has. And so it came to pass that the most innovative console-exclusive title of 2014 is a tech demo about walking.

Still, I have never been so addicted to the GameFAQs forum as I was when I was trying to "beat" P.T., you know? I very rarely obsess over anything, but for one weird week I was closely following fan theories, scribbling notes, and outlining my own plan of attack (which mostly involved swearing curses into a microphone).

I hope the guy who "solved" P.T. landed a job with the CIA, Last Starfighter-style. He had it all figured out in like a week.

Most pants-shitting moment: Ted had left the room with P.T. paused, and I was reading a magazine on the couch, when suddenly a demon-voice started speaking out of the TV, and I jumped up and ran out of the room screaming "Teeeeedd!" As one does.

Recommended for fans of: pants-shitting

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1. Elite: Dangerous

When Ted told me he'd like to "start developing games for the Oculus" and "do we have the savings for that," I immediately became suspicious. I'd already purchased a flight stick and corresponding throttle—colloquially, a "HOTAS" setup—and Ted, accordingly, had started playing the Elite: Dangerous beta at his work desk. So let's just say I knew something was up.

Anyway, that's the story of how we came to share an Oculus DK2 (where the word "share" here has the loosest possible meaning). Since the VR headset's arrival, Elite: Dangerous has become Ted's number-one hobby.

In watching Ted play, I have deduced that Elite: Dangerous pairs visceral, dogfighting-in-space gameplay with the more cerebral thrill of micromanaging every single aspect of an import/export business. "So it's Futurama?" I have obnoxiously suggested to Ted more than once.

Then again, Ted's enthusiasm for Elite is contagious and, with only the slightest encouragement, I have been known to hop into the game myself. Elite is optimized for the Oculus so that, when I physically turn my head and look either to my left or right, different UI screens pop up automagically. Because we use a DK2—and because I am extremely nearsighted—I can lean closer to the menus to read them better. It's all very surreal.

More surreal, though, is the way I can look down at my lap and see the avatar's legs. I can look down at myself and see the avatar's chest ("Ted, you play as a woman?" was a real conversation we had). If I peek down through the gap between the VR goggles and my nose, I can line myself up and "fit" my own chest into the female avatar's. One time I tried to lift my forearm to get a better look at something in the cockpit, and the avatar's forearm didn't move, and I started laughing because I'd genuinely forgotten it wasn't my arm.

One time Ted called me over because his new spaceship was "the size of this office!" and I put the headset on and looked around, and I had to agree: the spaceship's interior was, eerily, the size and approximate dimensions of the room I'm sitting in right now.

I was leisurely cruising through space—this is literally called "supercruise"—when suddenly an "interdiction" warning appeared onscreen. Had I not been wearing a VR headset, I might have calmly, casually asked Ted what an "interdiction" is. Instead I experienced life-or-death panic. "Oh, no! Ted!" I called out, just in case Ted were no longer standing right behind me. I don't remember what happened next; it was all such a blur. I vaguely remember Ted coaching as I focused all my attention on steering toward a distant point ahead of me. (Success! I survived. I removed the headset and dabbed at my brow: "No more for today," I whispered asthmatically.)

Elite: Dangerous is, for now, the most complete and finished, most polished experience for the Oculus Rift—although the MMO simulation is nearly just as enjoyable, as Ted will hurry to inform you, even without the special controllers or three-dee goggles. But with? My lord, it's exhilarating. I can fully understand why an Elite hobbyist would spring for all the bells and whistles.

Recommended for fans of: TIE Fighter; Euro Truck Simulator 2 (in space)


  • I elected to not pick up Alien: Isolation for PC. I almost did, though, because I've read you can very easily unlock the Oculus-supported mode. Uh... it's probably not for me.
  • If I had played through Alien: Isolation, it would probably be on this top-ten list. Sorry, game. I'm saving you for a special day.
  • In 2014 I went from loathing the Oculus Rift to tacitly endorsing it. Look, I can admit when I've been wrong.
  • Another oddball that almost made the cut is Hitman: Go.
  • I actually agree with a lot of entries on this list, I think. If I had it all to do over again, I'd probably include Earth Defense Force 2025, too. I forgot it came out this year! It's good. There are giant bugs in it.


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Elite Dangerous! Nice!

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Damn Jenn, great list! The writing you do can bring so many amazing visuals and evokes some of the same imagination I get in my silly head. I'm more than anything excited for the Rift to come to retailers, just from your time handling those magic goggles.

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We love you Jenn Frank!

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@jennatar: I've had one in my sights for some time now, but your comments on Elite: Dangerous (Outside of the quick look, I haven't done much research into it) "sealed the deal" for me. I am incredibly eager to fiddle with it as a slowly-working-toward-making-actual-games-games-developer as well, so I appreciate the mention of that.

As always, your insight is deeply appreciated!

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@jennatar Wait... I thought the person who "beat" P.T was a lady from the UK named Warpigs (or something) who got the ending reveal an hour after the Gamescom event?

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Edited By Dooley

Yes! I dig the Elite Dangerous love because that game is amazing! I don't even have VR or a HOTAS I'm just playing it on a TV with an Xbox 360 controller and loving it. Can't recommend it enough!

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Thanks, Jenn! This is a great list. I'm not huge on pants-shitting, but I do like Wario games. So perhaps there's a middle ground to be found there somewhere. Either way this was a fantastic read.

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Great list. Elite dangerous with the dk2 is a special experience, definitely my #1 too.

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Oculus Rift with HOTAS and steering wheel is the ultimate in sim combo

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Just played through The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo. Really unsettling. Other people should, too!

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3. Super Smash Bros. (3DS)

We leave our 3DSes charging on our respective bedside nightstands. Sometimes we play Smash instead of having sex.

Recommended for fans of: abstinence

I laughed

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Edited By vasari

I also sometimes play Smash Bros instead of having sex!

But we probably do that for different reasons.

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Here's hoping for even more poop-filled pants in 2015.

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Edited By jennatar

@mangopup: Well...! P.T.'s ending was unveiled very (VERY) quickly! And as you say, much of that initial credit goes to YouTube user "Soapy Warpig." Thanks in part to that user, we all knew nigh-instantaneously that P.T. stood for "Playable Teaser," that it was manufactured by Hideo Kojima, that the game was intended to be misinterpreted as an indie title, and that it really was supposed to be the harbinger of the upcoming Kojima/del Toro-directed "Silent Hills." Players like Soapy Warpig happened onto the elusive ending, recognized actor Norman Reedus, saw the ensuing trailer, and quickly pieced together what P.T. was meant to announce. I imagine this was all very hard on Kojima who, I'm sure, meant for the game to eventually become a winding viral odyssey.

All that said and done, no one had yet "solved" P.T. proper. Many forum-goers, not only GameFAQs's, developed an entire range of theories: "If you whisper such-and-such, THIS will happen," for instance. (They were on the right track.) But often, fan theories were hoaxes, perpetrated by merry pranksters, I imagine. In any case, we all knew what, but hardly the wherefores. Forums were ablaze.

Yet only nine days after P.T.'s launch, a YouTube video appeared online and confirmed, not only what works in-game, but why it works (as I have independently confirmed on my own terrifying time). I think the original video (I just looked at the first two seconds) might've been updated since I first watched it—the "YouTube user" who solved the game is now, apparently, three or four people working in tandem, all giving credit to one another and also giving due props to Soapy Warpig's earliest discovery—but the video goes on to assert what triggers the last phone call, and also the spectacular amount of mining the game, and codebreaking, that went into ascertaining the final, spoken keyword.

Do check out either a writeup or the video itself, because it is amazing stuff. I love it and, even now, it's hard for me to believe it's all real. It's all incredibly spoopy. (Incidentally, my favorite video-creepypasta, Internet Story, is a fictional account of something just like the solving of P.T., while predating P.T. by a few or more years. It's great.)

Edited to add: No one should EVER ask me anything about P.T., because the outcome is just blah blah blah. Sorry!

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Hell yeah Jenn Frank! Great list!

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Edited By mangopup

@jennatar: That is so awesome! It's something video games have lacked over the last few years. I'm also one of those people who spent obscene hours reading theories on Silent Hill 2 or trying to dissect what the hell happened in Chrono Cross, I miss those wack-o-doodle days on message boards so very much.

Addition: I also think it's why I love ARGs/viral marketings. I got super deep in to ilovebees and the like.

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I like this piece of content a lot.

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Dunno if it was intentional or not, but each entry in the list gets progressively funnier the closer you are to the top.

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@mangopup: Oh, hell yeah to ilovebees. And yes, exactly! At some point P.T. leaves the screen, becomes the type of dedicated project an ARG would be. It's very old-school "Nintendo secrets," definitely.

The best ARG/real-world puzzle I ever played was probably "Games of Nonchalance" (often better known as the Jejune Institute), and its existence coincided very exactly with, not only the timeframe I lived in San Francisco, but where I lived, as well. I remember being astonished to discover the arcane chalkings and graffiti on my morning walk to work all belonged to Jejune...!

Anyway, that experience was very much like a real-world video game, and the creepo-factor was off the hook. Actually, reflecting on it now, it probably played a huge part, not in my love of horror (which I already had, obvs), but specifically in creepypasta—which, when done well, also effectively blur the line between fiction and reality. Great stuff! (I also hope you have played, or watched Klepek's fantastic playthroughof, the game "Imscared." No I was not paid to reference that; it's just that good. If you aren't already familiar, and sorry if you are!, you will love it, I think.)

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The previous flaking is forgiven.

*sees Kim Kardashian*

Oh, Jen....

*sees Dirk Diamonds*

Yeah, ok, go with God.

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Edited By mangopup

@jennatar: Jejune! I experienced that from the outside, fascinating stuff. There is also the Slender Man Mythos, notably the Marble Hornets ARG which was mostly Blogger and Youtube videos, great production values that really immersed me on what was most likely a budget of skittles and pocket lint.

Imscared is a really great use of the Creepypasta formula, Kind of like Nanashi no Game in a way.

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I've logged almost 20 years into Abstinence, so it sounds like Smash Bros. for the 3DS is the game for me!

Jenn you're the best.

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Great list Jenn, thanks for you input, it's great seeing you on the site!

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Well, my award for best-written list of the year is clenched.

May 2015 greet you and Ted well, Jenn!

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So very happy that we have Jenn Frank writing about vidya games again.

Fuck the internet assholes forever.

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Edited By monkeyking1969

3. Super Smash Bros. (3DS)

We leave our 3DSes charging on our respective bedside nightstands. Sometimes we play Smash instead of having sex.

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Sweet list, I'm going to try a few of these out!

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Edited By hassun

Supremely good writing as usual. Always a pleasure, Ms Frank.

Makes me kind of happy I noticed

"[...]work-in-progress.Pixel Rift's[...]"

because it shows even the best can forget a space.

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I just played through The Uncle for Works for Nintendo, and I am in love with it. The atmosphere worked, even while playing in a brightly-lit room, and it's the sort of short, ominous horror that I enjoy reading.

I like this list.

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fisk0  Moderator
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NuclearWinter  Moderator

So happy to see Elite: Dangerous make it on to one of these lists, it's probably my favourite game of the year too.

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3. Super Smash Bros. (3DS)

We leave our 3DSes charging on our respective bedside nightstands. Sometimes we play Smash instead of having sex.

Recommended for fans of: abstinence

This is the best quote... maybe ever.

Agreed. This is the guest top ten that speaks to me the most. Pixel Rift looks outstanding, and I'm currently searching for a HOTAS setup at the right price - solely for Eilte.

God, it's so good to read Jenn Frank's word parties.

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That Elite description got me so hyped for the future date when I get my hands on a Oculus and a copy of the game (or something similar, but improved).

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I'm not gonna say anything audacious like "Shovel Knight is the best game of the year"

That's not audacious, it's the goddamn truth.

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We leave our 3DSes charging on our respective bedside nightstands. Sometimes we play Smash instead of having sex.

This sentence is the realest.

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Jenn really knows her stuff!

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Please stay, Jenn!

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I bought FOTONICA because of this list. I am now enjoying FOTONICA because of this list.

<3 Jenn

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Edited By Chillicothe

Thanks for taking the boys' offer up on making a list!

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Elite as GOTY. Jenn Frank has best taste fucking CONFIRMED.

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Jenn Frank for president on the basis of:

Recommended for fans of: pants-shitting

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Regretfully up until now I only knew Jenn Frank as a Gamergate headline. Now that I've gone back and read her stuff I can't help but feel the loss. What a beautiful, beautiful, pants-shittingly beautiful writer.

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One of the many reasons I will never forgive GG for harassing one of my favourite writers out of games writing. Jenn is awesome.

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Edited By ejc93

Nice list! Always great seeing your writing.

edit: and hey I guess it turns out I don't keep up with Spookin' as much as I thought I did. Gonna check out that episode you linked to.

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Oh my god the lists this year are so fucking good. I died at Super Smash Bros for 3DS and P.T. Jenn Frank, I am hunting down more of your writing later on tonight.

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Who knew I would get so engrossed in reading someone's top 10 list? Wow, Jenn has an amazing way with words and she has a list of fantastic picks.