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chaser324's comments

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Edited By chaser324  Moderator

Looks like a fairly spartan and straighforward rhythm game, but that soundtrack is fantastic: Chvrches, Metric, Tegan and Sara, Purity Ring. Really good stuff.

is it built so if you hit every beat you'll never get hit?

This was kinda my question too. It looked like even if you hit an alien on every note you'd still end up getting hit.

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Edited By chaser324  Moderator

@giantlizardking said:

The bubble I live in is called the software development industry. Maybe you can say the same? If not, you'll have to forgive me if my opinions built on and contextualized with years of experience in the industry don't jive with your collection of assumptions you have amassed from reading blog posts from other people who also don't work in the industry.

I also work as a software engineer, and I do actually disagree with a lot of what you're saying.

While there are a lot of available jobs out there, many people aren't as easily able to quit and relocate as you seem to think they should. The ability to work remotely also isn't offered as widely as you seem to indicate, the majority of employers tend to highly prefer or mandate that you work in office.

Also, while you've maybe found the opportunities to be merit driven and egalitarian, there are a lot of places where that definitely isn't the case. I've personally worked in places that absolutely valued seniority over merit, practiced nepotism, and/or passed over qualified women or minorities. Don't assume that your experience is indicative of the overall state of the industry or in line with the experience of people from other backgrounds, living in different locations, or engaged in different segments of the software market.

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chaser324  Moderator

Even if you're a bit disappointed, at least Dan treated the game with the dignity of a proper review and review score.

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chaser324  Moderator

Came to leave a comment saying how awesome this podcast was,

left disappointed in the shithole the comments are on a light-hearted, fun podcast.

Way to be, guys! Take something good and make it shitty, dark, and negative.

I hope you're proud of yourselves!

A lot of people don't agree that it's good and fun. Many think there are fundamental issues in the Danswers podcast format and that some of the advice being given is irresponsible. I'm inclined to agree with a lot of that feedback, and I've said as much myself in some previous comment sections.

It's fine if you think differently, but please be respectful and civil towards those that don't share your opinion - it's one of the core tenants of the community rules here.

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chaser324  Moderator

@hobozero said:
@sil3n7 said:

Initially there won't be a lot of incentive to develop a NEO mode until more consoles have been sold. It's not a complete userbase cutoff but there will be a rift.

They don't have a choice. Support for NEO mode is a requirement come October.

I think it's a safe bet that at least initially "NEO mode" in most games will just be a framerate bump with little or no additional work.

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chaser324  Moderator

Jeff is definitely getting audited.

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chaser324  Moderator

I've played a lot of golf, both in video games and in life, and I don't think I've ever once heard the term "chasing the snowman". A "snowman" is a bad thing, so I don't know why you'd be chasing after it.

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Edited By chaser324  Moderator
@otterchaos said:

Need to remove that red light that was shining on Jeff's face stat, it was very distracting.

Yeah. My eyes were definitely drawn to the red glow of his right face/neck every time he was on screen.

@gunflame88 said:

Them jaggies, man. Reminds of my younger days with a lousy PC, which could only run FEAR at 800x600.

Like they said in the video, you really can't judge the quality of the in-visor image against what's output to the TV. The PS4 doesn't have the spare resources to waste on rendering something that looks half way decent just for external observers that may not even be there.

It sounds like a cop out answer to say that you have to try it for yourself, but unless you're seeing the game through the HMD, you can't really get a decent grasp on the true quality of the experience.

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chaser324  Moderator
@hermes said:

Just to clarify, this is still a concept, and only applicable to XBox + Win10 PC architecture. If Steam or Sony doesn't want to play ball, this will be dead in the water.

I agree with your point on PSN, but with a Steam game, if it's using its own servers for hosting games and handling matchmaking (like Rocket League does), Valve wouldn't be able to restrict that unless they made a huge policy shift that forced games to solely use Steam online services.

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Edited By chaser324  Moderator

Good luck on whatever you're doing next, duder. It's been great having you around, and I'm sure you'll do just as well tackling the challenges of your new position.