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Games 2020

Bold italic = came out in 2020.


1. Fallout New Vegas (Xbox One X). Completed. 5/5.

2. Detroit Become Human (PC). 3/5

3. Innocence Plague Tale (Xbox One X). 3/5

4. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Xbox One X). Completed. 5/5

5. Greedfall (Xbox One X). Completed. 4/5

6. Destiny 2 (Xbox One X) 5/5

7. Mass Effect 3 (Xbox One X). Completed. 5/5

8. KOTOR 2 (Xbox One X). 5/5

9. Resident Evil 3 (Xbox One X) 4/5

10. Yakuza 0 (Xbox One X). 4/5

10. Fallout 76: Wastelanders (Xbox One X) 4/5

11. Cloudpunk (PC) 4/5

12. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Xbox One X) 3/5

13. Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth (Xbox One X) 5/5

14. Terminator: Resistance (Xbox One X) 4/5

15. Stranded Deep (Xbox One X) 3/5

16. Skyrim (Xbox One X) 5/5

17. Rainswept (Xbox One X) 3/5

18. Wasteland 3 (Xbox One X) 4/5

19. Vampire the Masquerade: Coteries of New York (Xbox One X) 4/5

20. Vampire the Masquerade: Shadows of New York (Xbox One X) 3/5

21. Crysis (Remastered) (Xbox One X) 3/5

22. Meridian 157. Chapter 1 (iOS) 3/5

23. Star Wars: Squadrons (Xbox One X) 3/5

24. Watch Dogs: Legion (Xbox One X) 4/5

25. Meridian 157. Chapter 2 (iOS) 3/5

26. Assassin's Creed Valhalla 5/5

27. Unavowed (4/5)

28. Dark Souls 3 (Xbox One X) 5/5

29. Twin Mirror (Xbox One X) 3/5

30. Cyberpunk 2077 (PC) 5/5

List items

  • One of the best RPGs ever produced. Deeply enjoyable and far better than last year's Outer Worlds, to which comparisons have been made. 5/5

  • Very high production values. There's a lot to appreciate and this is, perhaps, the best one of these kinds of choose your own adventure David Cage game. The plot and characters are intriguing while remaining somewhat short of being compelling or essential.

    It feels a bit unkind given the above to give it 3/5 but honestly that's how I felt about the experience after completion. Good... worthy... but not especially stand-out. Also.. the PC port had weird frame rate issues even with high-spec graphics cards. That's an optimization problem that really ought to have been solved prior to release. 3/5

  • Lovely storytelling and set up. Seems to drag on a bit in the middle section.

  • Came back to this for play-through number 2. Really appreciated the quality and the depth. Knowing what comes next and what triggers what gave me the confidence to mess around and explore off the beaten path... and to try different approaches. In some ways I think I enjoyed this more this time than I did the first time. 5/5

  • Best Spiders RPG to date.

    In fact, I'd say they are getting close to a Bioware-level RPG in scope, gameplay, and narrative but not characters or voice acting.

    There's a lot of politicking in the mid-late game that slows the pacing where instead it should be speeding up to build to a crescendo.

    Major kudos is due for developing a new IP like this, and this is a mature effort in many respects. Some of the customization and character development comes off as a little superfluous, but there seem to be significant narrative divergences based on player choice and actions.


  • Still the only multiplayer I give time to.

  • This is truly a wonderfully cinematic experience, a pleasure to play, and a well written sci-fi adventure thriller. It isn't a memorable RPG but it is a memorable game. This year's replay was my third play-through since release. Overall still a very solid 5/5.

  • Such a classic. Wonderful writing. Kreia is a fantastic character. Grown up Star Wars narrative. 5/5

  • 4/5

    Thoroughly enjoyable nonsense.

  • Its good but not as good as the RE2 remake. 4/5

  • First time trying this out as I've head a rumor that it got repaired and is now worth a look.

    After 30 hours. Not bad but Jesus... This game is colossal.

  • A very relaxing delivery/taxi game in a beautifully realized cyberpunk world with 5th element flying cars, intriguing and well-written characters, and a decent core story line that engages throughout. Light on game play and no combat to speak of but this is still one of the more notable experiences for me this year (albeit not a 5/5 game). Might write a review. 4/5

  • Super cheap now. Never played it back then... Why not try it out now?

    All in this is really quite a decent star wars story with some good characters and performances. That's what I came for (the battlefront multiplayer isn't really my thing).

    Pretty good 3/5

  • Wow. 5/5

    The gameplay is serviceable and the art is good but this gets a 5/5 for having a wonderful story. Very involving and enjoyable.

  • This was greater than the sum of its parts. Quite a lot of jank. But also quite a lot of atmospheric notes being correctly hit. A game for the fans, but one that was made with a lot of reverence for the source material and that tried to introduce elements of choice and consequence (with limited success). Really a 3/5 game but I liked it well enough to say 4/5. Worth the time at a discount price for me.

  • Pleasingly accessible survival crafting game. There's just enough to this to be compelling. Not the Forest or Subnautica but not nonetheless quite addictive. Playing on console I experienced the end of game bug which prevented me from completing it, which was rather annoying and led to me uninstalling the game. In spite of this I'd give this a strong 3/5 overall. I'd perhaps give it 4/5 if the damn thing were finishable.

  • Nine years later and nostalgia pulls me back once again. This was one of the best games of the previous generation and it is one of the best games of this generation. Time for another?

  • Atmospheric and intriguing Twin Peaksish murder mystery in the Pacific Northwest kind of vibe - a little bit sparse on the puzzles and actual gameplay though. 3/5

  • A huge upgrade on Wasteland 3 in all regards. So many choices and branching narrative moments that really give a personalized weight to the path you take. Excellent and varied combat. Nice environments. Nice graphics. Very much a Fallout 1 & 2 meets XCOM vibe to things. Highly recommended. Certainly one of the best games this year. 4 out of 5

  • 4/5

  • Playing remastered on Xbox One X. Finished it. Not a bad game. Looks nice and runs acceptably. Holds up ok. 3/5

  • Solid. Enjoyable. Nostalgic (I used to live in London). 4/5

  • Phenomenally good. An epic tale with great characters, great writing, and ingenious history fiction. Builds on the two previous AC games (Origins and Valhalla) and improves in most aspects. An unexpected but undoubted 5/5 game.

  • An excellent story and a decent adventure game. Very enjoyable. 4/5

  • Revisiting