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Ranked, Pre-2020 Games Played in 2020

These are games I played in 2020 that came out before 2020. I can't play everything I want to play in a given year, and my backlog is too big.

List items

  • This game was a ton of fun, and my final play time was under 3 hours. It was basically the perfect length. There are a couple trophies I want to clean up, but doubt I'm going to go for the platinum.

  • Wow. This game had me on edge. It's not particularly long, but man, I just couldn't play it in chunks out of concern. I got what I am pretty sure is a really good ending and shed a tear out of not having to worry any more. Really impactful.

  • This game is fantastic. I wanted to play it based on hearing two things: it's kind of like The Last of Us and there are tons and tons of rats. Turns out, this game takes all sorts of turns! It starts out like a Last of Us style game. Then, it sort of becomes a puzzle game as you are trying to figure out how to get past many, many rats. Then, it wraps up as a third person action game. My understanding is that this is Asobo's first real game that isn't a port or board game adaptation and I cannot wait to see their follow up.

  • To start, I'm a big fan of Greek mythology. I got burnt out on AC after AC3. I really enjoyed this game. The setting was fantastic. The world was wonderful. A lot of the abilities were fun. Like a lot of people have said Kassandra was fantastic and Alexios is really meh. Turns out, this is because Kassandra was supposed to be the only playable character. I look at the cover box artwork and think, "Wow. It would be so much cooler if that was Kassandra, Alexios sucks." So glad I played as Kassandra.

    I really liked that for the most part, I could set a point and tell my horse to go there. I wish I could have done that with boats. Boats aren't for me, and feel so slow some times. I cannot review them impartially.

    I got the season pass on sale recently, so I plan to do the Atlantis stuff at some point, but supposedly it's another 20 hours!

  • Specifically, the Switch version. Playing Funky mode with my wife as Funky Kong, allowed us to finish this game. We had played through DKC Returns on Wii around 2010/2011. We got DKC:TF when it came out on WiiU and got to the fifth island or so and it became to much for us. Funky Mode was a blessing, especially because my wife likes to get EVERYTHING. This allowed us to do the challenge levels in each world and beat the game together.

  • It's like Ninja Gaiden made a little easier! I remember playing NG1-3 on NES and they were HARD. Fun, but I'm not sure I finished any of them. This starts with an NG style, but makes it not so frustrating. Through in some Metroidvania aspects as well as a cool take on the Dark Souls style death penalty and you get a great game. I don't think there are any critical path points that require very difficult platforming (especially if you remember to use a certain tool you get, unlike me who forgot until basically the end of the game). Some of the collectibles require some precision timing and platforming, but the reward for them isn't necessary or OP.l

  • Fantastic story. Loved the season. I think this was Telltale's best work (unless the final season is even better).

  • Technically, I played the remaster, but it was great! I love this series and the quirkiness of it. Also, there was a substory about a transgender woman that characters were totally accepting of. This game is from 2009, and boy I feel like that was ahead of its time.

  • Lots of fun, didn't have any issues on a launch PS4. Played it on easiest difficulty, because the load times were so long when I died. This made the game way more fun.

  • Played through the co-op campaign with my wife. It was quite fun.

  • I wanted to play this so bad when I saw it reviewed on X-Play way back in the year 2000. After 19 years, I'm finally playing it, and it holds up really well. I did not expect that. My brain would have been fully blown if I had played this back in the day.

  • I watched my wife play through this game on SNES Online on Switch. She was very grateful for the rewind function. I can understand why almost 30 years ago this was amazing and considered one of the greatest games ever made. Playing it in today's world for the first time though, it's still fun, but annoying in a lot of ways.

  • Turns out, I didn't want another Sonic game after all. I can respect this for being a well-designed classic Sonic game, but I guess I'm past that.

  • This was a short, cute, fun game that I played on Apple Arcade. Was running out of time on AA and trying to try everything on the service to see if I was going to drop $5. Ended up playing this game all the way through.

  • Mostly enjoyed playing this co-op with my wife. But oh my goodness, the camera... won't someone think of the children?!

  • I don't know what happened in this game, but had some fun puzzles. Quick playthrough, easy 1000 Gamerscore, not frustrating, fun art style, didn't overstay its welcome.

  • Enjoyed what I played, but still don't like JD. Will likely watch a summary or Let's Play.

  • I'm sure this is well made, but I had to stop playing before it ruined my memories of CTR.

  • Just couldn't connect to the characters. I'm sure this was well made though.

  • I don't like JD. I only played two acts and I just do not like JD. Also, the game play didn't feel very good.

  • Either I doubt actually like Double Dragon any more or this is a bad, bad game. Metacritic would suggest that it's just a bad game.