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Gym Diary - The Gym!

Dear Duders.

Another long wait but here we go again, time for another one of these. If you want to read my past Gym diaries here is those hot links.

So after a few classes I was give my induction into the gym, prior to this I wasn't allowed into the Gym until I could prove I knew what I was doing and wouldn't say strange myself with weights. So I arrived a little early and got to talk to the same person who did my health check, I was then given my very own key. It's basically a memory stick that you put in to each machine as you use it, it will store loads of information like calories burnt, what machines you used, length of time on machines, BPM etc. I was then give the tour and shown 6 machines.

  1. Bike machine.
  2. Stepping machine.
  3. Running Machine.
  4. Arm machine thingy.
  5. Another arm machine thingy.
  6. And this lay down and push away thingy.

Out of all of them I quite liked the bike machine, because I was used to it from my spinning classes, but I also enjoyed the last one. Each machine as a TV built in with a few channels, but to be honest I was content with listening to some music/bombcast on my iPhone. Since the induction I've only been once, but I've been to three classes since my induction and once swimming so it's not as though I've been avoiding excercise. Its been about 2 weeks now and I'm really enjoying my time, at the Gym. I've met a few regulars who will now greet me with a nod or a hi upon sight, a few of the staff members are also nodding in my direction too. I've started too see a lot more loverly LOVERLY men to, I must admit that one time I "accidentally" split water on a man walking towards me then drying him off with a towel. Oh wait that was just a dream.

So far I have a nice routine.

  • Monday - Gym.
  • Tuesday - Boxercise.
  • Wednesday - Spinning.
  • Thursday - Break.
  • Friday - Gym.
  • Saturday - Spinning.
  • Sunday - Break.

I also will go swimming whenever I feel like it, today for example its been so hot that I just went, but right now I'm avoiding it because the kids are still off for summer, mad packed. I may branch out and try a few new classes, but right now its going alright. I haven't noticed any difference yet, but that will take a very long time so I'm happy to wait.

Not sure when I'll do another one of these, but keep your eyes peeled.