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Top Five Most Bizarre Game Title and Cover Combos

I'm a collector of odd things, so when I see a title as odd as My Little Pony Pinkie Pie's Party, I have to take note. Have to. As a result, I've compiled the top five games I felt deserved the title of Weirdest Choice of Representation.

5. Irritating Stick

You'll be hard pressed to find a more bothersome stick.
You'll be hard pressed to find a more bothersome stick.
Seriously though, for a game that has a concept of navigating a stick through a wire maze, it'd be my best guess to say the stick is the least irritating bit of it, even with all that magical flashy lightning taken account for. Goodness knows we all haven't had our fill of frustrating games already.

4. Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire- Trial by Fire

My guess? It's lost for a reason.
My guess? It's lost for a reason.
I have never seen Disney's Atlantis. I have never played this game. Heck, I've never even seen screenshots for this game, but if there is one thing I do know, it is this: there is no fire underwater, nor are there angry mermen looking to drill anything...but if BioShock has taught me anything, genetics will drive people insane, so I can't blame Mr. Orangina for massacring his entire race of Sunny Ds. You make Disney proud, Mr. O. Keep up the adequate, yet marketable work.

3. Russell Grant's Astrology

Mommy, why does the boogie man want to know my sign?!
Mommy, why does the boogie man want to know my sign?!
Casual games have gone to a new level. A level I wish to explore? Hell no. Russell Grant has certainly granted me that much wisdom just by looking at his latest game. What's more interesting is that this wasn't the original choice for box art. Oh no, the first was much tamer. Why the change of heart? For those of you not in the know, Russell here is a renown astrologer over in England. From what my wondrous deductive reasoning can gather, either someone from the publishing/developing side of things realized no one would buy such a game without a face, or Russell decided he wanted to commit his endorsement to the game by slapping on the most sincere smile he could muster. My belief? Neither. Some super secret ninjas must've snunk into his room during the night dragging Russell out of bed. Incidentally, the gloves the ninjas were wearing had a a very fuzzy feel to them, and being the sensitive person he is, Russell burst out laughing. This caught the ninjas off guard and dropped him like a rock, knocking him out in the process. One of the more secretive members decided that this was the perfect opportunity for a picture and snapped his picture. The next day, he sold it to the publisher for a buck fifty, and that's it. That's how babies are born. Remember kids: just say no to ninjas.

2. Pony Luv


Happy Mother's Day, GB!

Now listen to Mr. T and treat your mother right. Or someone else's mother right.


For the sake of discussion, what are you doing on Mother's Day? I got my mom clothes and ate donuts and hot cocoa with her. What did you fools do?

Used Games: A Problem?

Used games are a rather controversial subject with people continually damning the evils of places like GameStop for their practices while places like Amazon and eBay go on chugging with little to no backlash for their users' resale practices. Although the reselling of games does not directly benefit the games creators, it certainly does benefit the consumer.

The most obvious reason used games aid players is because it saves them money. There might a resounding "No shit" for that, but for some people, it's either buy the game used or don't buy the game at all. For those that can not afford to get very many games but still wish to play, buying used can be a savior for them. Viva Pinata for $40? Psh. Oh hey, has it for $20. Granted, it might not look pretty, come with a box, or a manual, but to some people, it's the game that matters alone.

This, by far, is the number one reason that used games benefit players: gamer history. That's right. Some games you can't even buy new anymore. So where do you get Earthbound? Goldeneye? E.T.? The original SimCity? Places where you can buy used games, that's where. For most classic and not-so classic games, the only option is used. One can argue that some games such as Banjo-Kazooie, Chrono Trigger, and Super Dodgeball are being rereleased by either virtual or physically upgraded cartridge means, which is terrific. It makes sure the youngins are getting their dose of game history. But for those that want the original experience, the experience with the original cartridge planted in a console with a grimy controller just begging for your hands to warm it up, then there's not other option than used.

Although I believe used games can serve a higher cause, I am wary of recommending it outright. Certainly, preowned can go quite a long ways for us as players, but what about the developers? How can we send the message "Yes, we love this game. Make more like this, NAO!" without sales directly representing that? No matter how many fan-boy letters may be written regarding Psychonauts,  there's not going to be a sequel. Why? It didn't sell well. Now on the flip side of things, no matter how strong financially a series has done, sometimes sequels just aren't going to happen anytime soon. Such is the case with the ever pending Monkey Island 5. Such instances aren't very common though, so it's best to directly benefit games that are genuinely worthwhile plays. How else are Tim Schafer, Mark Healey , and Slash going to eat? Not with low game sales, that's certainly how. So please, when it comes down to buying Patapon for $20 or $15, unless you're really strapped for cash, go for the new one.


Beat BioShock! And More Points =P

So I beat BioShock last night and am VERY happy about that. Managed to only miss two audiodiaries as well, so I went back and got those to get the Historian Achievement. Now, I'm redoing it because I missed the Cohen achievements and the tonic achievement...that, and I want brass balls. So far, so good having beaten Steinmen without dying. Thought I was going to when I realized I didn't hack both of the health stations nearby. Not so! He's down.

Also, as of this blog, I have 2581 points. Eat that society! I shall eat you as well! HO HO HO!

Just finished downloading Fable, so I'll be playing that in a few. Here's to me liking it!


Over 1000 points and counting

I celebrate this week my gaming abilities and my ability to gather what I consider a small load of points. My time has mostly been consumed by Left 4 Dead and sleeping with Uno (yes, falling asleep playing Uno), but I have other titles that have been occupying my time. First, there's BioShock. Lovely title, but I still haven't played farther than the tragic submarine sequence yet. Next is Sneak King, which is rather interesting and fun, but not good for playing in long stretches of time. More of a inbetween game break game. Then I went and traded in Kung-Fu Panda/Lego Indiana Jones for a battery charger and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I've only played that one for a day, but wow, what a day. Call me crazy, but I love the sound of jiggies and notes rattling in my bank and pockets. Lastly, I bought the Orange Box. You might call me crazy because, well, I already have it on Steam. So what? I want achievement points and a true excuse to play Portal again...and less lag playing TF2. Playing TF2 on the 360 can't compare to PC though, it just can't. And Half-Life 2? I haven't played through it yet. This will be an excuse to do so.

As for downloads, there Castle Crashers, which I haven't really played much through, yet still love, Super Street Fighter II Puzzle which can get rather hard, though being a Tetris Attack, Tetris, and Wario's Woods veteran, I think I can manage. Oh, and of course, there's Braid. I've ran through the levels, but have only managed to complete two on my own so far. Here's to world 4!

Today I picked up Marvel: Ultimate Alliance/Forza 2 and Mass Effect. I think I'm content gaming-wise for now...though I'd still like Eternal Sonata, Viva Pinata, Tales of Vesperia, and so many other games. That's not even including downloadable content. Arg! >_<

Forget Nintendo and forget Sony. I'm a 360 gamer!


I downloaded AND paid. Whatcha gonna do about it?

I try out a lot of different games, but I hardly ever actually spend money when it comes on things like indie titles, which I mostly find off of Play This Thing! and GiantBomb articles. This year, I ended up getting Dangerous High School Girls In Trouble! and The Blackwell Legacy, the later which I bought two days ago and haven't had time to play yet.

Other than that, I suckered myself into buying a Premium Character Card on Mabinogi. Why? For some stranger reason, I thought I'd be playing the game a lot longer than the two months that I did. Well, I was wrong. Oh well, we all make mistakes.

In other somewhat related news, my 360 was shipped a few days ago, and I'm expecting it to come on he 15th. Won't be able to use it until Christmas most likely due to circumstances beyond my control, but when I do, you know what that will mean? More content to download!

And now, a video. This one comes from a youtuber that seems to be posting videos of music from every game. I don't even think I'm exaggerating. Here's one of my favorites: