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District 9: The jakob187 Review (NO SPOILERS)

Let's face it:  I play Devil's advocate a lot.  When someone has an argument about something, I will tend to rub it the wrong way because someone has to represent the other side.  Sometimes I'm right, sometimes not.  With that said, I've seen a lot of threads and a lot of reviews saying "best movie of the year" or "if this doesn't win Oscars, I've lost faith in movies" and even folks going so far as to say "you won't see a better movie all year". 
Well, fall season hasn't hit, so the last statement seems incorrect, and if you go by aggregate scores, Drag Me To Hell scored higher than District 9.  As far as it winning Oscars, I don't really see it happening...especially since none of the CGI characters evoked anything close to Gollum.  As for being the best movie of the year...definitely "one of".  There is a lot going on in District 9, and even at a somewhat compressed-feeling 2 hour running time, there hasn't been as honest and as vibrant of a sci-fi movie in quite a while. 
Without going into details of the plot at all, District 9 starts out as a documentary-style movie, following Wikus van der Merwe as he heads up the eviction of 1.8 million "prawns" from District 9.  In the meantime, something bad happens, and he eventually finds himself caught in the middle of something he doesn't want.  I could go on and on about the story (especially how I feel that most people walking out of the theatre were wrong about who the villains really were in the film)...but in the end, it was a good and solid piece of filmmaking.  There is a handful of stuff that you can tell came from the rejected Halo movie project, as the MNU features familiar-looking assault rifles, and the "prawns" definitely feel a bit like the Covenant in some ways.  However, there is something in District 9 that Halo is still lacking:  heart.  This movie has it, but in some of the oddest ways.  There were plenty of times that I found myself conflicted with who to root for, and there were even more times where I was scratching my head going "well yeah, but this and this happened beforehand, so you're wrong!".  The movie does have its ridiculous moments (the idea of interspecies sex and a group of Nigerian voodoo believers eating the alien's body parts) that show you Peter Jackson had some involvement in the project.  Then again, anyone unfamiliar with Jackson's earlier work like Dead Alive or Bad Taste probably won't understand the necessity for the attention to gross-out vomiting and gore.  He definitely proves that he knows how to make it sloppy, nasty, and gag-worthy.  It's tough to make me want to wretch, but there's just something about a man's fingernails being ripped off that can do it every time... 
The thing that captivated me about the movie was not necessarily the movie, but the contradictions and contrasts found in what the movie is saying vs. the audience's reaction.  I found it interesting that the audience would not root for a human killing an alien, nor would they root when an alien killed a human, but they would root whenever our half-man/half-alien (the only spoiler you'll get is that Wikus contracts a disease that starts turning him into an alien, but you probably figured that out from the trailers) kills someone or something.  For some reason, that character and his journey end up making it okay to laugh at someone being brutally blown up into bloody chunks.  It made me start thinking:  have we desensitized ourselves too much with movies and media that something this bad (and you can even see in Wikus' eyes for a while that he hates that he did it) is laughable?  Maybe I'm supposed to go into this film and take it in for being just another "hapless character turns into hapless hero" story, but I just don't see it that way...and I also don't see the humans as the bad guys.  I don't see them as the good guys either, but I do see them as the victims in an elaborate plan be honest...I think I could be reading too far into and makes me almost feel like a conspiracy theorist digging for answers. 
Part of the problem with digging for answers, which many fans of sci-fi will no doubt do, is that the movie could've done for a little more length to explain things a tad bit more thoroughly.  Then again, had the movie been longer and explained a bit more, then it wouldn't have that appeal of digging that sci-fi fans enjoy so well.  Trying to over-intellectualize something beyond what it may or may not be is science fiction tradition, and it almost feels like Neill and Peter purposefully set District 9 up to do just that.  It's a good thing, don't get me wrong, but it will no doubt lead to many pretentious debates and discussions that will make people outside of sci-fi norm say "whatever". 
The documentary style of the film seems to turn a lot of people off from the movie (so I've heard from at least seven people), but the movie does eventually land into the action movie cliches that we know quite well.  It handles them well, even if the cliches make the film feel a tad bit disjointed from the documentary portions.  Nonetheless, the mixture feels fresh enough that people will be misusing the word "original" a lot.  In gamer terms, it's kind of like Dead Space:  it has few to no original parts, but the parts that it does have happen to be very well done. 
Would I recommend District 9 to everyone?  No.  It's not going to appeal to the group of people that enjoy a typical summer blockbuster.  Will sci-fi fans enjoy it?  I'm more than positive they'll like it, and there will be many that claim "best movie of the year".  They'll hail it as a fucking Messiah for sci-fi movies.  It is not a Messiah, however.  It's a well-done movie produced by a guy that does well-done movies and helped guide the hand of a director that had a good idea of what he is doing.  The film doesn't really break any boundaries either, as it features all the staples you would find in a good sci-fi and action movie. 
Therefore, folks, just take the movie for what it is: 
A damn good sci-fi movie.


Downloadable Gaming Options Have Me By The Left Testicle

I caved, folks.  I got Battlefield 1943 and A Kingdom for Keflings this week, as well as Demons of the Badlands for Red Faction: Guerrilla.  How did all of this come to be?  Well........ 
After buying a 4000 point card this week, I realized that I would be waiting until the 13th and the 19th in order to spend 2000 of those points.  After all, how could I pass up Red Faction DLC and Shadow Complex?  I've been holding off on Battlefield 1943 for two reasons: 

  • I didn't know if my boss was going to be buying the game for all the Xbox stations here at work or not
  • I know how most people who play Battlefield actually PLAY Battlefield (insert plane ramming into singular player at the flag here)
Therefore, it was a tough choice.  After perusing for at least a good three or four hours, I finally said "fuck it" and pushed that "Confirm Download" button.  Without a doubt, I'm not disappointed by the game.  It feels a lot like Bad Company in terms of controls, the updates to the three maps in the game give them a bit of freshness and increased strategic needs (since you can destroy the buildings and treelines), and it's a much more authentic style of BF game for the consoles.  The fact that there are only three classes may piss some people off, but I have no issue with it.  Having everything streamlined so I'm not sitting around forever trying to pick a class is nice, and all the weapons...dare I say it...feel much better than ANY of the previous BF games (aside from the pinpoint accuracy of amazingness that is an LMG-style gun on 2142).  I've found myself akin to the Rifleman class more than anything, as the "iron sights" for the Infantry (short-range fully auto) class doesn't suit me well, and I'm a relatively shitty sniper, so Scout just isn't up my alley.  The addition of Air Raids to the formula are a nice touch, as it gives you a strong reason to go for at least one of the bases on the map on a consistent basis.  This ability will have you take control of three airplanes looking to drop a heavy load of mass destruction on some folks.  The cooldown is so long on it that it doesn't make it overpowered.  Nonetheless, I went 21/3 in one round of Wake because people were idiots and clumping up together.  Overall, 1943 is totally worth the 1200 points, if not just for some easy achievements and an extra S rank. 
Nonetheless, the frustrations of 1943 drove me out to the dashboard a few times, and the anger rising in me was reminding me why I quit playing BF2.  I remembered someone saying that A Kingdom for Keflings was an incredible game for relaxing and getting rid of that anger, so I picked that up.  Needless to say, that motherfucker was RIGHT!  Talk about becoming the most peaceful dood on the planet!!!  Within minutes, I had gone from "ZOMFG IDIOT TEAM IS IDIOTS" to "My building needs what?  Whatever, man, I'ma go pound on these rocks and take 'em to the Stone Cutter".  Very chilled out game.  Watching the town grow was far more satisfying than most "God" games that I've played...if you can consider this a "God" game.  Being able to play as myself was a nice touch also.  If you're wondering what you do in the game, you build stuff for the Keflings.  That's it.  There's a simplified style of addiction that comes with the territory, and I found myself crawling off the Xbox around 6 in the morning.  LOL  If you're needing to vent some frustrations from all the noob tubers and assholes online, Keflings really hits the spot like a cold glass of tasty beverage on a hot summer day. 
Now, we get to the creme-de-a-creme:  Demons of the Badlands, the DLC add-on for Red Faction Guerrilla.  I've been dying to play it, and now that I have, I feel a bit indifferent.  This is some pretty thin DLC, as it is a prequel that plays out some many years before the events of Guerrilla.  Be warned, there are ***SPOILERS*** ahead for anyone who has played the game.  Then again, Demons of the Badlands itself is a spoiler, so eh.  Anyways, in Guerrilla, you end up finding out that Samanya's sister, Vasha, is the leader of the Marauders.  Well, this DLC puts you in the shoes of Samanya before the Red Faction started rising up against the EDF and trying to get rid of their tyranny.  There are only three missions with span the course of maybe two hours maximum...if you keep dying.  Otherwise, clock it down to about an hour.  It basically shows that Samanya was a flat-out Marauder, but Vasha got bloodthirsty for revenge on the EDF and Red Faction, killing guilty and innocent folks.  Samanya doesn't like it, so she ends up going to the Red Faction and Vasha all but disowns her.  Frankly, this story could've played out over a MUCH larger scope, with at least 6 or 7 missions.  Unfortunately, this 875MB add-on will have you scratching your head at what the Hell they used that 875MB for.  Mariner Valley, the environment you explore, is a decent size, about as big as any given territory in the base game.  Nonetheless, it's kind of boring to look at.  The vehicles and weapons are pretty damn sweet, and they will have you begging for them in the base game.  There are a handful of Marauder Actions (like Guerrilla Actions in the base game) for you to complete, but at least half of them are just Demolition Master missions and a couple of Transporter missions.  There's a new walker that you don't really get to do much with outside of a mission and destroying a building (if you choose to get it and use it).  Overall, when I look at the size of Battlefield 1943 (500+MB) and then look at this add-on, I just don't see where all the content is at.  Does the GeoMod 2.0 engine use that much space?!  I just don't get it!!!  If you are an RFG die-hard, you'll want this for the ability to get 250 more achievement points as well as to see the narrow events of Samanya going to the Red Faction play out.  Otherwise, I hate to say it...but you could spend 800 points somewhere else in a much more worthwhile manner. 
Until next week, folks... 
P.S. - No pictures in this blog this week, as I'm running a little behind on some things here and there.  =  /  BIG WALL OF TEXT FTW!!!

Harry Potter Drags The Fallen To Hell? Alright, Witty Title Over

Instead of focusing on games this week, I focused on something that I love and haven't really focused on in a few months:  movies.  My buddy Dusty came up from Austin this weekend for his birthday, and he hadn't seen Drag Me To Hell yet.  Since it was in the dollar theatre, we decided it would be a bit more kick-ass to see this flick with a few more scratches in the film stock, making for a real seedy-theatre kind of experience.  The movie is just as good for me the second time around, but unfortunately, the sound wasn't nearly as booming and to the level of "aural rape" I had experienced the first time.  This has led me to the belief that I have to invite Dusty over when the DVD comes out so we can hear it on my 5.1 surround.  = D 

The day after, I went and Transformers 2.  If I had to pick one single word to describe the film, I would say "disgraceful".  When I walk into a theatre to see a movie labeled "Transformers", I do not want to see the following: 
  • A joke about someone's nuts every 10 seconds
  • Two twins that are walking stereotypes of black people calling each other "pussies" and fighting
  • A Transformer WITH a set of balls
  • Optimus Prime, within the first five minutes of the movie, saying "punk ass Decepticons", then putting his foot on said Decepticons chest and shooting it in the face like he's a common fucking thug
  • A mother having eaten pot brownies and yelling at girls about how his son had his cherry popped
I would expect this kind of stuff in a Judd Apatow movie, and I would probably laugh at a few of the things.  In Transformers, however, it's an utter disgrace and quite disrespectful to the fanbase who has loved this franchise for so long.  Michael Bay taking an iconic franchise and turning it into his own thuggish playground the way he has had me close to walking out of the theatre at least five times, as well as yelling in the theatre "what the FUCK is wrong with this movie?".  The parents with their kids complained about me complaining and cussing...then laughed with their kids when John Turturro comments on being directly under a Transformer's scrotum.  The world we live in, eh? 
So, a big thank you to Michael Bay for raping my childhood.  Fuck you very much.  Sorry I tried to defend your fucking movie, and I'm sorry for everyone who I shit on when the movie was being released.  You were right, I was wrong. 
Jim Broadbent delivers an incredible performance as Professor Slughorn.
Jim Broadbent delivers an incredible performance as Professor Slughorn.
The following night, it was time for my family and I to have our traditional "hey, new Harry Potter is out, time to hit up the theatre" night.  We've seen every Harry Potter film in the theatres, as my mother and youngest brother (who is now 20) are big fans of the books.  I've personally only read the seventh book, and it was mainly because my mother was incredibly sick when it came out and I read it to her while she was bed-ridden.  Therefore, those two can pick everything apart for whatever it is worth, but I go into each of the movies with a fresh look at the material.  I've enjoyed all of the movies so far, but not like I enjoyed Half-Blood Prince.  This movie was phenomenal. 
Let me repeat that:  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is PHENOMENAL! 
I don't care what wasn't in the movie that was in the book.  I really don't.  I look at this as a MOVIE, and this movie easily trumps ANYTHING in the franchise.  People can claim Prisoner of Azkaban to be the best all they want, but I still contest that Cuaron's "long takes are the best" method really hurt that well as filtering it through about twelve shades of black!  Half-Blood Prince has that feeling of extreme black sometimes as well, but it didn't irritate me nearly as much because David Yates shows how capable he is of using that darkness to its advantage.  The origins of Tom Riddle are not light-hearted, and Yates doesn't treat it lightly at all.  Meanwhile, HBP shows some of the best acting in the franchise, with Daniel Radcliffe really spreading his wings this time around.  Any human being that cannot see the absolutely PERFECT comedic timing he has when under the influence of the Liquid Luck potion is blind...just blind.  Emma and Rupert do a great job as Hermione and Ron as usual, but let's be honest:  Jim Broadbent steals the fucking SHOW as Professor Slughorn.  He brings that cool, calm, collected English sensibility of acting that the franchise needs so badly at this point.  The scenes he shares with the young Frank Dillane as a teenaged Tom Riddle are some of the best acting seen in this entire series...and the stare that Frank Dillane has blew me away!!! 
At the end of the day, though, the movie just does everything it has previously done so much better.  Malfoy is less of an emo ass bastard and more of a scared teenager trying to belong where he knows he shouldn't be at all.  Potter plays the role of a lovestruck fool trying to have a normal life that is constantly interrupted by his destiny with flying colors.  Watson plays the role of a girl trying to make sense of the world around her incredibly well, and Grint's absolutely naivete is the best he's done so far.  Rickman once again shows a seamless performance as Snape, and again proves why he's got the best eyes for acting in the industry. 
No two ways about it:  Half-Blood Prince really shines as a film, both franchise-related and on its own.  I suggest everyone see it and get sucked in by the excellence it exudes. 
Until next time, piece!

My Own Summer (Shove It?) of Arcade!!!

I've always stuck to retail discs.  It's nice to hold a product that you own in your hands, they happen to be shiny (thus distracting as Hell), and they are usually the games that we WANT WANT WANT!  I've stayed away from purchasing XBL Arcade games for two reasons:  ownership issues (not a big fan of not having a copy for myself) and the fact that I play on an Xbox at my workplace...which leaves any points I don't spend vulnerable to kids who might decide to buy that new World at War map pack.  Instead of buying a regular game at around $50 this past week, however, I went for a 4000 points card and decided to get in on some Arcade action!  I had quite the time trying to decide on what to purchase, going to the point of starting up a thread to hear what YOU guys thought I should dig into.  So, here at my decisions and a little mini-review for each of them:

  • 'Splosion Man - This was the game that made me decide on buying points in the first place.  There's been a lot of hype around Giant Bomb for the game, and I've gotta say I wasn't disappointed!  'Splosion Man goes back to the old 2D side-scrolling puzzle platforming style felt like an absolutey insane version of Prince of Persia at times...just in terms of "platform the fuck out of this puzzle".  I do have a few issues with the game, such as how steep the difficulty curve ramps up after the first area of the game (there are three areas with a total of 50 levels).  There's also a handful of trial and error portions that just frustrated the Hell out of me and made me question the accessibility of the game.  On the bright side, the game is seriously challenging in its own way...and it's completely bonkers.  Imagine if Freakazoid and Bonkers had kids, then those kids were raised by the Animaniacs.  It's kind of like that.  Great game overall, and I highly recommend it for 800 points.
  • The Maw - Since I was getting 'Splosion Man, I decided to try out TwistedPixel's other game.  It's cute like a Pixar movie, it's not very complex to grasp, but it's still a lot of fun and quite relaxing.  There's something inherently awesome...dare I say MAWsome for the use of an overdone pun...about a giant blob with sharp, nashy teeth looking to eat everything it can.  I haven't beaten it yet, like I have with 'Splosion Man, but I've enjoyed my time with it and I'm in no rush.  I like the relaxation that it offers.
  • Bionic Commando Rearmed - I loved the original Commando and Bionic Commando.  I also loved the new Bionic Commando.  Therefore, it only seemed logical that I would love Rearmed.  Guess what?  I do...but the feeling is a bit stilted at times.  Everything I could've hoped for is present:  excellent music, excellent graphics, 2D perspective, "Rad" Spencer, and a whole slew of awesome platforming to swing your way through.  However, it's something that I KNOW I've played before because I can feel it, and it just makes me yearn to play the original all over again.  Either way, it's an excellent update that I suggest to everyone.
  • Castle Crashers - It was a difficult decision for me to make:  1200 points for a game by The Behemoth plus a 400 point classic game...or grab two games for 800 points each like Mega Man 9 and Castlevania: SOTN.  Well, folks...I haven't played a good old fashioned beat-em-up in a long while, so Castle Crashers won out in this battle to the death!  So far, I'm loving it.  There's enough challenge to keep me coming back, the RPG elements are a nice touch, and even playing through the same level some twenty times doesn't get old.  I think a lot of that has to do with the amazing art style that Dan Paladin has, but it's also a simple fact of easy-to-grasp gameplay wrapped around a real crazy game idea.  I will say that I was surprised by the Abandoned Mill level, though.  O_O
  • Doom - Seriously, who doesn't love some Doom fragging fun?  The single player is just like I remembered it being:  fun and addictive.  The graphics obviously haven't aged well, and it's a bit awkward in this day and age of FPS gaming to not have the option of looking up or down with your controller, but it goes to show how tight of a game that id Software made all those years ago.  If we could only get Ultimate Doom thrown onto the Arcade, I'd be in Heaven!  I haven't tried the online for the game yet, and I'm almost positive that it'll be dead, but I still want to check it out.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchases, and it's led me to wanting more.  I'll be picking up another 4,000 points for the release of Shadow Complex and the Red Faction DLC coming the week of August 10th.

I want to thank everyone that posted in my thread asking for some game-buying advice.  Most of the community should know that I don't care much for it when people say "OH WHAT GAME SHOULD I BUY"...but I was at such a loss because of all the amazing games.  Sometimes, in my indecision, I need to talk things out with other people to finally get to a point of saying "yes I will buy that thank you good night".

Until next time, piece!

30K Milestone - The Long Haul

It has finally happened.  The Heavens has aligned themselves with my soul and created a vortex of fucking amazing, ladies and gentlemen.

Shadowrun Fever:  CATCH IT!
Shadowrun Fever: CATCH IT!
I broke 30,000 gamerscore last night.  The lucky achievement to do it?  That goes to "Shadowrun Fever".  That's right:  I broke 30,000 gamerscore by rubbing my nuts on someone's face.  This was something I had planned for a little while, and last night, it became a reality.  While some of you will say "meh, 30,000 isn't that impressive", I state the contrary.  I think 30,000 gamerscore through means that don't involve plugging in a child's game and busting easy achievements is QUITE the accomplishment.  Thus...we go to a retrospect of the last 10,000 points and see how I got to where I'm at today.
  • Terminator Salvation - Okay, so the 1K on this game may be "easy", but the fact is that you still have to play through the game on the highest difficulty to get it.  .....yeah, I couldn't say that with a straight face.  Nonetheless, IT'S LEGIT!!!
  • Prince of Persia - This game-I-still-can't-enjoy pulled a good 300 points for me.
  • Bionic Commando - Playing through on Commando mode, something I'm still proud of, pulled a good 800+ points on my first playthrough.  I plan on going back and getting 1K on the game sometime in August.
  • John Woo Presents Stranglehold - Not only did it help having a fellow Bomber jump into the multiplayer for some massive amounts of fun (and helping us both realize that only explosive lasers in every residence of America and Africa can stop world hunger), but the single player has kept me entertained for a while.  I plan on using the achievement Testikill in the game's $15 DLC (*ugh*) to break 40,000 gamerscore.
  • Prototype - The game was fun as I expected it would be...but it was also a fruitful game for achievement reaping.  Now we have a copy at work, and I plan on 1K'ing that game at some point before the end of the year.
  • Red Faction Guerrilla - This game also helped to bring me and two other Bombers closer together, and once StarFoxA gets his 360 back in a non-RRoD state, I'm sure we'll be right back on it.  At least I'll have time to catch up to his 80,000XP in the damn game!!!  See, StarFoxA?  Everything happens for a reason.  P.S. - I finally unlocked the Bloody Bat.  I'm a happy camper.  = D
  • F.E.A.R. 2 - This freaky little trip from Alma taught me two things:  never trust the intentions of a crazy bitch that can use telesthetic powers...and multiplayer can be TOUGH AS NAILS!!!
  • Condemned: Criminal Origins - Having never played this gem before...and luckily acquiring it for a cool $10, I found myself falling in love with the maddening craziness of it well as the fact that Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman on Heroes) does the voice for Ethan Thomas.  I won't play the second game just quite yet, as I've heard that it's tainted with shittiness.  The only thing that pissed me off about this game?  DAMN NEAR EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS A SECRET ACHIEVEMENT!!!   GRRR!!!
  • Oblivion - It's been a cool 370 points so far, and I plan on also FC'ing this game next month...especially since I now have Shivering Isles.
  • Far Cry 2 - It's not many points right now, but the time that I've spent with the game has been worthwhile and enjoyable.  It definitely got a bad rep coming out of the gate, as it's now a very solid game after some much needed patching.
  • Too Human - I've decided that the game is a hidden gem.  Silicon Knights has always made games that felt very unfinished but still seemed pretty fucking awesome.  Too Human is no exception.  Maybe it's just because Baldur looks more and more like a badass as my playtime increases.  = D  Also, it's going to be a BITCH to 1K.

As for the next 10K, I plan on working hard on completion of certain games, like Bionic Commando and Oblivion.  I would also love to work my ass off to get 1K on Prototype and Red Faction Guerrilla.  This will also mark the first time that I'll be purchasing any type of Arcade games that don't come on a compilation disc, as I'll be picking up 'Splosion Man and Shadow Complex soon enough.  I'm also looking to fulfill what seems like the impossible goal:  1K on Sacred 2.  I'll have some impressions up on that game soon enough, as I don't think enough has been (or can be) said about that game.

Needless to say, the trek from 20K to 30K seemed like forever, but now that I'm in my groove, I'm sure that the trek to 40,000 won't be too long.  Thanks to everyone who has followed along through this 10K, and here's to 10K more.

Why Do I Loathe PoP and XBLA Achievement Issues

In my ever-expanding quest to gain those lovely achievement points, I decided to head down to my beloved local Games 'n' Things to pick up a new game...since they still happen to offer super low ass prices.  What to buy, though?  We all end up facing that problem at some point:  staring at the endless line of games at our favorite local boutiques when we know damn well we shouldn't even be spending the money anyways, but there's that void that needs to be filled with a new interactive experience.  In other words - I was fucking fiending, fool!!!  Three F's in a row there...did I unlock an achievement?

I can't lie...I caught myself staring a few times...
I can't lie...I caught myself staring a few times...
Anyways, I was originally walking in because I remembered seeing a used copy of Sacred 2 for around $30.00, which after doing some hearty research, I've come to realize it's a game that I REALLY want to play...glitches and bugs and all.  However, they sold it.  -_-  Damn.  Luckily, I had noticed a copy of Prince of Persia for $18.95 and said "dood, that's hard to pass up, and I've been talking about how I want to play let's rock".

......I really did give the game a chance.  Two chances, actually.  I just couldn't get into it.  I'm not saying it's a bad game.  I'm just saying it's not for me.  I loved the trilogy, but the lack of multi-enemy combat and a general sense of "meh" while playing it just weren't boding well.  The 1v1 combat felt dull and repetitive, the lack of decent depth of field and bad camera angels...I could go into a tirade of issues that I personally have with the game, but I just don't think you'll want to read all that shit.  Plus, I need to save room for this...

Unreal Engine 3 - now with 75% less texture pop-in...I hope!
Unreal Engine 3 - now with 75% less texture pop-in...I hope!
Shadow Complex is a game that I'm seriously looking forward to ever since I had heard about it at E3.  I know that's not a very long time to get excited over a game, but between the use of Orson Scott Card's Empire as source material and the fact that it's a 2D side-scrolling asskicker like Metroid and Castlevania, I'm psyched.  It'll probably end up being the first Arcade game that I buy which isn't featured on a compilation disc...along with 'Splosion Man.  Nonetheless, I have this issue that some other people seem to agree on:  why the Hell is this FULL GAME at $15 only coming with 200 achievement points?  I know, I's a small complaint to many that don't seem to give a shit.  However, just because YOU may not give a shit, that doesn't make it less of a problem.  It just means you don't care what the result is.  There are those of us who think that it IS a problem.  So, here's my argument, bare with me and see what you think:

Terminator Salvation is a $60 retail game that lasts around 4 to 5 hours on the hardest difficulty and comes with 1000 points for achievements.

Bionic Commando Rearmed is a $10 downloadable game that lasts 3 to 4 hours on the hardest difficulty and comes with 200 points for achievements.

Where do we draw the line?  I understand that one is a licensed property and the other is a remake.  Nonetheless, what makes a game any less full than another game?  Looking at games like Battlefield 1943, Shadow Complex, Braid, Bionic Commando well as re-releases like Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Castlevania: SOTN...

I'm just saying that it's starting to feel a little uneven for completionist gamers out there.  The main reason I bring this up is because I know damn well I'm going to buy Shadow Complex, but I'm going to be pissed when those 200 points are completed...because I will know that there should be more.

Oh, Chow...I missed you so...
Oh, Chow...I missed you so...
With that said, achievements update:  due to my lack of interest in Prince of Persia, I decided to pick up a game that I always wanted to play but never did - Stranglehold.  As a martial arts and Hong Kong flick enthusiast (I'm not the biggest of fans, but I know enough to hold up against other enthusiasts), I owed it to myself to finally see what John and Chow had to offer...and I like it.  Is it great?  No.  Is it fun?  Sure.  Does it have achievements?  Fuck yes.  Amazingly enough, there were actually a couple of people online the night that I started playing!!!  So I even got a couple of those rare achievements for the multiplayer.  = D  I'm going to be breaking 30K soon, but I need to figure out what game to do it with.  Anyone have suggestions?

Until next time...PIECE!!!

If Tyson Bit Off My Ear, I'd Ask Him To Autograph It At Least

Last week, I talked about how we just got Fight Night Round 4 and Skate 2 in at work.  Well, after picking up Fight Night Round 4, we've got some highlighted points to go over.  Watch as I rush in like Tyson on the assault of Round 4.

The first thing I noticed when getting into Fight Night Round 4:  "HBO Entourage - The New Season" advertisement on my loading screen.  ON MY FUCKING LOADING SCREEN!!!  Really?  I mean, I'm okay with Everlast or UnderArmour or something like that showing up.  It's boxing-related.  Sure, I understand that HBO is related to boxing as well...BUT FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!  That's right...I can't even ABBREVIATE it!

The second thing:  I got 105G from 4 achievements in one match as Mike Tyson by kicking a dood's ass onto the fucking ground with just jabs to the head.  Weak, EA.  Fucking weak.  Sure, the dood got back up, but at least make your mediocre AI block once in a while.  After I kicked it up to the G.O.A.T. difficulty (which I hate that fucking term), I felt like I was getting a real challenge...but solely because they block like crazy and continue to walk backwards.  There's little fighting and lots of running.  =  /  The same poor AI that was in Fight Night Round 3, which refused to fight but instead felt like it was programmed to simulate Ali's tactics at the Rumble in the Jungle, has returned yet again.  Seriously, why the FUCK would Mike Tyson do that shit?  Tyson is a beast with a short reach, so he's going to rush you hard and quick.  He's not going to run away and play hopscotch to the fucking corner, just to trick you into running around in circles.  Hell, there's not even any fucking stamina loss over doing that, so what is the computer REALLY doing?  When they aren't running, they are throwing jab after jab to the point of hinting me at the fact that they are about to toss me a fucking hook or uppercut, and it feels absolutely lame.

The third thing:  You've probably noticed a lot of talk about the computer so far.  Why is that?  Well, I haven't seen a single ranked match online.  NOT A SINGLE ONE!  I don't know what the deal is, and I'm sure that I could "research" it...but fuck that!  I hit Xbox Live, it should at least come up with a match.  Then, after playing a local multiplayer match, I realized why there are no ranked matches:  Lennox Lewis.  Here's the issue:  Philly Shell defense is used incorrectly in the game, as well as every other style of least when you go against a dood like Lewis.  You're talking about a fucking giant that fights on the outside, as he's got a RIDICULOUS reach on him.  Well, unless you pick an equally tall guy...which you'll find most are weaker than Lewis...then you'll be able to block any incoming punches ON YOUR FACE...not the top of your fucking head...which you could potentially do in real life.  What makes it worse is that head health degenerates and chips way too quickly in the game WITH JUST JABS TO THE HEAD.  Therefore, just pick Lewis, keep throwing jabs, and that new block breaking system they keep talking about seems to glitch those punches to the top of your head.  Even against Foreman...who should be a good matchup to Lewis...Lewis fucking raped him.  But maybe I'm just not on at the same time as people.  I do play after midnight most of the time, but even then...I can find people on F.E.A.R. 2.  =  /

The fourth thing:  People bitching about the corner game need to shut it.  You know what your problem is?  You expect to be rewarded for throwing wild punches and general button mashing.  That's why your sacred fucking button presses are being added back into the game in a later update, you pampered shitstains.  Go back to your Martyrdom and your Last Stand and your noob tubes and all your glitches, PLEASE!!!  The new corner game never rewarded me with less than 40 points, and why?  Because I slaughtered motherfuckers by connecting my punches in well-timed and correct combos.  The Total Punch Control in FNR4 is excellent, judging both flowing movement and velocity well.  It's a drastic improvement over FNR3.  I hope EA cancels the plans to put button mashing back in the game.  You don't get it with Skate, so why should you get it here?  Force people to learn how to play the game.  UFC Undisputed 2009 has proven that people are more than capable...and learn complicated controls for a fighting game!

The fifth thing:  The Legacy mode is pathetic.  Why is it that games like UFC and Round 4 think I care about my damn message inbox when it is continuously spammed with the same fucking message over and over?  The way that stats are handled now is great, as the training challenges are actually a bit harder and feel more robust now.  Nonetheless, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TOUCH THEM!!!  You can just as easily hit "Auto-Train" and get a beefed up character without any effort.  Then, you can jump into the fights that you schedule and slam into a dood with basic jabs and body uppercuts, to which they'll rarely block in time for about five or six punches.  In essence, it's just too easy.  I was playing it on Pro before I realized that I might as well just fucking play it on the easiest setting at this point.

Now, what does all this mean?  Look, I played a FUCKLOAD of Fight Night Round 3, folks.  I had just as many criticisms about that game as I do about Round 4.  Does that mean Round 4 is a bad game?  No.  It's actually got a lot of depth and detail in its fighting mechanics.  Unfortunately, those mechanics also seem to work against it in many ways.  I still thoroughly enjoy knocking someone the fuck out, but it's just lost some of its pizazz to me with Round 4.  Despite that, the improvements to the Total Punch Control mechanic and the ability to break through blocks offers up plenty of strategy and fun to boxing fans who know what a good boxing match looks like and feels like.  To everyone else, just push up over and over on your joystick and you've got a 50% chance of winning.

The Title Says It All...or Does It?

To start this ever-so-excellent blog o' mine - I'm not longer an achievement whore.  I've realized that there are depths that I cannot go to in order to be a "whore".  I'll never be able to fill my profile up with games like Night at the Museum, Cars, Barbie, etc. just to get gamerscore.  Those points would be empty and meaningless to me.  Therefore, I've got a new term:  achievement snatcher.  What is that, you ask?  Well, it means that I thoroughly enjoy getting achievement points, but I'm glad to know that I am not a whore!  lol  So, with this out of the way, onto the blog!!!

This picture was just too damn awesome to pass up!
This picture was just too damn awesome to pass up!
I rented F.E.A.R. 2 for my second time this weekend, as I hadn't played it in a while...and I never got to delve into the multiplayer.  TALK ABOUT TOUGH!!!  Vinchenzo wasn't lying to me when he said that the multiplayer achievements alone are rough, but the actual gameplay has a very it than most multiplayer does.  The single player is still pretty awesome, even though I remember the Hard difficulty...actually being hard?  =  /  Oh well.  So yeah, the multiplayer - there's something about it that is "off" to me.  Here's the thing:  games like Call of Duty, Far Cry 2, or Red Faction Guerrilla...when I shoot someone...I can "feel" those shots.  I can feel the hit detection.  However, games like F.E.A.R. 2 or Battlefield 2...I can't "feel" that shot.  Sometimes, I think it has to do with the hit confirmation X that pops up on an enemy when you hit them.  I don't know.  Either way, though, the multiplayer on F.E.A.R. 2 is pretty cool, if not very standard in terms of match types.  Unfortunately, there's almost no community for the game, so getting a match was a bit harsh at times.  I still don't know how I feel about the ending of this game.  It kind of gives me the "eeewwwww" feeling.  lol

While renting F.E.A.R. 2, I happened upon a SWEET deal:  Red Faction Guerrilla for $30!!!  FUCK YES!!!  I'm usually not too keen on buying games used, but $30!!!  NO ONE can pass that up for a game that's only been out for, like, a month...if even that!  Definitely gonna get down on some of the multiplayer...

...after some more achievement snatching, and there is a lot to be had.  I've started up on that horrible, glitchy, junky game known as Oblivion.  When I had first played it, I remember thinking "this game kinda sucks".  Now, playing it yet again and looking back, I wish I could bitchslap my past self for say it KINDA sucked.  It absolutely sucks!  The leveling system is still horrendous and exploitable, the animations are stiffer than a porn star's dick, the texture pop-in and shoddy draw distance make me wanna barf...and I just keep thinking to myself - "HOW THE HELL did anyone think this game was technically marvelous"?  I remember when it was coming out, and people kept talking about how great it looked and how great it felt and blah blah blah.  Sure, there is a deep amount of lore SOMEWHERE in all that hullabaloo, but the fact that I've spent more time in load screens and traveling than actual gameplay just pisses me off.  While Fallout 3 still suffers from the animation and some of the texture pop-in issues, the leveling system FORCES me to actually play the game and the story feels MUCH deeper in the side quests to me.

Which brings me to a sad point:  someone deleted my two level 20s on Fallout 3.  If I find out who did, I'm going to rip their tongue out and hang them with it.  Therefore, I'll have to stick with Nadface on Oblivion until I feel the urge to pick Fallout 3 back up and finish out my 1k before the Game of the Year Edition comes out.

We got a bunch of new games at work today, but only two that I'm honestly interested in playing:  Fight Night Round 4 and Skate 2.  I've heard good and bad things about Round 4, but from everything I've seen, it looks like Fight Night to me...but with a shitty corner game.  So I'm down for that.  Skate 2 is a love/hate thing.  I hated Skate, but I loved how grounded it kept things compared to Tony Hawk.  Maybe it's just because I could never get past one of the combos I needed to finish an objective.  Nonetheless, I wanna check out Skate 2, as I've heard there are big improvements over the first game.

Other than that...I'm waiting for Prince of Persia to be in at Blockbuster.  I got a sudden urge to play it, and I don't know why.  I mean, I'm sure it's good and all, but I hadn't really been all "ZOMFG I HAVE TO PLAYS IT NOWZ" like I was with the last trilogy.  Either way, when those come in, I'll be rockin' on them.

Until next time...


I Ain't 'Fraid of Using A Movie Quote To Make A Blog Title

Right now...

...there are three games from Blockbuster sitting in my personal drawer at work that I would rather be playing than sitting here at work.  That's probably the most I've rented from a place in about five years.

Right now...

...I want to be whoring achievements on Oblivion.

Right now...

...I'll stop ripping off Van Halen.

With my Wednesday and Thursday off from work this week, I decided to rent a copy of Ghostbusters as well as re-rent my copies of Prototype and Red Faction Guerrilla.  So, with that knowledge now soaked into your brain, what did I think of Ghostbusters?

I'm picking up strong readings that Stay Puft just blew ass in the middle of Times Square.
I'm picking up strong readings that Stay Puft just blew ass in the middle of Times Square.
It's pretty damn good.  It's not revolutionary-amazing, but it's definitely got enough charm and solid gameplay to keep me jumping into it.  The control scheme and gameplay style does, at times, feel like a bit of a Gears clone (reload IS on the RB after all, and the third person view and sprint seem like a roadie run and Gears presentation).  There's also the fact that the multiplayer seems a lot like Horde mode but with a slight variation to the objective of the match.  Regardless of these similarities, the game stands on its own, thanks to a well-told story and characters that we love.  All the original voice actors are back, and all your favorite setpieces show back up as well.  I've heard some complaints about Bill Murray's performance in the game being a bit lacking...but he seemed as much like Peter Venkman as one can get from an actor who hasn't played the role in 20 years.  The same goes for everyone else, from Ackroyd's "listen to me talk like I'm selling Crystal Head Vodka in a promo video" to Ramis' "you kids know me as Seth Rogen's dad in Knocked Up"...and then you've got Ernie Hudson's "hey, I've got a job!" delivery, which is the best out of them all.  You play as Rookie, a dood that is brought on to test prototype units for the Ghostbusters.

With the exceptional multiplayer, great career mode, and Ramis delivering the line "WE EAT GODS FOR BREAKFAST!"...Ghostbuster The Video Game definitely made me happy, especially with the way it took me back to familiar territory and was able to tie it all together in one overlapping story arc.

Now, onto the rest of the blog:  achievements, people!!!  I finally broke the point that I'm past 26k and soon to hit 27k.  Luckily, I've still got an easy 810 to pull from Need for Speed Most Wanted, plus all the achievements from Oblivion.  That's easily breaking the 28k barrier, upon which I'll pick up Civilization Revolution and start finishing those off again.  This serves a double purpose, as a friend of mine had started playing CivRev after I got out of the game and he's been begging me to play against him (which this is a guy that beats Deity level AI in less than 30 minutes, so I've got no fucking chance!).  It should be fun.

After that, I need some game suggestions.  I seriously tried to achievement whore Cars the other night, but I just cannot cannot CANNOT bring myself to that level, man.  I guess I'll never be a good achievement whore, eh?

No Caption Provided



Well, I've given in.  My curiosity has drawn me into watching the Endurance Run.  I don't care much for JRPGs anymore (although I used to love them a long time ago).  All of the overt references to Persona 4 have me intrigued about what exactly the Hell is going on in this kooky, mixed-up virtual world.  I'm on Episode 5 now, and so's kind of boring.  When does the fun stuff kick in?

I will say, however, that so's a very interesting thing to see unfold.  Hopefully, I'll be drawn in more.  Don't expect me to go out and buy the game, though...since I'm watching some doods play through it already.  = D