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Most anticipated games of 2010

Written just before New years 09. Not counting Bayonetta because of its super early release date.

List items

  • Quantic Dream is doing the right thing. They make adult games for adult gamers that delivers something more than just "playing a videogame". Heavy Rain feels like a vessel for a new kind of storytelling that I will personally stand up and cheer at them for. Heavy Rain is what I want from videogames. Im closing in on 25 years old and even tho thats not very old at all I sometimes feel like I want something more from my time in front of my TV. Now don´t get me wrong. Just before writing this list I spent 2 hours with Onechanbara just because I wanted to try it. I love games more than anything else. Its both a curse and a blessing. But spending so much of my daily life on games since I was 5 there comes a point where you get ridiculously excited for something like Heavy Rain. They dare go where nobody else goes and they want to deliver emotion, personality and interaction in a way that makes me so hyped even Rage has to jump down a spot.

    My hype for Heavy Rain has gradually increased in 2009 and right now I feel confident to say that I would pretty much trade most of the games on this list to experience what this rainy story has to offer.

  • The thing with games that gets delayed over and over again is that you lose your anticipation for it a bit. ID is closer to my heart than probably any other company on the planet. In my opinion they don´t get the cred they deserve anymore. It feels like they are currently working in the shadow of the whole industry with other "great" studios taking focus. But when everyone is busy praising all these newcomers they forget the company that invented first person shooters, deathmatch AND drove 3D technology forward to where we are today. ID software have produced nothing but the best games ever created but when gamers of today speak up on what games they are looking forward to they forget that one of the most important companies to ever be in gaming creation is coming out with a new game. Carmack was hopeful for a 2009 release but just like with everything else it got pushed into 2010. If this game finally gets released and its everything that it should be we should have another all time classic on our hands. It should also be worth mentioning that Killzone 2 was released in 2009. And since that game turned out so well Rage will have even more to live up to.

  • I actually just recently got hit by the Mass Effect 2 hype train. I really liked the first one even tho it had alot of engine problems. The thing with Mass Effect 2 that becomes more and more clear to me tho is that it seems to improve so much over the first one.

    I have a feeling that Mass 2 is going to be the new Baldurs Gate 2 for BioWare. Its going to be that huge milestone that the company have been looking for for the past 10 or so years. Their games have been really really good but no game have stood out as an absolute RPG classic. The more I hear about Mass 2 the more i sincerely think that they will finally succeed. The characters in particular really stick out. From what we´ve seen so far the roster in Mass 2 is thick with characters I want to know more about on a level that not even Dragon Age could match.

  • Oh Lionhead. I sound like such a broken record when it comes to Lionhead studios at this point. I´ve been with Peter Molyneux since the Dungeon Keeper days and not ONCE have a game designed by him and his teams been nothing short of stellar in my books. I spent sooooo much time with Fable 2 and I´ve gone back to it several times to play through the whole frikkin thing again! Its sickening really.. If they take everything from Fable 2 and improve it further my mind can´t even fathom what will come out on the other side. Fable is a franchise that speaks directly to my gamer heart. Fable is MY type of game all the way.

    The only thing that can put a stop on the third one is if the obvious Natal integration fails all the way. But I am actually one of the few that have high hopes for Natal. Natal hate is already getting old and I have decided I have faith in its integration into Fable 3.

  • Did you read what I said about Max Payne 3? Well the same can be said here. The difference is that Max Payne is no longer developed by Remedy while Alan Wake are. So if they can work their magic with Alan like they did with Max there are no heights this game can´t go to when it comes to storytelling and atmosphere. And from what I´ve seen so far this game will not disappoint. The only thing that worries me is the fact that the game has been under development for so long that the things that looked mindblowing graphically a couple of years ago dosent look very good anymore.

    I dont think that minor flaw will stop Alan Wake from being one of the greats in 2010 tho. Because it WILL be released in 2010 right?...RIGHT?!

  • I think my interest in SC2 has cooled off a bit over the last year but that dosen´t mean it isn´ right in here in the middle of my list anyway. I never anticipate spending thousands of hours on Blizzard games, MMO´s or not, but I always end up doing so. StarCraft might be one of the if not THE best RTS ever made and I am a ridiculous Blizzard fanboy at this point in my life. I´m one of those that just bends over and says "yes please" when Blizzard says they´re delaying their game for another year. Now they´ve said they´re going to bring this one out this year and just like last year I believe them. They´ll also be releasing Cataclysm that will probably make me jump back into WoW YET ANOTHER time because everytime they change something in Azeroth I want to see it even if I had previously decided to quit my WoW habit. So a mention to WoW: Cataclysm on number 6!

  • The sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. Bioshock was a winner on all fronts and felt so fresh when it came out. Oh Bioshock how I love your tense atmosphere, your graphical/sound design, your RPG-Shooter gameplay and your totally mindblowing premise. The story of Bioshock is something that often comes to mind when I think about a really really great Videogame story. It might not be heavyhanded or full of dialogue but man is it well executed.

    To know that 2K will improve on this already classic game and let me go back to uncover more mindtwisting mysteries in a ruined oceanfloor city makes me all tingly inside !

  • I don´t know what to think of this game at all yet really but I can´t help anticipating its release immensly. If they can even come near the atmosphere and script of the other 2 games I´m in gaming heaven.

    The first time I played Max Payne 1 was a moment I´ll remember forever. I remember wanting to play it so much I actually did so on my very underpowered PC that was waay below the high system recommendations of the game. I am not kidding when I tell you that loading a stage in the game took me about 10 minutes and the game buffered to the hard drive like crazy while I was playing it. It did not stop me! Nothing could!

    I really want to see the return of the king of noir action games!

  • I might not really look forward to this alot right now. I´ve played such an insane amount of SFIV over the year that I´m currently taking a long break with it.

    One might say I´m kind tired of it. But this will all change when Super is released. The addiction will kick back in and I´ll have no choice but to get back into it.

    I´m not sure i´ll spend as much time playing Street Fighter next year as I did this year but I have a feeling it will rock my world once I do. This is a game I anticipate subconciously rather than thinking about it daily wanting to play it.

  • Still have my hopes up for this one. Still thinks the combat looks awesome and the premise even more so. Its the studio´s first game to my knowledge so my expecations are limited when it comes to polish and presentation but going in with that in mind I think I´ll really enjoy Dark Void.

    Crashing into the dark bermuda to find an alien race, flying saucers and a frikkin Jetpack sounds like the bomb. I´m also interested to see what they do with the story since they´ve only told us the basics of it. Will there be a big juicy twist in the end? what characters will you get to know? But in the end I´m just glad I get to use a Jetpack, something that is sorely missing from the gaming market of today.