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A PS3 Cometh

It's perhaps a bit ironic that I've waited until just before the expected Playstation 4 announcement to buy a damn PS3. Anyway, I have. It was probably for the wrong reasons, but I'll have to live with that.

This is the model that finally entangled me in its web of intrigue. Or something. Anyway:

No Caption Provided

A year and three months of Playstation Plus is what I'll be getting. So, that's cool, right? I have no idea.

I've bought two games with the thing, which are as follows:

  1. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  2. Journey Collector's Edition

They seemed like good choices.

Anyway, yay, I own a system that'll be outdated before the end of the year. I'm so damn responsible with my money.

It'll be on my front porch sometime tomorrow. We'll see how this goes.