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@chamurai: @gtxforza: I might be the only one excited by this, but we now know for sure that SOMEONE still holds the eXtreme G license. I hope they start doing something with it, because the games were actually pretty good, especially 3 and XGRA.

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@bigsocrates: Or maybe, this was the plan all along.

*Smiles and slowly crouches behind couch*

Ron Howard narration - "This was definitely not the plan all along".

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I agree it's a weird thing,but I do have a theory. After a long dark period of swings that mostly missed, Atari has finally had some success with a few classic compilations and the Recharged games. They are however, running out of things to recharge, and probably figure they need to start doing new stuff with their IPs to keep momentum going. Wayforward has has resurrected several old franchises, and my guess is Atari reached out to them because of it. My guess is Wayforward chose Yars mostly because it's one of the few old Atari games with some actual lore to work with (thin as that lore might be).

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#4  Edited By judaspete

I often feel this way for two reasons:

If a game is fairly long, I am reluctant to pick it up. My gaming time is limited these days, so I often go with visceral, immediately satisfying experiences like racing or fighting games. Things I can play for 30 minutes and feel accomplished. You can play an open world game or RPG for that amount of time and easily get nothing done. Have a bunch of those in my backlog, because I do like those genres, but I probably won't touch any until the kids are teenagers and don't like me anymore.

The other issue is my backlog is large to the point it can be hard to pick what to play. Which is a first-world problem if there ever was one.

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Saw this coming when they just kept buying stuff, but still depressing to watch.

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Modern gaming certainly needs more variety when it comes to sports games. I don't necessarily want to see each sport have four simultaneous annual releases going on. But like, if some publishers went the Mario Sports route, a tennis game one year, a hockey game the next, a basketball game after that, and keep cycling through. It would give us some options without inundating the market. Could be sustainable.

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I'd like to see a new Sould Calibur. As I understand it, 6 sold pretty well but not as much as Namco wanted it to.

Killer Instinct was a great game made on a shoestring budget. Microsoft needs to let Iron Galaxy make a new one, with a bunch of cash this time.

Bushido Blade has provided inspiration for a lot of good games, but none have quite lived up to it. They forget injured limbs for one, but also the opportunities for faping about. Levels were multi leveled so you could run around like a jackass if you wanted, and I probably spent as much time chopping down bamboo as I did fighting my opponents. It was an important piece of the experience.

Capcom early 3D fighters. I'm lumping a lot of these together because they had a similar feel to them. Stuff like Rival Schools, Tech Romancer, Star Gladiator and such. Games that played much like their 2D fighters, but with side-stepping. I don't know what modern gamers have against side-stepping.

Bloody Roar. I wasn't into this series back in the day. Thought it was kinda mid, or weak-sauce as us sophisticated 90's teens used to say. But I had a lot of fun with Primal Fury recently. Maybe my nostalgia for the era allows me to overlook it's shortcomings now, maybe Primal Fury is just a better game than the first two, or maybe sophisticated teenage Judaspete was just an idiot.

New 3D fighter IP. I get that 3D makes things a lot more complicated, and the modern fanbase has expectations set by series that have been iterating for decades now, but I wish new entries in the genre were attempted more often.

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I haven't played anything from this year yet, but it does seem like a lot of well received stuff has already come out considering it's only March.

FFVIIR2, Unicorn Overlord, Helldivers 2, and Pal World to name a few.

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"...the Switch hasn’t spawned a single major Nintendo IP, and is the first system not to do so..."

I don't know about this one. ARMS wasn't a runaway success, but it moved a couple million copies and got a character in Smash Bros. I think we'll see this series again on Switch 2.

Also, Ring Fit Adventure was a runaway success, even with a single use peripheral required.

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Love Bust-a-move/Puzzle Bobble. Own some version of it on most of my consoles.

Tetris has squares coming down, Bust-a-move has circles going up. Triangles moving sideways could be the next big thing!