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@spacekatgal: I assume you mean the staff? Cause there certainly are female users in this thread.

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@mento said:

I'm stoked that most of the conversations here are perfectly civil, and that folk are helping us find the less savory posts by flagging them. Keep this up.

I do want to ask that people who append their posts with stuff like "but this will probably get deleted because opinions are bad" should either make sure that what they're saying is genuinely not breaking any rules, or give us more credit. There is literally over a thousand posts in this thread, many of which disagree with the site's stance on this topic and are challenging it politely and those posts are still here. Sorry to sound snippy, but we've been moderating comments for over 20 hours this week (or at least feels like that many) and it's taking its toll.

But seriously, you guys are great overall. I think we have one of the best gaming communities on the web. I wouldn't be a moderator here if I didn't believe that.

I wouldn't be posting on the forums at all if I didn't believe it as well. ♥

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@tikimorpher: Any time Depression Quest was mentioned was before they got together. Just sayin'.

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@exzippo said:

I thought GamerGate was a GoG/Greenmangaming style PC game purchasing site.

That's GamersGate. I feel so bad for them right now.

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#5  Edited By lokilaufey

@rorie That Liz Lemon video link is one more reason for me to love you than I do already! You are the best.

No Caption Provided

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#6  Edited By lokilaufey

@patrickklepek said:

@whatisdelicious said:

@patrickklepek: To me, it mostly just felt like a guy venting and trying to make sense of everything that happened. He was definitely angry, but he avoided slurs and tried to back up all his claims as best he could. I didn't really get a slut shaming vibe from it at all. I'm not saying I agree with his decision to make it so public or the way the public responded to it, but I'm curious why you feel it was slut shaming. There's a good argument to be made about him posting it in multiple places to ensure people would see it, but the content of the post itself really did just feel like an ex ranting.

As for "the journalistic impropriety questions," I haven't followed any of that to the point that I'm not even sure what questions came up. Eron deals only with his relationship in those posts.

Again, I'm not trying to say that anything that came of this was warranted, just trying to make sense of the post itself. If it's true (again, big if) then that colors my opinion of Zoe (who I had nothing but respect for before). It's the kind of thing that had no real reason to ever grace my screen, but it did, and I can't pretend I didn't read it.

I don't doubt part of the reason the Eron post garnered sympathy was from people who have been wronged in a relationship in the past. That's natural. It's empathy. But that assumes that post was true, or that post made any sense in a public venue, or that we should take his accusations seriously given how many of them have been proven full of holes and falsehoods and hyperbole. He posted it to 4chan. Why?

On top of that, he didn't HAVE to name names in the post. He didn't HAVE to post uncensored chatlogs or pictures of her or anything. He very intentionally made this as an attack on her character, whether the claims were valid or not.

His mom explicitly told him not to do it, and he did it anyway. He says he doesn't regret the post. Improprieties or no, I'm a lot more inclined to sympathise with Zoe over Eron.

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#7  Edited By lokilaufey

Also, unrelated to the topic itself, but I am heartened that aside from a few bad posts here or there, everyone has mostly been very good about what they are posting. Whether its due to the magic touche of Rorie & co. or the community is really stepping up, either way, I'm impressed.

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@redravn: Those accusations were debunked very quickly.

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@mirado: I'm more than happy to tell people that they shouldn't generalize in any conversation. That said, like I said earlier, GamerGate is a lot more than just a hashtag movement and doxxes, rape threats, death threats, to not even a single person but also their family, to those around them, have been prevalent. So yeah, it's not fair to generalize an entire group but understand why people feel the vitriol for it as a whole and in their frustration lash out at the group as a whole.

Also before someone goes "BUT BOOGIE! BUT TOTALBISCUIT!", yes I know they got threats. It sucks and it shouldn't happen, nobody should get death threats, rape threats, or doxxes. It's just harder to pin on any one group because "Anti-GG" and "SJWs" aren't actually a movement in the same way that #GamerGate is.

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@killdeer said:

I'm right here sending a new well worded and nice question to Patrick's tumblr every week and getting 0 replies.

Tell me more about how Patrick is Friendzoning you.

Petitioning to have a Kickstarter for a GB dating sim where wooing Patrick involves sending well worded and nice questions to his Tumblr's ask.