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The Cut of Courage

Sometimes all it takes is a symbolic gesture to prove your resolve, and your desire or need to change who you are. Since most video game characters aren't adept at shapeshifting or creating fake IDs (with the obvious exception of that one guy from Papers, Please), most do this with a haircut: they grab a knife, chop off a grand majority of their hair and re-emerge as a new person, with a new character portrait even.

This doesn't always happen in-game, but it's frequently a common turning point in a character's ongoing development and proof that they're leaving their past behind and are now taking things seriously. Well, as seriously as an impromptu stylish new bob can suggest, at least.

(Sorry, this might be a bit spoiler-heavy. Skip past a game if you intend to play it and haven't yet.)

List items

  • Spoiled rich kid Luke fon Fabre goes through quite a lot of traumatizing business around a third of the way through Namco Bandai's seventy-fourth official Tales game, but because he'd been a dick to pretty much everyone and refused to take the blame for dropping a whole town into an apocalyptic morass, he decides it's high time to change his ways. Off goes his leonine hairstyle signifying his nobility, though he still seems to have plenty left afterwards.

  • Garnet lops off her royal hairdo in order to go incognito with Zidane and his crew. It's also a sign that she's done being her despotic mother's accomplice, and is symbolically cutting ties with the country she loves for the time being. She decides to name herself after the dagger that facilitated the change in its honor, or maybe the player just names her Doodyface. It's still a powerful moment either way.

  • Clementine's haircut is necessitated by pure survival, but even so it's a vital stage in removing the last vestiges of her innocence if she's going to live in this world of shambling corpses. Well, at least for another few months until they putrefy beyond the ability to ambulate and everything is fine. Zombies, eh?

  • Jeanne doesn't take long to cut off her feminine long hair and go full warrior maiden when her village is torched. Her sudden change into a bloodthirsty general remains a sore point for the friends she all but leaves behind in her quest for vengeance.

  • Cecilia is another princess who decides she needs to look a little more common in order to fit in with the adventuring party. Her resolve is sorely tested by quite a few important plot deaths, though, so it's not like she simply decided to slum it for a while.

  • Leliana has a chaste bob for the entirety of Dragon Age: Origins, as per her role as a Chantry maiden. Hints about her background as an Orlesian bard and spy paint her as something more of a pansexual femme fatale, with a long beguiling hairstyle and any number of revealing dresses built for court intrigue.

  • Connor's haircut isn't so much a humility thing as it is an attempt to be more intimidating, as he shaves his long hair into a warlike Mohican once it becomes clear that he cannot depend on the white man to help his case any longer. It's a badass moment, and a shame most players will have turned the game off by that point.

  • Something happens to Elizabeth, a real "loss of innocence" thing to put it lightly, and she (or the writer, at least) feels a haircut and costume change better reflects the change in her character. She also has a lot more cleavage on display, but we all deal with trauma in our own unique way.

  • What VGK said. In the comments. I'm not playing another salacious visual novel so soon after the last one.


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Might as well throw Katawa Shoujo onto the list. Some time into Shizune's route, Misha decides to ditch her drills and go with a shorter, boyish haircut. This is less about innocence and more about insecurity that Hisao's gonna steal Shizune away from her (or something; I don't quite remember), but it still counts.

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Edited By Yohosie

FF9, Garnet chops off her hair at one point. Probably one of the more iconic "hair chop offs"

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Doesn't quuuuiiiiiiiite fit, but Ritz from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance does have an important character changing moment be defined by altering her hair. It is revealed early in the game that her hot pink hair is actually dyed and she naturally has pure white hair. After significant teasing during school she started dying her hair, effectively hiding her insecurities away in shame. Her presence in the world of Ivalice (if I remember correctly) gives her hair a permanent pink colouring, so she no longer has to dye it or worry about being insecure. Much like the rest of the cast, Ritz must confront and accept the unfortunate hand that she's been dealt in life in order to return home. She does this by taking to heart the words of Shara, her Viera comrade, who says that white hair is seen as a tremendous blessing among her race. Ritz, given a new outlook on her situation, becomes more confident in herself and is seen with her natural hair colour at the end of the game.

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@devoureroftime: Yeah, there's a slightly spoilerish (and remarkably similar) dye job moment in Suikoden V as well. I might expand the list to include it at some point. Like a full salon's worth of monumental hair decisions.

This is a very silly list, for all the gravitas these haircuts wring out of their cutscenes.

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Thought Dante in DmC was an obvious choice for this.

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Edited By Yummylee

Just reached the hair-cutting moment in Tales of the Abyss after finally buckling down & getting it for my newly purchased 3DS. Weirdly enough it actually reminded me of this very list and brought about a compulsion to come read through it again...

I'll hafta also get around to that monolithic Abyss blog of yours once I finally complete this thing, too!

Side-note: High-pitched mascot characters in JRPGs will forever suck. Though it's at least not at the forefront nearly as much as, say, Teepo in Xillia. So small blessings and all that.