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Super Spring Break Blog!

Hello my friends, and welcome to the wonderful world of MetalGearSunny's blog. I'll be Spring Break all this week, and what is there to do except to play video games? Screw going outside! I haven't played games or blogged in a while thanks to school, and now that school is out I'll do what I enjoy! I started Spring Break strong, editing my PSN friends list. I deleted all the people who I don't remember and added new peeps. My PSN is mgsguy, and if you're a friend of mine and I don't have you on my list, we should totally get on that!! 
I also need to start playing my 360 more. My XBL account is adolescentnerd, and I don't have much friends. Add me if I know you! Please note that I'm a silver member. So no playing online and no parties...yet. I'll get Gold eventually.  
Enough jibber-jabber. I've been playing the Bad Company 2 campaign and it is awesome. Though, I raged quit last night due to what appeared to be a bug. It was during the helicopter sequence and the game kept randomly killing me. I didn't know if I was missing something, and got pissed off. So pissed of, in fact, I took a video with my cellphone (which has shitty quality) and posted it on Twitvid, asking my Twitter friends if they have encountered this bug with the game. As it turns out, TheGamerGeek had a similar problem. 

 This morning I tried it again and on the second try the game didn't kill me. My theory is that there was a dude with an RPG that I couldn't see, but then again a one shot kill with an RPG is pretty stupid. I completed the game today, and I found the ending to be a bit unsatisfying. I'm not gonna spoil anything but it just feels like the game kinda...ends. I plan on playing the multiplayer throughout the week, so if you want to play a game with me, hit me up on PSN.  
I played a tiny bit of Fable 2 today with a friend. We kicked some chickens, shot a bunny, and I got married. (Again.) I don't play my 360 much because of the fact that I don't own Fable 2. (My friend brought it over, and since he lives far away, I can't simply borrow it from him.) It's so fun and I want to do more than just rent it. I'd buy it, but there's a million other things I want to buy. And there are plenty of games in my back catalog that I need to finish and I plan to finish them during Spring Break. They include Borderlands, Mass Effect, Pure and LEGO Batman
Now for my rant. On Blockbuster. Okay, maybe not Blockbuster, but on an ignorant Blockbuster customer. I was pretty excited for Heavy Rain. I knew my Blockbuster was good at keeping up with new releases so I knew they were going to carry it. But every time I go to Blockbuster, the copy of Heavy Rain is not there. It's been about 4 weeks in a row, so I asked the cashier about it. She said that it's been checked out and overdue.
Seriously though, no one wins in this situation. The guy probably has to play a hefty late fee, and no one else gets to play the game....including me. /sadface 
Now, last but not least, I got a new iPod Touch. All there is it say is that it is amazing. If you read my blog on you would know that. If you have not checked out yet, do it now!! 
Alright, I'm out of things to say. Kids, don't do drugs. Stay in school. No sex before marriage. Farewell for now! 


Mission Failed

Fun With Yahoo! Answers: Part 1

Have you ever used Yahoo! Answers? Well, after tonight, I got a feel for a wrong way. In all seriousness, I think it's a decent forum to ask general questions, but when it gets to things such as puberty and sex...things get just creepy. That's why my partner in crime natetodamax and I went and trolled the site, making fun of those who post about stuff like that, and we also saw some weird questions to get you an idea of what I'm talking about. Hopefully you can tell the differences between the one's Nate and I created compared to "real" users (our usernames on there are kind of obvious). So buckle your seat belts and brace yourselves! 

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Breast feeding in the middle of class? (UPDATE)

So, something happened in my school recently. It involves my crazy as hell Spanish teacher. At the beginning of the week, she left school early because she went home to her sick kid. The next day, I didn't see her in my class period. (I have her in 4th period) We had a substitute teacher. That same day it was said that she came to school during 6th period with her child. And, I guess, she started breast feeding him. As expected, kids told their parents and now my teacher has been suspended until further notice, and the decision to terminate her is soon to be made. 
One thing I find kind of weird is that her kid is four years old. Now, I hardly know anything about this kind of stuff but....why would be breast feeding your child at that age?  
Now, the best part of all this, your thoughts. What the hell do you people of Giantbomb think about this? 
Update - So yeah, my teacher is not fired. She was here today. Business was as usual...craziness. /sadface


Goin' Oldschool

Here's a blog about video games. No introductions. GO!

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

 Last night I had a sleep over with a few of my friends. One of them brought this game. At first I wasn't interested in it, but when we got bored we popped this in and it was actually really fun. There are tons of games on here, but some of them are downright stupid. Like  Columns, for example. That game is crap. If I wanted to play Tetris, I would. Also,   Ecco. I never got that game. You're a dolphin talking to other dolphins and eating fish...that's all I got out of it. But there are some great games, like   Sonic the Hedgehog,   Comix Zone, and   Vectorman on here that really make me want to buy this.   And it's only $20. That is not a bad deal at all. I have $60 from birthday money, and it's no doubt that some of it is going into this collection. This game also acknowledges Ash's existence, which is awesome. 


Battlefield Bad Company 2

 One of my favorite shooters from this generation was the first Bad Company. This one, so far, seems better than the first gameplay wise. But I don't like the fact that they pretty much took the whole Battlefield gameplay and made the controls exactly like Call Of Duty. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but can't you be more original? The characters in this game, so far, seem more serious. They do have the same personality and such, but I'm hearing less crazy jokes. But then again, I'm only three hours in, and I don't know if the story stuff gets any better. I have not yet had the chance to play multiplayer, but I heard it was good. 

This is just sad, Giantbomb.

 The reason why there is no images in this blog.
 The reason why there is no images in this blog.
What the hell?

New community podcast GET HYPE!!!!

So me, natetodamax, Aaox, AjayRaz, DanielJW and (maybe) Choffy21 have a podcast in the works. And I'm getting the message out. What better way to do so then to copy our insane chat where we try to work this shit out?  
*I'm not entirely sure about Choffy, he still needs to sign off on this.  
Click at your own risk.


A blog that is not about video games.

I'm kind of in the weird limbo situation where I want to write a blog but I haven't played a video game in the past week. So here's this blog about other...stuff. Y'know, movies and music and shit like that.  

 They had the debut album at Best Buy! Surprising!
 They had the debut album at Best Buy! Surprising!
As you know I love me some Foo Fighters, but I have only owned two albums, which are  The Colour and the Shape  and  Echos, Silence, Patience, and Grace. I was not satisfied with owning only two of those albums so I went to my local Best Buy to see if they had anything. To my surprise, they had the first Foo Fighters album there, all the way at the back of the shelf. Considering that I couldn't find it anywhere else near where I live, that's pretty cool. My favorite song on that album is probably  For All The Cows. I also bought  There Is Nothing Left To Lose. It is a softer album compared to the two that come before it, but it's still a good record. My favorite song on that one is Headwires.  
I think you get the point. I like that band. Anyway, the day that I bought those two albums the laptop for my charger broke. It just went out. I have a Dell Inspiron 1525. My advice is to not buy shit from Dell. I was lucky that my dad had a spare charger her could give to me. But my respect for Dell has gone down. I like my laptop, but if the fucking charger breaks that's obviously a big problem. You depend on your charger to, well, charge. If it can't do that you may as well have no laptop to begin with. 
I saw Land Of The Lost last night. There is some fun to be had with that movie. Will Ferrell is the man. Matt Lauer can suck it. It's not the best movie ever, but it's a solid rent if you're looking for a comedy.
If you follow my blog in the slightest you would know that a while ago I was planning a birthday party. I still have not had that party yet. Snow is to blame. 2010 marks the year that I start hating snow. That shit only ruins your plans. Hopefully I will have that party next weekend. I never really get a chance to chill with my friends regularly. 
If you're still reading this, I applaud you. I have nothing else to add, other than I have school tomorrow. I look forward to go to going to school now. Because of a girl. You see, when you have a crush on someone it's the best feeling in the world. it gives you a reason to hop out of bed and it just makes you feel good about life...even if you're too shy to ask that girl out. 
I just realized that I totally added something after I said I had nothing else to add. I need to work on this whole writing thing.

Quick Thoughts on Heavy Rain Demo.

*Do not ask me how to get the Heavy Rain demo. Register at this site and solve the puzzle. You can easily look the answers up online. Make sure you have a EU PSN account.* 

 You can play as this dude.
 You can play as this dude.
I just got done playing the demo for Heavy Rain for the first time. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed. My only complaint is the controls for the character. I mean come on, I'm a human being, not a fucking car. You need to hold down R2 to walk. If you just turn the along stick, the character moves their head. I think it should be the opposite. But everything else makes up for it. The game looks great, and I thought the VOs were good. My favorite part was the quick time events. Quick time events are normally annoying to me, but in Heavy Rain it keeps me at the edge of my seat. (I'm referring to the scene where you're beating up that one dude, for those who played the demo)   
The different dialog options make me want to go back and play to see what happens if I do something different. And that part where you have an asthma attack, and the guy enters the girls room. What happens if I just leave her?  
So...I'm going to play that demo again. It was a great taste of the game and I'm really interested in playing the full game now.  
/runs to his PS3 to play more Heavy Rain


It's Saturday night and I'm bored so I'm writing this.

This is maybe the only time I have said this: I did not want it to snow. I was supposed to have a sleep-over birthday party today and couldn't because of the nasty conditions we are having now. I also need to wait longer for my late birthday present. Which is both a good and bad thing. I still haven't really decided what I want but at the same time I want to play something new. I might get Uncharted 2, a game from 2009 that is worth owning or I could buy I game I haven't played before. Maybe I could buy a 360 game? I don't know. 
Anyway, enough whining. I've been playing a little bit of Bioshock earlier today, and that game continues to be awesome. Though, there are parts were the pace of the game really slows down and makes me want to stop playing. I may not beat it before I take it back. If I ever feel like it, I'll rent it again. 

 Forget all of your Call Of Dutys and your Halos, this game is the FUCKING SHIT!     
 Forget all of your Call Of Dutys and your Halos, this game is the FUCKING SHIT!     
I also played a lot of Hexic. I'm so addicted to that game. I blame achievements. They look so easy but they are so hard and it makes you want to keep trying!!! UGH!! 
I also changed my icon thingy. It's my face. Nothing really exciting about that, is there? But you know what would be exciting? Me licking a Foo Fighters CD. YEAH!!!! And I'll post it on my profile page. It'll be the best thing eve- oh wait. I already did that.
Alright, I'm done. I'll go back to wiping my runny nose in the corner of the room now. Bye!