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It's me, Moosey! They/them pronouns for anyone wondering.

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Here's that poem that was emailed to Jeff.

As I'm sure you heard whilst listening to the greatest podcast ever, someone named "Brett" emailed Jeff a poem.  
Well, I wrote it (yeah, my real name's Brett, deal with it), and I've decided that since Jeff didn't read it (and frankly, I didn't expect him to), I'm going to put it here, in its entirety. Please note that since I am not a poet, there is no rhyme scheme, or anything fancy like that. It's free-form. 
Anyway, here it is: 
There once was a man, 
Who believed in good, and fun,
And every week, he tried his best,
To bring joy to duders everywhere.

He'd read the WiiWare,
And he'd read the DSIWare,
And sometimes there'd be Virtual Console too.

Everyone loved it,
It was even nominated for an award, 
But there were dark times ahead.

The man disappeared, 
To ride go-karts or something,
And with him, went the joy. 
For there were some that cared not for WiiWare,
And especially not DSIWare.

But lo, the man returned! 
With fiery vengeance in his heart!
Upon hearing of what had happened,
He knew something must be done.

He toiled and toiled, 
For longer than any other would,
And in the end, 
The NintenDownload X-Press was born.