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#1  Edited By Noobsmog

Just finished the game the other day and it's alright. The main story is probably the weakest part of the game, so if you're the type of person to just mainline the story missions to the end I don't think I would recommend it.

The side stuff is pretty fun though. Building your base up is basically a clicker. You upgrade stuff like the blacksmith, which you can buy better weapons with but also everything you buy gives you more influence, which gets you more money per hour to upgrade other stuff. You can also get people to join your town through sidequests which can help build your town up ect....the numbers keep going up. More fun than it sounds I'm sure but if this is not appealing probably stay away. There are also battles you can fight with your army which is a neat little side thing, although not really that hard or rewarding.

The actual combat does get harder later on. When you get your airship the game starts outleveling you so you're always behind on levels which makes the combat feel more like it should rather than a walk in the park. There are also tainted monsters which are basically elite mobs that drop some good equipment and are pretty tough. When I stopped playing almost all the level 75+ tainted monsters were one shotting me at level 90. The combat system is not very deep and a lot of the monsters throw out attacks without any tells but at least it starts making you work for your wins if that's something you're looking for.

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Lady in white seems really good. 6 mana 5/5 isn't *too* bad (not much in 6 mana spot anyways) and that is a pretty big upside. I honestly think Chameleos is the better card here though. Knowing multiple cards in your opponents hand is a huge deal. If they have a big hand you have more turns to know what's in it, if they have a small hand you could know the entirety of their hand. There's also a high chance of pulling something good from it. If you always knew what was in your opponents hand you could probably hit legend in no time.

Keep in mind that priest is losing more than any other class in standard when cards rotate out though. They are going to need cards that can actually carry a deck like barnes or operative or they could go back to being trash tier.

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#3  Edited By Noobsmog

Nightmare amalgam might be my new favorite card. The design of that thing is ridiculous and makes me chuckle. The sound design better not disappoint!

Lord Godfrey....did they really need give this to warlocks? This card almost certainly gets played right?

I *think* Hagatha is going to be a good card. Shamans lack card draw and their main problem right now is being outvalued. The problem with Hagatha is she isn't good enough to carry a deck, so shamans are going to need some sort of deck that she can be played in first. Also yeah.....some shamans spells...but you should get a lot of them. I don't know, i think its good but it could go either way.

I'm not sure why they are trying to make token druid a thing while simultaneously putting in even more aoe. Also not a fan of them dedicating so many card spots for even/odd stuff.

And finally, rebuke is insane. 2 mana loatheb effect.

I just realized Lord Godfrey is even a counter to rebuke. Makes him that much better.

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This thread is the reason I like polls over trying to gauge opinions over comments. The two can often be completely different from each other.

Anyways, I liked the old god of war games up to 3, but the franchise seriously needed a change up. The new one looks great so far and I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint.

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#5  Edited By Noobsmog

I really like the echo effect. You can make a card that is good vs both aggro and control without it being too powerful or situational. All of those cards seem potentially playable so that's a good sign (well maybe not the peasant). It is way too hard to speculate with old cards dropping out and new ones coming in without some serious theorycrafting, but definitely interested so far.

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I downloaded this just to try it out, thinking I wasn't going to be interested. I ended up really liking it though, worth the time to try it out if you have ps+.

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@acura_max yeah I had double battlecry (great because cthun goes twice, but the buffs also hit him twice), all minions over 5 cost 5 (I honestly think this is the best card buff to pick) and wish (full heal and fill board with legendaries, just cast the turn before that).

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#8  Edited By Noobsmog

Welp, that felt good after struggling with making a good rogue deck, haha.

edit: man that gif is annoying as hell, anyone know an easy way to make one? First time trying to make one.

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#9  Edited By Noobsmog

My earliest of reactions: dungeon runs are really fun, and am enjoying my new buddy voidlord. I wonder how long dungeons runs will stay fun, but it's more fun than I thought it would be so that's already a plus. The warlock spellstone also seems to be pretty good. 7 damage 7 heal is soooo good, it's ok even if it's not upgraded.

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#10  Edited By Noobsmog

@zevvion sure, asmog#1229 if anyone wants to add me. I usually play in spurts though, either cleaning up 3 quests, inbetween other games, or trying to get to rank 5 before the season ends.