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Top 12 Best Video Game Women (As Defined By Me)

This isn't really a hierarchical list. #1 isn't superior to #12, she's just the first I thought of.

List items

  • Everybody loves Chie. On pain of death.

  • Back in the day, I went on a date with Yuffie at the Golden Saucer. Do you understand how hard it is to piss those other two girls off enough to do that? While she's somewhat treated as the black sheep of VII, Yuffie has always been my favorite, because at the least, she's got passion and a goal in life (even if stealing my materia was still a dick move). Plus, how can you not just feel bad for her considering all the modes of transportation you have to use that she gets sick on?

  • Sherry Birkin is why I liked RE6. Though that might just be reflective of...

  • Who is without a doubt the best female protagonist of the Resident Evil series. To hell with you, Ada Wong, Jill Valentine, the position has been filled. Even if Code Veronica wasn't that stellar and those movies didn't pan out, Claire's still #1 in my heart.

  • While it took her a few games to realize growing your hair out might lose you some of the boyish comparisons, I still enjoy Makoto's spirit in trying to act feminine in a setting conspiring against her.

  • *Mute says, "Fuck that guy". And I'm in love.

  • On the other end of tsundere AI, GLaDOS cut me to the bone through two separate games, and made me love her the whole time. Particularly after that "eagle piloting a blimp" line.

  • In as much as a second cousin of the Prince and anthropomorphised fungi can be said to have a gender, Kinoko was my favorite female of the series; She's the one character I always went to the trouble of tracking down and capturing each game of Katamari. Why? Because she's adorable, that's why! Geez.

  • The next two are basically my fighting game duo. Lili represents Tekken obviously, and her fighting style may be the most helpful to a gamer never fully confident in their skill. Which is another way of saying button-mashing can still lead to some rather impressive trap hits with her. Plus, she's got style.

  • Sakura is the girl I fell in love with in Street Fighter. While she represents a weird sort of distaff-version of Ryu, I still like fighting with her online and off, even if the Internet beats me to death each time.

  • A foolish fool flagrantly fools himself when he foolishly disregards how awesome Franziska von Karma is.

  • Shepard is here, both on her own merits, but to stand in for a lot of other games which permit you to choose gender. Commander Shepard thus stands with notables like Hawke, Noble Six, the Persona 3 Portable girl, and the various Bethesda open-world RPG games. Female protagonists are the best!