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A Honest To God Good Piece of Internet Journalism

It's exceptionally rare to see well written articles on the Internet these days. Even major news outlets seem to hire staff based far more on their on camera persona than for their writing abilities. It's saddening to go onto supposedly reputable news sources and see articles more akin to a Buzzfeed list than an actual thought out piece of writing. I love Giantbomb, and the editors here are great, but it feels more and more as if this site is becoming part of a shrinking oasis in a desert of shoddy journalism that extends to every subject matter. Far too often I see articles filled with grammar errors, typos, and half formed sentences. And more and more I read articles that 20 years ago wouldn't get you through a High School English class much less get you hired at a international news organization. So it sadly shocks me more with each passing day when I see an article so impeccably written, insightful, and powerful that I actually care to look up the other works of the author. Today I read one of those increasingly rare articles and I've been trying to share it with as many people as possible and while it isn't directly related to games, it is related to social media and the effects of technology on relationships, so I thought it was relevant enough to share. Plus it is just so damn good and something that I think will hit far too close to home to any number of millennial. So only read if you are willing to cry at a piece of Internet journalism, but know that this is one of those rare writings on the Internet that remind you just how great writing can be.

So without further ado I present for your reading pleasure

She's Still Dying on Facebook.

Enjoy it or not as you wish.

EDIT: Link is now a link again. Dunno what happened there.