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#1  Edited By Rodin

just recently beat the game on whatever the middle difficulty is on pc, and its pretty good, the game did freeze on me about 15 times which caused me to have to reset my PC which was very annoying. there is a fair bit of challenge to the game but i feel a lot of it comes from bad aiming controls, although there is an ability you can get that trivializes the game completely. all in all i had a fun time with it, don't know if i'll replay it again though.

Also when you beat the game you unlock a fourth difficulty that sounds like the most un-fun thing i could spend my time doing in a game.

@oursin_360: Only the first part is a spoiler, the rest is all upfront, it is a reveal in the first game though.

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Grisaia no kajitsu - they are all pretty good and on steam i believe.

A lot of the stuff Air does is pretty great including Clannad, Kanon, Air, little busters and angel beats.

If you can handle some comedic and also not very comedic rape and lots of sex in general the rance series are held in very high regard.

Maji de watashi ni koishinasai! - is great.

Yume Miru Kusuri - is interesting and deals mainly with girls with mental issues, ie depression, drugs abuse etc.

Kamidori Alchemy Meister- If your fine with a bit of a grind heavy rpg this game is pretty good

Cross Channel _ never finished it but it has an interesting premise.

Wanko to Kuraso - Its very sweet, although it does contain animal people (dogs/cats that look like people just with ears and tails.)

Princess walts is a somewhat to long but fun LN with some card based combat.

Edelweiss_ its also pretty cute,

D.C. ~Da Capo~ is also another cute little story.

There are tons more but the above are what come to mind immediately, you should also visit It is an excellent place to search, its basically the giantbomb of Visual Novels.

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#3  Edited By Rodin

@rebel_scum: oh right that scene, i thought it was him messing with deckard, since his response is "i know whats true" or something to that effect.

I mean they want the child because it was born from a replicant, so i thought that meant either deckard was human hence the child, OR he was a replicant that was also capable of having a child, but since they only wanted deckard for his child, not his genes/code/whatever i disregarded the second idea. still not totally sure either way.

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#4  Edited By Rodin

Saw this movie yesterday but needed some time to think about. While i'm generally positive on the movie, i feel kinda of conflicted about it. i didn't much enjoy the overarching plot of a miracle child that everyone wants for very predictable and unoriginal reasons, especially with the sudden revolutionaries wanting the child,, but i think they did a pretty good job on the human/personal level of the film. I really liked K and i enjoyed the trip we went on with him as explored his burgeoning freedom or lack thereof , they even had me when they made you think he was the hybrid child. I really enjoyed the atmosphere but i didn't exactly feel like a blade runner movie (which i realize is kind of a weird thing to say as there was only 1 movie), maybe there was to much action, shooting/fighting going on. I might not be remembering blade runner that well but while that movie had some action, it was a slower less pitched movie, i kinda got bummed out when K just shot dudes or the part with the missiles. i was a big fan of the music, and i enjoyed the nod to the original with the time to die music at the end, even if i wanted K to live.

I'm not really sure what the themes of this movie are, my best guess would be freedom and free will, with a small side what it means to be human. Probably the most impact-full part of the movie, to me, was when K sees the add for joi.

While i did enjoy the movie and it was worth my money and time, i honestly don't think this movie was really necessary.

@rebel_scum: Why? it never says one way or the other, but i felt the opposite, leaning more towards human.

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I'm skipping it, but not for those reasons. I really did not care for the first game, and I'm honestly still baffled by the massive praise and GOTY awards it received. The story was terrible, the world bland and lifeless, the open world design borrowed all the worst aspects of Assassin's Creed, the combat was a worse version of Batman, and the Nemesis system isn't nearly as interesting as it's made out to be.

A sequel that is just more of the first one, publisher drama or not, isn't something I have even the slightest interest in.

mainly this.

Played the first one, beat it, hated it. if im getting more of the same but now with loot crates then im good thanks.

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@whitestripes09: yea you do have to own the original to have access to the mortal empires map, which is what they called the combined map.

I would also add that while on its face the vortex campaign is a cool idea thats gives more structure. Honestly though, after your first campaign you realise that its not actually that great of a campaign. that being said its still fun, and for the most part the new factions are cool.

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#7  Edited By Rodin

I played destiny solo, never did any of the raid stuff mind, but i did everything else with randos or by myself and it was pretty enjoyable. also as Mister_v mentioned there are the GB clans and group to look into.

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Will there be a giantbomb group or something for more people to join?

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of course there should be a sequel and there probably will be one in a year or two.

add 1 new gun, 5 new enemies, more metal and set it on earth, call it doom 2: hell on earth. done.

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