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Lawful Good-Updated

"Law is Order. And good law is good order"


Decided to do some D&D Alignment Lists like the ones I have on Comicvine and see what people here think. This one's for Lawful Good, now updated with more examples.

Lawful Good, also known as "The Crusader Alignment" is for characters who are most concerned with doing the right thing and helping others, but also believe that the best way to do good is to work within the bounds of the law and authority or if that's not possible a strict moral code that does not allow for sporadic behavior. Heroes in a position of authority who from that position do good are usually Lawful Good.

Now what must be understood is that a Lawful Good character IS willing to break the rules to do the right thing, but only if absolutely necessary and under the most dire of circumstances. A Lawful Good character WILL jaywalk if the alternative is the universe implodes for example.

List items

  • At least initially, with him starting out pretty idealistic and desiring to do good, along with the rest of the Fellowship. By the end of his journey, the poor sap's pretty burned out, but really who can blame him?

  • Loyal to Frodo and the noble cause he represents.

  • Post Character Development

  • Also post Character Development

  • Even before becoming King of Gondor he's still VERY much a good guy and also serves as leader of both the Duendain and the Fellowship after Gandalf's demise. So no matter what he's a good guy who does good from a position of authority. That's Lawful Good.

  • Leader of the Elves of Rivendell and while a bit cynical and jaded by the time of the War of the Ring still nevertheless determined to see Middle-Earth survive it's war with Sauron.

  • A heroic elf from the woodland realm who is also a prince.

  • When not under the One Ring's influence.

  • Much like his brother, though in the movies he starts out more Lawful Neutral. Nevertheless, he ultimately becomes Lawful Good.

  • The noble and earnest king of Rohan.

  • Pretty much required to be this by virtue of being heroic, super-noble and super-honorable crusaders for truth and justice against the forces of evil.

  • Given that he IS pretty much a paladin, this shouldn't come as any kind of surprise.

  • A bit self-absorbed but nevertheless still benevolent. Unfortunately for her, she gets killed by Jon Inrenicus.

  • Kind of a spiritual successor to Dynaheir, only much less haughty. And indeed, Minsc takes an immediate liking to her and makes her his new witch after Dynaheir's death.

  • Another paladin from the Baldur's Gate series, this one being a rare female halfling example.

  • The good and laid-back Dwarf Cleric from Baldur's Gate 1, and also the only good Dwarf party member in either game.

  • If he successfully gets a promotion, whereupon he also becomes pretty much a true Paladin. He also becomes a lot less cocky too.

  • Another text-book Paladin, and also a veteran one too.

  • Out of all of our presidents I'd say he's the one who most often has the reputation for being this. Now mind you that reputation may not be 100% on point, but I would say he was this at least some of the time. And the version of him seen in say, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is most definitely this, at least later in life. In his younger years, Vampire Hunter Abe was actually more Neutral Good.

  • Source of the page quote