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#2  Edited By SpaceInsomniac

@pyrodactyl said:

@hestilllives19: What feeling do you get out of the streaming scene? If I remember correctly Destiny 1 was very popular on twitch right until they broke the meta at the end of Rise of Iron. How is Destiny 2 doing? Can't imagine this is more fun to watch than it is to play.

More than just streamers, does the main Destiny community seem to be enjoying 4v4 and teamshooting, or are they complaining a lot about it?

Either way, I had a thought the other day. One thing that people really seem to want is to be able to pick their own game types. I have to imagine that the game can't stay this way forever, right? They're just doing this so people can get plenty of experience with each mode before they decide they don't like a certain game type, wouldn't you think?

Because if the DLC in December features Rift or some other new or returning game mode, there's no way they'd just throw that in a random playlist where you have a 1 in 4 chance of playing the new game mode that you just paid money for, right? That part of the game really needs to change.

Also, I can't imagine Iron Banner will feature random game modes, so that's another potential issue. Players won't want to have choice one week, and then back to random game types they hate the next, wouldn't you think?

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Early Letterman was good, but Conan was just great for so many years. I never appreciated how much of that was his writing staff, until they all started to leave. Still a fun interviewer--and serious jibber jabber proved Conan can work off-script quite well--but the skits and the monologue have taken a huge hit to quality.

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#4  Edited By SpaceInsomniac
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In a game, it would have been the original Monkey Island, which I thought of before I read the first post in this thread.

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#5  Edited By SpaceInsomniac

Call of Duty has a mode called "hardcore" that has been in most games in the series for a long while. You die from a single bullet or two, there's no mini-map, and there's no "kill-cam." It completely and fundamentally changes the game, and it's there as an OPTION. Destiny 2 crucible feels like a COD game where the developers ONLY included "hardcore" modes, reduced the player count, and said "Sorry if you don't like it, but this is what we're doing now. There's no option for what you used to enjoy here."

After playing weeks of crucible, I kind of hate it. I'm still playing sometimes anyway, because I still really enjoy the core gameplay and competitive multiplayer in general, but I HATE, the changes. I hate the team shooting, I hate how you have to sick to everyone else like glue, I hate how you can't make big solo plays or win two or three on one fights like you could in D1. I hate being rushed and completely outnumbered, I hate being flanked and feeling that no where is safe because my teammates are dead, and I hate not being able to play with more of my friends, just as I was afraid I would.

I hate that control used to be my favorite game type, something I absolutely loved in Destiny 1, and I hate how the changes to the game have made me despise it in Destiny 2. I hate how you can't choose which game type to play, I hate that they've launched another game without a private match option, and I hate that the most useful OP weapon in the game is somehow a D1 exotic that should never have been in this game in the first place.

D1 style crucible with the same 6 vs 6 player count, and the same time to kill, but with the new Kinetic, Energy, Power weapon changes, and the new power ammo changes. How great would that have been? They can keep the 4vs4 team-shooting change, but make it an OPTION, and give me an option to play the game the way I enjoyed it for years.

With as important as I considered crucible in Destiny 1, and with how much I cared about the crucible aspect of the DLC in the add-ons to that game, this literally might make me not buy anything beyond the base game of Destiny 2. I can't see myself spending $70 on DLC over the next couple of years or whatever if I don't enjoy the crucible like I used to.

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Uriel's Gift by a mile. High-caliber rounds > pretty much anything else right now. Start shooting someone, and you just ruin their aim with flinch. It's really stupid game design that makes only a handful of weapons truly competitive. And that's not an assumption, as I've used The Number as well.

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@tom_omb said:

I enjoy Rick and Morty, but I'm not crazy about it. I see it as a sort of the heir to Futurama as a funny animated show that can explore science fiction concepts in a satirical way. But I actually like the characters in Futurama. Sure it's a fun bit that Rick is such a dick to his family, but it prevents me from loving the show. I know Dan Harmon can write characters that I can invest in because I love the cast of Community, so that makes it a little more disappointing.

You should try The Venture Bros, if you haven't already. It takes a little bit of time to get into it, but I don't think there's been a bad season yet. Same sci-fi / comic book style, but with relationships that are grounded and enjoyable to follow.

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@ntm: Open beta for Battlefront II starts next week. I'd just wait for that. And no, I'd say the original reboot here would be pretty awful for couch co-op. It wasn't a very good game, and it lacked a lot of content.

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It makes me irrationally annoyed that one of the bosses is a blimp-lady called Hilda Berg - a reference to the Hindenberg airship, which only came into existence in the mid-30s (years after the game was "made").

Maybe they named the blimp after HER. Eh? Didn't think of that one, did ya? I think it's worth reconing history to fit the lore of a video game about sentient cup beings overcoming a deal with the devil. You should totally do that.

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@mcfart said:
@metalbaofu said:

I fell off of watching South Park a while ago. Not because I thought it got bad or anything. I just stopped having a desire to watch it for some reason. I'm really looking forward to playing the new game, though.

I might get around to watching everything I've missed one day.

South Park is a relic of the 90s just like The Simpsons and Family guy. The creaters of SP, Matt and Trey, said that in retrospect, the writing in seasons 1-4 was bad, but that was when SP was at its peak so...

Only people that watched it growing up might continue to keep up. 2000s kids probably couldn't care less.

I wouldn't assume that sort of thing. Lots of older shows are being discovered all the time by younger kids. While I'm not really a fan of the TV show Friends, it's gained a large new audience through Netflix who is watching the show for the first time. I'm sure the same is true for South Park on Hulu. Having just checked, under their 'popular' tab, South Park is still on top when it comes to overall television shows streamed on the service, even above newer shows like Bob's Burgers or Rick and Morty.