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Great Games That I Have Never Played

Great Games That I Have Never Played

 A list by Sweep 

 Nostalgia plays a huge role in the marketing and design choices of videogames. Every year will see dozens of new additions to franchises that bear almost no resemblance to their original counterparts. It is the opinion of many that to qualify as a "real" gamer, one must have been educated with the classics. However to expect every man to have played them all is, I feel, a little naive. To further imply that his opinion is somehow diminished by his lack of familiarity with what you deem to be the roots of his addiction is also unfair. 
As with every medium there will always be those forms that are allowed a timelessness. Or so i'm told. One does not have to play The Legend Of Zelda to appreciate the impact is had had upon an entire generation, and it's ripples can still be seen floating across the placidity of the internet. Such an example is fitting, as it embarks the list of games which, for one reason or another, I never got round to playing and have always felt slightly guilty about as a result.   

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I never owned an N64. That's probably the best excuse I can muster. I had friends that did, of course, and I am fully versed in all the multiplayer classics - Mario Kart, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros - all featured heavily throughout my upbringing. The single-player adventures were always discarded, as we never had enough time or patience to establish any real headway with some of the greatest games Nintendo has ever made. Apparently.

2. Super Mario 64

My first 3D platforming adventure was, therefore, Crash Bandicoot for the PSX, a game which I loved and continue to love retroactively. I only ever got to play one level of Super Mario 64 when I was visiting a friend. I got to explore the castle and complete the first level. You know, the one where you need to run up that hill and defeat the card/domino shaped guy up the top? Anyway, my clunky Playstation fingers struggled to grip the janky-ass N64 controller and the game was hastily changed.

3. Banjo-Kazooie

It sometimes seems like all the good 3D platformers were on the N64, which sucks because I never got to play any of them. The closest I have got to Banjo was in nut's and bolts - a game I frustratingly surrendered to having discovered it to be more vehicle-based sandbox than actual platformer. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not what I wanted. N&B teased the potential for a great platformer, then stubbornly refused to deliver. Bastards.

4. Halo: Combat Evolved

The Xbox is the other console I never got around to owning, being of the age where I could only afford one console and had somehow managed to come into possession of two: The PS2 and Gamecube. The result was a had barely enough money to buy games for one console, let alone them both - and the Xbox wasn't even a blip on my radar. So while I was up to my ears in timesplitters, final fantasy, super smash bros and mario sunshine, there was very little in the way of the Master Chief. We finally became acquainted many years later prior to the release of Halo 3. I'm predominantly a multiplayer enthusiast but I don't know if I have it in me to ever really commit to a halo game. I'm sad that I missed this game in it's prime though, as whenever people speak of it their words express such reverence. Apparently it was "ground-breaking" but unfortunately I was standing on the wrong patch of ground.

5. Counter-Strike: Source

I only ever got shitty bottom-of-the range laptops until I was about... 21. This meant I never really had a powerhouse PC the likes of which I currently possess. If I got to play PC games at all it was several years after their release, once the tech had caught up. By the time I owned anything resembling a machine that could play Counter Strike I was already addicted to the original Call Of Duty. I have since become addicted to Team Fortress 2, so I guess it all evens out?

6. Mega Man

One of those super early capcom games which people seem to simply assume everyone has played at some point. I can confess, shamelessly, that I had never played a Mega Man game until last year when my housemate bought Mega Man 9 on the Wii Virtual Console. I don't really get what all the fuss is about, but apparently it was a big deal at the time?

7. Castlevania

Another one of those classics which spawned dozens of copycats and is referred to as the source of that maze-like action sidescrolling that we are doomed to repeat forever. Someone told me this is the game that Shadow Complex was based on, which is high praise, I guess?

8. Bionic Commando

Having bought the re-released HD version of this on XBLA I remain slightly confused by why people seem to hold this game with such high regard, and frustrated that I CAN'T FUCKING JUMP. What sort of bullshit platformer is this? Fail.

9. Castle Wolfenstein

I never got to kill Hitler, though I did play Doom so i'm not a complete philistine.

10. Hitman: Codename 47

Never played a Hitman game. I'm not a stealthy kinda guy. Shoot first, then try to think of some questions later. Hitman supposedly offered lots of freedom from the traditional linear storytelling that seemed to exist elsewhere. I missed it, primarily because I was existing. Elsewhere.

11. Jungler

Jungler represents every arcade game, ever. I live in Wiltshire in Great Britain. We don't have arcades. We barely have electricity. Up until my 6th birthday if you wanted flashing lights you had to get someone to point a torch in your face and then turn it on and off really fast. I never got to play arcade machines, so the entire contents of Game Room is a complete waste of time as far as i'm concerned. My avatar wonders it's dusty halls with an expression of acute bewilderment. These games once meant something. These are the beginning of the medium to which I am willing to devote my whole life. For them to mean so little to me is therefore, emotionally confusing. I feel like I should somehow pay homage to this stuff but I can't. I'm too busy playing Starcraft 2. 

I'm sure there are others which I have forgotten. Please don't assume I have played all the games that aren't on this list. These are simply the ones that are repeatedly referenced as "games we assumed you had played". Well, I haven't played them. And i'm probably not going to. 

Thanks For Reading 
Love Sweep